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SQUEEKY2's avatar

In the last three years how many cell phones have you owned?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23605points) February 25th, 2017

Did you get a new one because your old cell died?
Did you get a new one because of some tech breakthrough that you just had to have?
Do you have the same cell you did three years ago?

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42 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I got a new one a couple years ago as my old one was out of room, battery would not hold charge, and it was near end of OS support. I had that one for four years.

Cruiser's avatar

2. Both have been LG smart phones…errr I should say smart cameras as that seems to be all I use them for.

kritiper's avatar

One, I guess you could say. It’s one I found but don’t use unless I want to carry a simple camera. (I tried to return it but the owner never responded.)

DominicY's avatar

Two. I’ve been getting a new phone every two years since 2007.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I up graded to a 3G flip about five years ago only because my old flip was dead in a lot of areas,if it wasn’t I would still have that old flip.

jca's avatar

My present Samsung Galaxy 4 is about 2½ year old so in the past three year, then, I’ve owned two different phones. I think the previous one (the one prior to 2½ year ago) was not acting right and it was due for an upgrade. My phone is provided by my job, so they take it to the phone store and I get what I get. I’m happy with the Galaxy and I don’t use it for much except calling, texting, camera, occasionally FB, email and checking songs on Shazam.

stanleybmanly's avatar

2. The one I owned prior to this one was shamefully outdated, and the exact same model that I bought 6 years before its duplicate. I bought the duplicate simply because I was familiar with it. On the death of the duplicate, it came to me that my attitude was in fact proof of my ensnarement in the great trap of old age- the resistance to tackling anything new. The actual urge to avoid learning is insidious in its convenience.

I might add that the great downside to my current 2 year
old “magic” phone is that it is now much less difficult to waste time here.

Yeahright's avatar

Two. I didn’t like my Samsung so I switched to LG.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

3. One was a pay as you go phone that was expensive and didn’t have internet. Another screen cracked. My sound is gone, on and off, in my current phone.

Mariah's avatar

Two. My previous phone was getting old and slow so I got a new one at some point last year. I’d had the previous one through all of college.

cazzie's avatar

One. My old phone died and was actually someone else’s old phone. I’ve never had loads of money to spend on cell phones. This is my first smart phone. It is a Samsung something mini. We have 4G here and loads of free public internet access. A few months ago, the ear speaker died so I have to either plug in headphones or talk on speaker to people. When things calm down here and I get back into my routine of working (instead of staying home with a bad knee injury) I think my next phone is going to be a Sony Xperia, like my son’s but the newer model. No more small screens and hard to type tiny keyboards for this old lady with bifocals.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Two, my Motorola Droid dead last May, it was two years old.. It stopped and I got a Samsung 7, my contract had ended the week before. Perfect timing.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Believe me, this is one area where the benefits of children and grand children come to the fore. It was my son who would not tolerate my lack of a computer, and the grandsons who nagged me to death about the “prehistoric” phone. Step it up Squeek. You won’t believe the improvements as well as the money you can probably save.

imrainmaker's avatar

Three. Currently using Moto purchased an year back and I’m loving it..)

Brian1946's avatar

One, which I got in January, 2013. The only reason I got it was because the holster for my previous one was broken, and they stopped making it.

My previous one was a beautiful little flipper. It had a silver body with red, green, and blue lighting.

They’re both Samsungs, and they’ve been super reliable and durable.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

One, and I’ve had it for about 15 years.

So far, I’ve successfully resisted the SmartPhone. I have no need to be online, or access email, during every waking hour and wherever I go. All I need is something that makes and receives phone calls. “Ring, ring,” it says, and I reply, “Hello?”

ucme's avatar

None, I have however owned 2 mobile phones over that period of time

BellaB's avatar

One. I don’t think I’ve turned it on in close to three years. I plug it in and charge it occasionally in case of emergency. I have thought of using it as a camera but my kindle tablet and my big Sony take such brilliant pictures it seems silly to carry something lesser.

cazzie's avatar

@Love_my_doggie I’d be like you if I could, but teachers and banks and work, they all expect me to have access to my email and everything 24/7. I resisted a cell phone as long as I could, and then I resisted the smart phone thing as long as I could. Now, instead of reading a book on the bus, like I used to, I’ve gotten into the horrible habit of reading news and facebook on my phone. Gah. Technology makes you dumb and lazy.

canidmajor's avatar

I read books on my smartphone. Just sayin’.

imrainmaker's avatar

@cazzie – I would suggest remove Facebook app from mobile (Use it from laptop only) and install Kindle app for mobile and start reading again!! Facebook is just waste of time.

cazzie's avatar

My phone is so tiny. I have a tablet that I can read books on. I have a few books downloaded on it. I should also be spending time writing, because I’ve got a contact for my science writing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@stanleybmanly How can updating my cell phone save me money?
I have two Macs a lap top, and a desk top and an android tablet, so why would an up to date smart phone be so great I don’t do face book, get emails from home on the macs , the only thing I want and need a cell phone for is storing phone numbers and talking to people.
I detest texting but have found a place for it ,and will read texts from Boss’s and coworkers but tell them not to expect an answer more than a word or two.
As for my cell I have Canada wide coverage 24/7 text ,talk and messaging no data ,don’t want it nor need it.
When driving my cell is OFF anyone wanting to get in touch can leave a voice mail or a text and I will get back to them next time I look at the phone.

imrainmaker's avatar

@cazzie – ohk..So you carry your tab with you or not or that’s not comfortable for ya? So you’re writing science fiction or something..)

cazzie's avatar

Actually, I don’t often carry the tablet…. it was a gift and I don’t use it much… because I am rather techno ignorant. I can carry it with me…. and not science fiction, but actual science articles. I haven’t done any proper writing for pay for a while, but I’m inspired because of the recent environment.

JLeslie's avatar

One. I just replaced one that was around 3.5 – 4 years old.

YARNLADY's avatar

The only reason I have a cell phone is in case of emergency, and communication in amusement parks, large stores, and traveling. I had the same one for 8 years or so, until the company that makes them insisted I get a free upgrade last year, which I did.

jca's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: If you have a tablet, to me that’s very much like carrying around a cell phone. You can take pix, you can read email, you can access the internet. When you always said you don’t have a smart phone, I took that to mean you’re not connected other than the clamshell phone. You are connected with your tablet.

jca's avatar

For me, I had a clamshell phone (aka “dumb phone”) from my job. Then I changed departments at work and the new boss gave me her old Blackberry. I didn’t want it, didn’t want to access the internet or anything, didn’t want to get addicted to having this luxury. One day I decided to access Facebook with it. That became the new thing – checking Facebook from it. Then the job got me a Samsung Galaxy. I didn’t want it, again, didn’t want to get addicted to this luxury that did more things than the Blackbrry. I started using it for photos and then I started uploading the photos to Facebook. Addicted! Then if I was looking to kill time, I’d access the internet or look up an address or movie times or whatever. I’m not one to be constantly looking at my phone, but I am definitely not able to do without a smart phone now. I tried to resist LOL.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@jca I don’t always have the tablet with me I just take it when traveling or staying somewhere for a few days .
As for pictures with my tablet it only has one camera,it is a cheaper android tablet works well though for surfing and Skype.
As for apps on it just have a few the flutter app, and the CBC news app and a couple of games app.
I tried Face book a few years back and massively didn’t like it, found it weird that everyone I never met and never would wanted to be my friend, and noticed a few cousins posted at least a couple of hundred times a day to it, I deleted my account and never looked back and have never missed it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

As for my flip phone it has the ability to go on line, but never do with it because my plan has no data and will get charged up the ying yang if I do.
My plan is just talk ,text,and messaging ,I have sent photos with it works well, instead of explaining what broke to the mechanic I show him.
I still HATE texting but have found a place for it,as like when I can’t get a hold of the dispatcher I just leave a message for him to text the numbers I need for my paper work.
I have a few coworkers that are totally addicted to texting won’t respond to voice mail only text for some dumb reason so I will text them simply (call me) and they do.
I read their texts but warn them not to expect more than a one or two word reply,they seem fne with it.

jca's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: I prefer texting when possible just because if I need to communicate with someone or they need to communicate with me, about something brief, I am not sure what’s a good time to call them and vice versa. Last night a friend called me about something she asked me to order for her and I was visiting family so I didn’t want to answer the phone. If I call her now, she’s very likely sleeping late on this Sunday morning. Texting is so much easier. She could have texted me the few senetences of her message and I could have texted my response.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I stated it has it’s place, but still dislike it.

jca's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: I gotcha. Just explaining why I like it.

AshlynM's avatar

At least three.

tedibear's avatar

Two. When my husband upgraded his phone, I got his old one. I’m not the technophile that he is, so this works well in our house.

sone's avatar

I got a new one cause my old one died
I don’t have the same cell phone I had three years ago

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