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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever dodged a bullet? (details inside).

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25161points) February 27th, 2017

Have you ever avoided certain doom? Humor and life stories welcome.

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16 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I was cruising back roads on 4 wheel drive fire trails in National Parks in Southern Illinois and on our way out there was logs blocking laying across the road. I got out and moved them and the minute I got back in my truck bullets started to whiz over my head…They had certain doom on their mind….l had hot shower and another 50 years to live on my mind. Fucktards…

MrGrimm888's avatar

I rode a motorcycle for most of my life. I restrain,or fight people for a living. I drink like a fish. I fish in alligator and snake infested swamps,by myself usually.

I’ve had a gun pulled on me 3 times,no shots fired. So no literal dodging of bullets.

Come to think of it, I should probably have been dead a million times.

cazzie's avatar

Went tramping (hiking) in New Zealand after a very rainy period. I didn’t know the area, but my friend said he did. Long story short. got lost because the trail was rained out. No body knew we were out. Got off the track, ended up on a very steep incline and nearly slid into the Manawatu gorge several times while pulling myself up on small trees and tuffs of grass that, would, on occasion, pull out of the ground. I had nightmares for weeks.

Pretty place on a nice day:

flutherother's avatar

I was in a homemade raft once when the wind and the tides changed and I was blown out to sea. I had to swim for the shore against the tide and I am not a strong swimmer. Three times I stopped to try to feel for the bottom and only on the third time could I feel the sand beneath my feet. I thought I was not going to make it.

kritiper's avatar

I was certain to be buried alive when I was about 5 or 6. I was already up to my hips and unable to get out, and very soon the dirt would be over my head. A short shovel my dad made for me and a younger sister got me out. A super human episode. She went into a panic and I remember being so surprised at her strength!

Darth_Algar's avatar

I once ordered a burger and they topped it with onions, despite the fact that I told then no onions. Luckily I noticed the error before I bit into one of the onions. That was a close call.

filmfann's avatar

Too many times to ignore.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes. On a steep mountain road in the highlands of Malaysia. Two men with automatic weapons walked out in front of my car to flag me down. At that point I had two options: stop, or run them down. I slowed down while power braking so I’d still have the element of surprise and as I got closer I saw a tripod mounted weapon in the jungle aimed at the road. The operator would not have missed me. I let off the gas and stopped.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Cruiser “I was cruising back roads on 4 wheel drive fire trails in National Parks in Southern Illinois and on our way out there was logs blocking laying across the road. I got out and moved them and the minute I got back in my truck bullets started to whiz over my head…”

This post makes me homesick.

Mariah's avatar

I was a 17 year old dumbass who wanted to take a school exam instead of going to the emergency room. Went into septic shock the next morning. I’m lucky that turned out OK for me.

Berserker's avatar

I catch bullets with my teeth. Then I chew them until they become liquid, after which I use my pure badassness to forge them into mini swords which I then spit back at my assailant. In like, one second.

cazzie's avatar

@Berserker that is, like… so cool, like I can’t even compare. for sure, In like…. anytime.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m sure you are all familiar with cock fights, and dog fights. They are illegal, so people don’t really know much about when or where they take place.
An even more deeply kept secret is bunny fights. I am disabled now, but for twelve years I supplemented my budget by training killer bunnies.
My best fighter bunny was a lop ear named Jake The Destroyer.
I was training him one sunny spring day, and things were going pretty good. I lived in Missouri back then. I did not know the great weather was about to become violent. A storm front was squirming across three states, and tornadoes were popping up everywhere. My first clue was literally out of the blue.
I had just given Jake a carrot coin for a good workout, and a sudden hard gust hit. It had to be sixty mph. Cages began toppling and hail came thundering down like cannon balls. They were only about quarter size, but I was left blown and dented. It only lasted about ten minutes, but that was enough for me to be stunned and breathless. I didn’t notice the tumbled cages had sprung open until a dozen killer bunnies were converging on me.
An angora named Biter made the first leap at me.
I am alive to tell the story only because my guard dog, a rotweiller named Spunky was on the alert. He leapt, and caught Biter with his mouth in mid air. In five bloody minutes, all my killers, and my hard work, were gone. Bits of fur, gristle, and blood were everywhere. No bunny remained in less than two parts.
It was a very sad day. It was an expensive day. It was the day Spunky saved my life.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve seen lots of crazy shit. But I didn’t know people fought rabbits. I’m pretty much speechless.

Truth is stranger than fiction….

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve heard that bullets try to dodge Chuck Norris.

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