Are you aware of this (details Inside)?
Here’s is the link having info of IQ of various Us president. You will be shocked to see Trump vs Obama.
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Bullshit! From my research apparently Trump tested in 1968, during a military aptitude test, a lowly 78, which is 7 points below average. haha
IQ chart
85–115 average
115–125 above average
125–135 Gifted
135–145 Highly gifted
145–165 Genius
166–180 High genius
181–200 Highest genius
Here…Snopes confirms.
Even if this is true, the fact that he’s an asshole still stands. You need much more than just a high IQ score to be a good leader.
@Mimishu1995 Right. EQ ( emotional intelligence ) is just as important as any academic intelligence. D.T. has the emotional intelligence of a 3 year old child.
It is also important to point out that there are many facets to intelligence, creative, emotional, on & on. Steven Hawkings may be a mathematical genius but I wouldn’t want him diagnosing engine trouble in my car. haha
Trump may be successful in business but he is extremely unqualified to run the country on so many other levels.
Oh, I do so love opening up a new link to see Trump’s signature butthole-mouth expression.
Correction: my mistake, the IQ of 78 I posted above was a mistake, sooo, the real Trump IQ remains a mystery but it is certainly clear it is nowhere near 156. haha
Do a little research. Goddam.
Fun fact: if you google “butthole mouth” the first three links and the first two images that are returned refer to Donald Trump.
Judging from his simple sentence structures and limited vocabulary, Trump is either a moron or a genius putting on a brilliant performance. I think the former is much more likely.
If he hadn’t been born uber-rich no one would ever have heard of him.
Since we are going wildly off topic here, I will cnfess that my mistake in researching Trumps IQ was an error of clicking on Mohammad Ali’s IQ, whch was tested during an Army exam in 1964 at 78. He was rejected based on the fact that the military does require an IQ that equal,s at least, that of the average Hamster. Trump is probably more in the range of your average Pit Bull. lol
I’m floored. Is that really something people are going around saying? “You only think you understand him, but you don’t, because he’s smarter than you”?
…. There’s no way that an IQ estimate “based on variables having known correlations with IQ, such as highest level of education, academic honors, scores on college admissions exams, occupation, and preferences” (on which the real 2006 presidential IQ estimates were based) is going to put Obama that low or Trump that high. Sorry.
I imagine Obama’s magna cum laude JD degree from Harvard’s Law School would bump his estimated IQ pretty darn high on its own. And then you keep reading, and there’s more. Source:
Yeah OK. Trump’s a goddamn fool. Bigly.
** too late to edit—the quote I pulled was from @rojo‘s link to Snopes and I forgot to cite!
Ohh..That’s hoax.. Sorry guys for putting up wrong info. I was also surprised to see what it was saying.
Yeah, you probably shouldn’t put too much stock in anything that makes claims about the IQs of various public figures. Most are nothing more that hearsay at best (outright fabrications at worst).
Being into chess I see this quite a bit (for some reason many chess players are desperate to equate their hobby with superior intellect). Bobby Fischer, for example, is often stated to have had an IQ of 187. But the source of this is Frank Brady (author of two Fischer biographies), who, basically, heard it from a guy, who heard it from someone who supposedly had a contact that worked at Erasmus Hall (where Fischer attended high school). However there’s no actual record from that school (or anywhere) of Bobby Fischer ever taking an IQ test.
Garry Kasparov is another example. His IQ is often cited at like 190. But….the source of that number is Kasparov himself (who’s no stranger to self-aggrandizement). Some years back he agreed to undergo an IQ test for a German publication and actually tested at like 130. Respectable, sure, but far short of super genius.
My sister took up chess to under-gird her insistence that she is MUCH smarter then average. She studied for the Mensa club. Don’t know if she ever actually became a member. She adopted her favorite color as red (power.) Her favorite animal is a dolphin. She’s intelligent, but not amazingly so.
Me thinks those throw away IQ tests you take on the internet are just that, but I still like to take them anyway. I always come out around 135, according to them.
I’m right around that number too, I tested at 132 as a child and I was advanced a grade level, but my strongest intelligence set is my creativity. I am great at brainstorming ideas and talented in designing. My dad was an Architect and I inherited his designing eye and visionary abilities and have an uncanny ability to visually measure things and be almost, perfectly, spot on. I once purchased some antique wrought iron graveyard fencing on just a quick visual and mental calculation for it’s potential to fit a patio design I had just had the concrete poured for.
it was unreal, that fencing fit EXACTLY, to the inch, around the patio. My biggest brainiac moment of all time. Now ask me to do advanced Algebra and it will be a complete fail. haha
Then there’s Magnus Carlsen, current world champion (since 2013) and highest rated chess player in history. And according to Magnus himself he’s of average intelligence who’s non-chess reading basically consists of Donald Duck comics.
1) What Mimi said and
2) IQ’s are bullshit anyways and have no merit whatsoever
This is much like the George W IQ of 80 hoax. You can pretty much subtract 40 points from any online test you take. It never ceases to amaze me just how many people claim to have 130+ scores. Ahem…bullshit.
I had never heard of Now I’m going to move on with my life and try to forget I ever did.
IQ is time weighted, what was tested in adolescence does not exactly translate into adulthood. The younger the person being tested, the less reliable the results are. Especially when people move into adulthood. Very few people know what their current IQ is, I sure don’t. People put waay to much weight behind it anyway.
I believe IQ tests have some merit. I had to take an IQ test when I was 9 to qualify for an accelerated academic program (you had to have an IQ of 130 to get in). Many of my elementary school classmates went on to study at Cal, Stanford, MIT, or an Ivy League. And then there’s me. lol.
@ARE_you_kidding_me Perhaps, perhaps not, as adolescence is very close to adulthood and very bright children usually contimue to mature into very bright adults.
Given that IQ is also, in large part not what you know, but HOW you think. Bottom line, numbers aside, intelligence is incredibly hard to nail down, regardless of academic or real world successes. Plenty of gifted and highly intelligent types have died broke in obscurity.
There are lots of gifted underachievers out there and scores of creative geniuses that defy standardized testing.
I still “know” far too many people who are “geniuses” for 90% of stated IQ scores not to be complete bullshit.
@ARE_you_kidding_me Okay, well maybe their parents told them they were geniuses when they correctly fit the little crescent shaped plastic box into the right slot on their learn a shape toy or drew a stick figure picture of grandma with orange hair and the dog. lol
People are simply afraid to admit being average or even just above average. Everyone was a “gifted child.” No doubt some were and that carried over into adulthood as well for a few. Like two or three people out of 100. The average stated IQ of the internet is like 135 lol.
@ARE_you_kidding_me You’re most likely, at least partially right, however, a lot of NT personalities, which do rank among the higher intelligence spectrum are frequent internet users. Intuitive thinking types are the uber curious, inventive and intellectual types, so it stands to reason they would use the internet a lot to satiate their high need for gleaning knowledge and intellectual stimulation. Don’t throw the babys IQ out with bath water of the internet. haha
As with his net worth, the validity of ANY claim regarding Trump’s superiority is worthy of immediate and severe suspicion. And any fool prepared to accept the notion that Trump is possessed of an intellect superior to that of his immediate predecessor deserves the fate currently inflicted on us all.
Just because someone is smart does not mean they are also wise. I suspect Trump is actually quite intelligent but not the wisest. To be wise you usually have to also have humility. Trump does not possess that.
Trump is approximately as smart as the people who voted for him.
Then his IQ is around 100
which is quite a bit lower than 156.
If IQ in this case stands for Immigrant Quarantine then yeah, sounds about right.
They clearly omitted the decimal point at the beginning.
^ That’s also Trump’s IntegrityQuotient
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