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MakeItSo1701's avatar

My dog accidentally swallowed a pill that isn't for dogs, should I take him to the vet?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13525points) March 1st, 2017

I am in the process of cleaning my room and a bottle of pills fell off my desk and popped open. I cleaned them all up, except for one which my dog ate before I could grab it. It was only half a pill that he ate. It was Prozac, I can’t remember the dosage because it wasn’t in the original pill bottle. Should I be concerned over this or will my dog be fine?

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14 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Call animal poison control. They will advise you. Call them now.

Cruiser's avatar

What @MrGrimm888 Said. Tell them the name and dosage of the original pill and heed their advise. Please accommodate my PSA and put all pills especially ones these as powerful as Prozac in a safe secure location. If and when you have kids this will be beyond a critical concern. Hope pooch is OK…

MrGrimm888's avatar

They’ll also need the dog’s approximate weight,and some medical history. Good luck.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m dialing right now. Didn’t even realize I had the pills on my desk. Thank you guys for the responses.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh ueah. You may need a credit card. Most charge for the service. Have a pen to take down a case number, as this is how the vet will contact poison control for best treatment.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Got to watch him carefully overnight, make sure he drinks plenty of water, and take him the vet to induce vomiting in the morning. I live nowhere near a vet that is open right now :( I feel so bad.
They said it wasn’t something to be super concerned about, but to take them to the vet just in case. If it was a super urgent thing I would drive hours to get my pet to the vet. But they said he should be fine.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, not to laugh neighbors dog ate one of her Prozac a few months ago. She came running over and woke me up at 7 a.m. in a panic and asked me to come stay with him in the event he needed to go to the vet.
The vet said he would probably be fine but could, possibly, have a seizure. She was on her way to work and I went and sat with him for a few hours and he was fine.

Check with your vet of course.
This was about a 50 lb. older Border Collie. “Dooley” was mellowed out but no issue.
Dogs and cats have been treated with antidepressants as well, but the dosage is the culprit.Most likely he/she will be fine.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Keep us posted.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

This sort of thing always freaks me out, glad to hear that it’s not something you have to panic over. I hope you’ll update us tomorrow.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I guess it would have no effect on the dog whatsoever.

Coloma's avatar

@SergeantQueen What’s the update, is he okay?

@ZEPHYRA It could, possible seizures was what my neighbors vet said when her dog ate her Prozac. He was fine but always best to not guess at something like that. Dosage and the dogs weight would factor in.

marinelife's avatar

When this happened to me, I called the vet, and the vet had me call the national pet poison hotline.. There are resources on there to help you. It depends on what the dog ate and how much the dog weighs. Call now.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yes. He is fine. The vet had him throw up and told me to make sure he gets lots of food and water.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Good news!

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