NSFW. In reference to dating and/or intimate relations, what stages do the bases represent?
What stage is represented by “getting to first base”? Is it kissing or some other activity?
Is a “home run” universally understood?
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14 Answers
I thought first base was intense kissing.
Second base involved breast touching.
Third base was touching snatch/ penis and dry humping.
Home run meant going all the way.
I’m not sure what “laying down a bunt” would be, but I imagine a blow job would involve the “inside fly rule”
Aha ha ha hahhaa!
I always thought boobs were first base, crotch was second, naked crotch was third….and then there is the home run.
So far, the one for home run is looking universal. ;-p
I thought kissing was first base.
To my understanding:
First base: kissing or hand holding
Second base: heavy petting
Third base: Touching of privates, going down
Home run: sex
What is a foul ball then?
Good question, Canadian Bacon.
I’d say that a foul ball is ⅓ of almost striking out. Striking out is not getting to first base and date over.
In a qualitative sense, a foul ball could be a minor disagreement instead an emotional connection.
Good question, Canadian Bacon. I’d say moving too fast and getting your self slapped out of the field.
“I’d say moving too fast and getting your self slapped out of the field.”
I think that would be a strikeout. If a guy was moving so fast that you had to slap him, wouldn’t that make you want to end the date?
I have admit, if I’m attracted to a woman and she’s making moves on me, then there would virtually be no speed of her advances that I would call “too fast”.
The only exception would be if she was moving at a hyper-light speed that resulted in us going back in time, and thereby sending us back to the day before the date. ;-o
~So I get a walk if I have 4 balls?
An even better one, Canadian Bakin’.
Perhaps your question merits its own thread.
I’d say that having 4 balls would actually give one trouble walking to first base.
Jesus @Brian1946! Lighten up. I wrote that in the spirit of a “foul ball.” I would never, in a million years, slap a guy! A woman would have to be a fool to do that. OK, I did it once. I was 17. I slapped him just like I saw in the movies. He knocked me across the room.
If he was moving too fast and wouldn’t back off, I’d shut it down (if I could….) and go home. I’d never go out with him again.
@RedDeerGuy1 I had a cat named Fourballs once. But he only had 2 balls.
I’m familiar with the baseball terminology that equates hitting a ball to slapping it, and I now understand the spirit in which your comment was made. I was more focused on what hitting a foul ball would mean in the context of the OP.
I wasn’t saying that if for example, the guy was trying to kiss you before you were ready, that you would take an action that might endanger your life. If anyone should lighten up, it’s the sociopathic ahole that hit you.
I forgot about what happened to you. My remark was based on my own experiences with getting slapped and how I’ve seen it portrayed on screen, so my real-life knowledge of those circumstances is limited. Consequently, my remark might have actually been made from an overly casual perspective.
Personally, I think a woman has every right to repel an unwanted advance by any means necessary, but as you said, it should be done with regard to her own safety.
I was slapped by my ex-wife for doing something harmless but annoying to her. It stung a little, but I realized there was no harm done and that I deserved it anyway. Believe it or not, my wife did the same gross thing to me a few years later. ;-o
Another time my wife accidentally slapped me while we were playing around. I think I said something like, “Ouch, you beast! You can’t solve your problems with violence”.
I never felt anger or a desire to retaliate in either case, and I don’t think any decent guy would. I think that distills my view of this, but I realize it doesn’t account for every situation.
I don’t think any decent guy would either. But a decent guy would back you against your car, as a Jelly mentioned in another thread. Decent guys don’t usually do things that makes women want to hit them.
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