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Brian1946's avatar

What is the nearest major city, state, province, and/or country beyond where you live?

Asked by Brian1946 (32814points) March 2nd, 2017

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26 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

For me, the nearest other major city of at least 1 million people is San Diego.

The nearest state is Nevada (about 222 miles).

The nearest country is Mexico (140 miles).

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, Wichita is closest, but many would not consider it a major city. So Kansas City. I’m closest to Oklahoma. (What is a province?) and the nearest country would be Texas. Oh. Wait. Make that Texas. No. Make that Mexico.

Brian1946's avatar

In the context of the OP, a province is the Canadian version of a state.

E.g., British Columbia, Ontario, etc.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

From Castries, Saint Lucia to the nearest largest city, Caracas, Venezuela, is about 470 mi. or 750 km.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OIC. Thanks.

Brian1946's avatar


Thanks for the updated info.


My guess is that you’re closer to Nebraska or Oklahomely than you are to Colorado or Missouri. Amiright?

Brian1946's avatar


Do you think your vessel is seaworthy for a trip to Vietnam?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, only 20 miles to Oklahoma. Colorado is about 10 hours to the….west. Missouri is about 4 hours to the…. east. (I am directionally challenged.) Nebraska is way the hell and gone up north. We’re in Oklahoma all the time, Missouri sometimes, Colorado and Nebraska, never. Although I do want to go to Colorado. Just no reason to.

cookieman's avatar

Boston is closest to me. 18 miles away.

Closest state is New Hampshire which is about 20 miles away.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to live near Wichita, close to the middle of the state. It was odd to me, for the longest time, that after I moved here I could just jump in the car and be in Oklahoma in no time.
My cousins in the Northwest frequently take day trips to Canada. I’ll make them take me next time I visit.

Brian1946's avatar


Summer in the Pacific Northwest would be a great “beat the heat” vacation!

Brian1946's avatar

A paradox about my location is that the nearest foreign country is closer than the nearest state.

Brian1946's avatar

“Retreat from the heat” would be a better description.

jca's avatar

I live about 45 miles from White Plains NY and it’s a 60 mile ride to Times Square. I live near Connecticut and I am in CT all the time.

kritiper's avatar

Closest big city = Salt Lake City, Utah
Closest state = Oregon
Closest country = Canada

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’m in the middle of Chicago, 10M metro area population.

Milwaukee metro area (1.5M population) is 90 miles away.

Detroit metro area (4.2M population) is 300 miles away

Stinley's avatar

I live about 50 miles away from Birmingham which is the UK 2nd biggest city. I live about 200 miles away from France (Calais).

AshlynM's avatar

Las Vegas
California, Arizona

Berserker's avatar

Why, you stalkin me, man? :p

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cause we LOVES you! You belong to us! You feel it too. You know you do.♥♥♥ Stalk. Stalk. Stalk.

Brian1946's avatar


@Dutchess_III threatened to reveal my real identity if I didn’t cast this wide-ass net, in a warped effort to trick you into revealing your complete residential address.

The only stocking I do is replenishing the shelves at Target.

Dutchess_III's avatar

DON’T BLAME ME!!! It was all his idea!

Brian1946's avatar

‘tis now a moot point. Our dastardly scheme has obviously failed.

I have my own related situation concerning me now, because my very own celery stalks me as I’m writing this. ;-o

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Brian1946 The Hunter Passage 420 sloop has 3.5 tons of lead in a bullet-design winged keel resulting in a 6.5 foot draft which is OK in both bluewater and shoal sailing. I would increase the sail area from the stock triangular (Bermuda rig) 823.23 ft2 / 76.48 m2 by gaff rigging, and possibly extend the keel wings a bit if I were to do the Pacific. Actually, I would prefer to do the Pacific in a Morgan 46 or a Pierson 50 motor sailer which are better rigged both inside and out for bigwater and distance.

A couple of years ago, I took her from Barbados along the coast of South America to Belém, Brazil at the mouth of the Amazon, then across the Atlantic to Ascension Island and back. There were design problems. That trip pretty much got the whole circumnavigation thing out of my system. I turn 64 today. There is a point in a person’s life when they have to begin accepting certain physical limitations. Sadly, I must admit, I’ve met that point. There will be no trans-Pacific voyage for me. Not solo, anyway.

Brian1946's avatar


I feel your sadness.

I’m 70 and I lost almost all of my life savings, so traveling to anyplace beyond the US is probably not in my future.

However, I hope you have a happy birthday and that our remaining years are many,

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Thank you, my friend.

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