Meta Question

Dibowac78NN's avatar

How can i follow more topics on fluther?

Asked by Dibowac78NN (102points) March 3rd, 2017

Hello, i would like to know how to follow more topics
I feel like asking a question like this sounds really silly

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4 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Top right of the screen there is a search bar, type a word or two and something should pop up that says Topic: (search word). For example, If I type in “love” The first thing that pops up is Topic: Love. Click on that and you will be taken to another screen. It will say “Love” on a red bar. Under it, it should say “add to profile”
You can do this with any word, I just used love as an example.

It’s not silly, I was confused about topics when I first joined, also.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Learning to make our way around a new site is daunting. There are many questions, and none are silly.

I’m glad @SergeantQueen knew the answer. I’ve been here a long time, but I did not know the answer.

Cruiser's avatar

When you are on a question that interests you you can hover your mouse over the tags at the bottom of the question and it will give you the option to add the tag which is supposed to direct questions that reference that tag and question used to pop up automatically in your just for you category but I do believe the “just for you” function is out of order for now. It works sporadically. But if you see a tag that interests you it can click it and it will bring up questions that have been asked on that tag/topic.

Jeruba's avatar

You can also choose to follow any question by clicking “Follow question” at the top of the page.

It’ll stay there under “Questions You’re Following” (which you can view under “Activity for You”) until you click “Stop following.”

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