General Question

chelle21689's avatar

Have you ever been "attacked" on an online forum?

Asked by chelle21689 (7907points) March 3rd, 2017 from iPhone

I asked a question what could be the reason for someone suddenly changing their appearance and swearing more tightly revealing clothing. This was a genuine curiosity of mine and I got attacked on a board (mind you this was mainly women lol) and was called judgemental, creeper for paying too much attention, a jerk, etc.

Wow!! I couldn’t believe the responses I got. All I asked was “hypothetically if someone were to change their appearance in a relationship, why do you think that is? More likes on Facebook for photos for a sudden crave of attention but drastically changing their wardrobe for extremely revealing clothes and not because of weight loss).

To be honest, it’s hard not to notice when it’s your own damn relative. I just had a genuine curiosity of different perspectives. Instead I was attacked and for some reason it bothers me way more than it should.

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49 Answers

cinnamonk's avatar

welcome to the internet, where everyone’s an asshole because there are no consequences!

Zaku's avatar

Of course. Just post an opinion other people are hostile towards.

cinnamonk's avatar

But yes, I have. I gave voice to a deeply-held opinion that happens to be extremely unpopular. If you have any deeply held beliefs and don’t care for being insulted and ridiculed, keep them to yourself.

And don’t ever let anyone know that you’ve had an abortion if you don’t want to be called a “solipsistic murderous cunt.”

Cruiser's avatar

Yes…multiple times a day. I wish you asked this in social

Sneki95's avatar

Once or twice, yeah.

AshlynM's avatar

A few times.

elbanditoroso's avatar

yes, I have been attacked. But so what? Don’t take it personally at all.

As @cinnamonk said, they do this because there are no consequences and there is complete anonymity, so there is no risk to them.

The worst thing you can do is personalize it.

cinnamonk's avatar

^kind of hard not to take it personally when the attacks are just so damn personal.

chelle21689's avatar

I feel like Fluther is one of the very few boards with reasonable people that don’t attack which is why I like asking questions that come to my mind without anyone judging me.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes. Anyone who expresses even the most innocuous opinions online can expect to be ridiculed. I’ve been attacked for comments about TV sitcoms.

It’s amazing what some people will post under the cloak of anonymity.

I was once viciously attacked here at Fluther. It happened many years ago, in my first Jelly identity, and it involved actual threats. I had to terminate my account and go on hiatus for a while.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

With most online forums, I’ve noticed a definite “bandwagon effect.” Regardless of the OP, the first response often sets the tone for the rest quickly following the herd and it snowballing from there.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Jesus, @cinnamonk That’s terrible! I’m sorry you went through that.

cookieman's avatar

No. I only participate here in the lagoon, a little on Facebook, and on a couple comic book sites. Overall, I’ve had good experiences with people — ranging from really nice to mildly annoying. Certainly no attacking going on.

Maybe I’ve chosen good sites, maybe I’m just lucky.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman It’s just cause you’re so tasty!

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: Now that may invite a different kind of attack. :^)

Coloma's avatar

I don’t know if “attacked” is the right word exactly but yes, of course, I have had people strongly disagree with me a few times, mostly here on Fluther. Meh..I just move on, I don’t take things personally and I am also the worlds easiest person to get along with in real life. I am not a thin skinned type and do not blacklist people over moderate disagreements or differing opinions. Face it, nobody is going to change anyone so say what you want to say and move on.

Fluther is the most civilized site out there IMO.
Man, you read some of the Yahoo news comments and Youtube, there are a LOT of truly unstable people out there and I hate FB, I just recently set up a new acct. after dropping my old one way back in 2011. This one is purely for the purpose of following my daughters in her European travels this coming May. well, depending on the political state of affairs in the moment.
The more defensive someone becomes the more it speaks volumes about their own insecurities and egoic need to be right.

It takes a LOT to get me really pissed off, it can happen, but it’s rare as I am quite emotionally consistent and not a slave to my moods or the childish rantings of others.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If I had a nickle for every ungentlemanly remark that’s been lobbed at me online I could buy Warren Buffet out.

Brian1946's avatar

@cookieman has a big chip on his shoulder. As a matter of fact, he has chips on both shoulders, and they’re all chocolate!

Brian1946's avatar


Were you actually attacked at Fluther because of your comments about a TV sitcom? ;-o

That reminds me of this episode of I’m Dickens, He’s Fenster.

The joke was something like “Why did the chicken cross the road?”. Eventually there’s one group of construction workers carrying wooden boards yelling, “It’s funny!”, and they’re confronting another group brandishing assorted tools yelling, “Not funny!”.

Brian1946's avatar

I certainly don’t think curiosity about a hypothetical person’s abrupt change in appearance warrants any kind of an attack.

I’ve been disagreed with and corrected at Fluther, but I would not consider those to be attacks.

I think some of it’s a matter of one’s views and in what forum they’re expressing them.

E.g., if I went to Stormfront and argued for the rights of minorities, I’d expect to get attacked and probably get death threats. Actually, Stormfront members have been linked to over 100 murders, so to paraphrase a Herman’s Hermit song, it’s a MUST to AVOID!

milantwo's avatar

Never on a Forum, most of the time the people that visit that forum will have the same interests as you so your opinions and answers won’t collide.

Mimishu1995's avatar

On a daily basic on Yahoo! Answer, and at least once on Fluther my attackers are no longer here, don’t worry.

Sneki95's avatar

^ They were quietly dealt with, I assume…

Dixon's avatar

It’d be easier to tell you about the times I haven’t been attacked or called names.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Brian1946 No, the Jelly attack wasn’t about a TV show! That reference was for the internet at large; you post a comment about some benign topic, such as whether this week’s “Last Man on Earth” was funny, and you get barraged with insults.

johnpowell's avatar

Attacks would be great. I have gotten death threats.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Death threats are ridiculous. That’s WAY too far.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

I have been on here, recently.

canidmajor's avatar

The concept of “attacked” is so fluid. Some people see disagreement of any kind as an attack, some are cool until a person practically comes to their house armed with pointy things.

I tend not to visit the rougher sites, so I don’t think I’ve been “attacked”. I’ve been rudely treated in responses, called a name or two, vehemently disagreed with, but not, I feel, “attacked”.

People I don’t know don’t have much power to hurt me on the Internet.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor I was thinking something similar. If some people are challenged on a thread, they feel defensive and attacked, while others are quite happy to have a back and forth slanging match. I have felt invalidated in my opinions at some times and had to lick my snowflake wounds and rethink, but I don’t remember ever being what I would call attacked. That is not to say that I haven’t seen other people be quite vicious towards others.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve played online games where people can talk to each other. That’s where it gets really wild. I’ve heard of people trying to get info on how to meet up and fight. I have no clue what percentage actually do.

Usually there’s always a 13 year old white kid calling everyone the “N” word. It’s not as prevalent as say 10 years ago, but it’s still there.

Sometimes people I overheard are in the same city. The funny part is listening to them actually cooperate,and help each other find a location for a fight. They start relating to each other as they discuss directions. Like,“yeah,I grew up by that mall.” Or, “yeah, I love that place.”

We ALL have SO much more in common, than what separates us. Ignorance, and anonymity help bring out the worst in humanity though. Or so I’ve observed….

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve been attacked on Fluther in PM’s before. Those people are no longer here.

ucme's avatar

No, oh wait, I think maybe one or two people here like to think they did but really, blunt little tools.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

@Kardamom Yes, Fluther is better than most, but I’ve been the subject of one or two witch hunts in the several years I’ve been part of this collective. Sometimes if you express an unpopular opinion or one that deviates from the norm of a given forum, you can expect some significant pushback, but I’ve had some people take it a bit far on here as well.

I also think that the demographic of this Fluther skews a little older than most (not that there’s anything wrong with that) and I’ve found that there’s some generational culture clash from time-to-time.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

That has occurred all too often on Fluther. One petty tyrant told me to leave, because I disagree with his naïve beliefs. Another called me ””******* psycho”. They should address such comments to themselves. I have used other Q&A forums, and all have such people who cannot tolerate different opinions.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Funny how those who always complain about PC culture are the first to whine when someone treats them in a non-PC manner. Isn’t that what you folks want? Or does that only apply when you’re on the giving end, but not when you’re on the receiving end?

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

How absurd can anyone be? I hate PC. It is destructive. II have valid reasons to complain when people go much too far. I do not use childish obscenities and call people psychos. I never tell anyone to leave. You tantrum is baseless as is evidently your habit.

Darth_Algar's avatar

You want to act belligerent, dont want anyone to call you out on your belligerence, and want everyone to handle you with kid gloves.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

You lie now. I express my views and that is belligerent, racist, against freedom of religion, etc. according to you. I am not the one using obscene lies and telling people to leave. You have a double standard.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I agree. You never tell anyone to leave, but you always think those different than you are stupid and evil. It’s all visible in your history. “Naive belief”? Really? Clearly you want everyone to treat your opinion like it’s gold. And when people refuse to you throw a tantrum. You reap what you sow, and now you are angry at why people are angry with you.

If you have a hard time coping with people not agreeing with you, maybe you should leave the internet, not just this site.

cookieman's avatar

Um…who the hell is @SimpatichnayaZhopa anyway? Were they here under a different name before?

Mimishu1995's avatar

I suspect so @cookieman. But according to this current profile, it’s a she. She is from a Soviet country that was invaded by Russia. She hates Russia while simultaneously uses “ya” and “nyet” for yes and no. She lives in Italy, is an atheist and think God doesn’t exist and anyone who believes in God is delusional or a scammer. She is a strong supporter of Trump, thinks Trump is a genius and people who questions him an idiot. She also strongly believe that it’s wrong to voice your opinion about politics because you would be manipulating people’s mind if you do so.

Darth_Algar's avatar

She lives in Italy? She once said she lives in the US.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I just remember at one point she said something about living in Italy…

But if she lives in the US, why is she so oblivious about US things like the freedom of speech law and US movies?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m not speaking for her, but she is allegedly a legal immigrant to the US. I’ve been told that her name translates to “pretty ass.” That doesn’t help the troll theory.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yeah it means “cute ass”

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. Not the best strategy for being taken seriously…

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