Women..would you ever slap a man?
I did once. I was 17. He got fresh. I slapped him, just like I saw the women do in the movies. He did not become chastened like I saw in the movies. He became enraged and knocked the hell out of me. Knocked me clear across the room with a back hand.
I would never hit a man, unless I was able to actually knock him out or incapacitate him long enough to get away.
Have you ever slapped, or hit, a man in anger and what was his reaction?
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43 Answers
How would you slap someone to death??
Well, to clarify, the slap would not kill him.
It would just distract him enough for him to not notice the dagger being shoved into his heart.
Slap? Probably not. I have, however, punched a couple.
Slap? no.
Punched one. Once. I warned him. He apparently thought I was kidding. I wasn’t.
His father was my homeroom teacher that year and laughed about it for literally decades.
Well, the first one who had grabbed my arm hard to yank me off the dance floor, let go. The second one, who had backed me up against my car in the parking lot backed off and called me a rude name, gave me time to get in my car and lock it and drive it away. Might have driven over his foot, I hope so.
I’ve twisted men’s fingers before. But we were in public and they were in the wrong so they couldn’t do much.
@BellaB What did he do when you punched him?
I once kicked a guy in the balls at a party many years ago. He was being very sexually aggressive and I finally kicked him to the curb, literally. Not bad for a petite, 5’3 little thing. His friends carried him off, I think I scared the shit out them too. They didn’t want to tangle with the mighty mite. haha
Otherwise, no, never slapped a man. Why slap if you can kick like a mule? lol
Once, in third grade. He tried to take my cookies.
Ain’t no one takin’ cookies from Sneki.
^LOL Step away from the cookies, this is your final warning.
No way a toothless fool with a broken jaw could enjoy Sneki’s cookies anyway. ;-o
A few times. I always felt bad afterwards.
Slap across the face? I doubt it. I’ve never felt the impulse to do that. Push away or hit on the arm maybe.
From what I know about myself, no. It’s hard for me to understand why female violence is still somewhat accepted in popular culture.
@longgone I fail to see how a male’s “assholioness” might in any way still be accepted in today’s day and age. I fully endorse a “mule like kick in the nuts” in response to ignorant aggressive treatment of any female. Glad I never had to experience that! But I imagine it to be similar to suddenly sliding off the seat of a bicycle.
I recommend mace. God’s “slap 2.0.”
Spray it in a “figure 8” pattern, focusing on eyes and nose. (Most attackers try and deflect it with their hands,the pattern is rather unpredictable, and will have higher chance of desired effect.)
I think every female should carry it. A slap is technically assault. And as the OP mentioned, can result in a counterstrike. Blind the SOB. If he deserves a slap, mace will be better.
Police can usually find a guy that’s been maced,to help bring charges,and hopefully, put his ass behind bars. Potentially saving other women from him.
I recommend the pink mace,as it’s easier to see in a dark purse, or low lighting condition.
If no mace. Eye poke,and run.
Slap or punch? No, not that I can remember. I hung out with a pretty rough crowd but I was often the lone female so I was more protected than most.
@MrGrimm888 Have you ever discharged one? Yikes! Indoors, it will fill a room in seconds resulting in evacuation at best or mass hysteria at worst. Outdoors you need to be very aware of the wind direction so it does not come back in your face.
Never test a unit. Once the internal seals are broken and the spray is initialed the propellant can slowly leak out over time. You cannot guarantee it will work at a later date.
A friend of mine gave some to his elderly parents. One day his father was curious and decided he would test it. He squirted “a little bit” while in the kitchen. (What was he thinking?!?!?!) The caustic stench was so bad they had to leave the house and cowered in the garage until my friend came to help clean up the mess.
@Coloma I suddenly have this uncontrollable urge to respect the crap out of you! Egads!
@kritiper LOL…feat not, I am super easy going, that was about a million years ago when I was like 18 years old. But yeah, if necessary I could do some testicular damage. haha
@LuckyGuy . Yes. I’m aware of its effects. As a method of self defense though, it is a good choice for women. Physical engagement, as in hand to hand, or a knife, or tazer are not usually effective vs a stronger opponent. A distance, or projectile weapon is a “safer” last resort. But I don’t like guns in public,and I know women are reluctant to possibly kill an attacker. There currently aren’t any equalizers, for the difference in strength between the genders that can effectively stop the threat, without negative or possible negative impacts on potential uninvolved parties.
I used to sell guns. I tried to talk women into mace,over a gun ,for general protection.
Your points are valid, as usual though. There are potential problems with the system. I would add to your points, that they can also explode in a super hot car. So, they are better suited on a key chain,or in a purse.
I have pepper spray. What’s the difference between Mace and Pepper spray and does can pepper spray explode too?
Ingredients,mainly. Then there are some differences in design. Kind of like difference between firearms, anatomical. Some have higher capacity, others are have greater range.
To my knowledge, they are all pressurized, so there is a potential for containment failure due to external forces,like temperature, and physical damage to the system.
I’ll await a more scientific answer from @LuckyGuy . Hopefully he will have more details.
A solid uppercut to the nose is pretty effective, too.
Mostly I just don’t want to carry anything extra around.
Most of the defensive sprays sold today are pepper spray. They are effective if the assailant takes a direct so once you start using it keep wave it around and keep spraying. You want it to get into eyes nose and mouth. Don’t stop!
Mace is harder to find, and often requires a permit, It evaporates into the air and spreads like an invisible halo. Just getting it near the assailant will slow the perp down. Unfortunately, unless the wind is at your back it can get on you as well. That is ok. If you are fighting with an attacker you won’t care.
Both types are pressurized and can explode if heated. I do not know any cases of this happening but surely somewhere it has.
That’s good to know, if it was in your car on a 100 degree day.
I have a hard time believing the mace will disable an attacker but I’ll be able to just shake it off.
Seems like flawed reasoning.
@Seek I can tell you with first hand knowledge that a good blast of pepper spray will temporarily overwhelm the person who was sprayed more so than a kick in the jewels or a busted nose. The key in self defense it to provide the attackee a moment to get the hell away from the attacker.
Which would be a lot harder to do if I just maced myself.
Kneecaps are a good target too. Hard to remain mobile when someone just folded your knee. haha
Any woman who wants to take it to the physical level with a man better have a damn good reason, or they might end up like @Dutchess_III‘s situation as described in her details. Reality isn’t the movies and many men nowadays won’t take it without reciprocating with equal force, or worse. It’s one of the dumbest things a woman can do and she endangers her life when doing so.
I’ve seen it happen more and more in recent years in bars, on the beach and on the docks. Alcohol and drugs are usually involved. I attribute it to what they see in films—the popular image of the beautiful, shapely heroine—the martial arts expert, armed to the teeth, disposing of male aggressors right and left. What a fucking joke. You cross that line and, believe me, you probably bought yourself a ticket to the hospital.
With martial arts training, or not, you don’t have the muscle, the height, the weight, the reach, nor the invaluable experience of first blood and one-on-one violence that most guys have.
And there is a type of guy out there who would rather suffer through a few weeks in jail than the humiliation of letting something like this pass without reciprocating. There is a lot of them and don’t think that just because he works a nice, soft white collar gig and has a college education that won’t turn into a raging animal if properly provoked.
Well said @Espiritus_Corvus. If I was to get physical with a guy it would be because I was in fear for my life and trying to get away. I’m not about to stand there and have a punch out with a man. That’s stupid.
However, I don’t think it’s just “nowadays.” I have a feeling the throughout the ages men have, for the most part, never tolerated physical violence without retaliation. And,throughout the ages, some men have resorted to violence upon women for what ever perceived frustration or “insult.” I mean, Jesus. I’ve had drinks thrown on me by complete strangers just for refusing a dance or a date.
LOL. Yeah, throw a drink in her face—that’ll get her to dance with you. Jesus. Some guys just need to be shot on sight to protect the reps of all the good guys out here.
@Dutchess_III I was addressing the increase in female initiated violence upon men that I’ve noticed in recent years. That is a no-win game. Big mistake.
^ I heard once my neighbour got slapped in the discotheque because she didn’t want to dance. I kinda wonder how would I react. The only time I got slapped, I went gorilla and nearly got myself suspended in school. I’d probably get myself in a lotta trouble if I went through that….
Yep, if your going to fight fire with fire prepare to get burned haha
Other than self defense getting physical is so childish anyway, two year olds hit and bite and scratch but when adults do it there is just something so infantile and off putting about it. Of course, in a perfect world, and there are plenty of “adult” men and women that resort to childish displays of rage.
You hear of so many people throwing bricks through people’s windshield. Usually women. Over a guy. I hate that kind of crap. It’s like “Come on! We’re not gorillas any more.”
@Sneki95 Right? It is SO common though. Gosh, SNL did a skit just last week about all these guys approaching her in a bar. They started out really well, making connections. They’d they’d ask for a date and she’s say, “Oh, no. No thank you.”
Every scene ended with the guys screaming “BITCH!” At her.
When my sister was 18 and I was 21 Dad took us to a “grown up” night club. It was mostly 30-somethings professionals. This guy asked my sister to dance, she politely declined and he got right in her face and hissed, “You fucking BITCH!” at her.
Shook her up badly.
Dad came back to the table, saw her ashen face and asked what was wrong. She told him. And pointed him out.
Dad got up, went to asshole’s table and said, “Excuse me. That young lady over there is my daughter and I think you and I need to step outside.”
The guy jumped roaring, “Fuckin’ A we’ll go out…..” then stopped cold because he realized he was still looking up and up and up….my dad was 6’ 5”!
The guy started stuttering and apologizing, and Dad said, “You need to go tell her.”
So he did. Apologized profusely, like a true gentleman. Asshole.
It’s a good thing my dad was so tall because he was a pure pacifist. He didn’t want to fight, ever. But he would.
I would, I never slapped a man before
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