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elbanditoroso's avatar

Would you want a robot to deliver your pizza? Would you have to give it a tip?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33678points) March 6th, 2017

Interesting idea. read this

Sadly, I live too far out in the boonies for this to work, and there are no sidewalks in my area. But in a city or a suburb, it could be a nice alternative.

Unless someone steals the robot.

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30 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Sure, why not? Probably get to me faster, more reliably, and no tip expected or deserved.

LuckyGuy's avatar

There is no pizza delivery here. Every once in a while – maybe a couple of times per year – I wish there was. I wouldn’t care whether a person or a robot delivered.
I would tip the person generously but not a robot.

flutherother's avatar

If it delivered on time I would maybe oil its wheels but no tip.

Strauss's avatar

Every other step in the source path is more or less automated…from the genetic modifications of the ingredients, to the portion control and standardization of the recipe, even to the actual baking, so what’s the difference (other than the need to tip) if the delivery is also automated?

BellaB's avatar

I think it would be great, though it would have to be good with rough sidewalks and stairs to deliver around here.

kritiper's avatar

I’ll have to assume the robot is driving the car with the oven that keeps the pizza hot, so that would be OK. I wouldn’t tip the robot because it probably doesn’t need the extra income because it doesn’t have bills to pay, or little robots back home that count on it to bring home the input.

Sneki95's avatar

I’ve nothing against the idea, except that I don’t eat pizza, so I don’t need that.
But I assume robot would do an equally good or even a better job.
I never understood the tip thing either, so I wouldn’t give it.
And I can totally imagine the robot being stolen ‘round here.

Sneki95's avatar

addition: since robots are machines and not employees, you don’t need to give them a tip.

Coloma's avatar

Sure and bonus, robots can’t sneeze or spit in your pizza and no tip required.

filmfann's avatar

I don’t see why you would tip them, short of them needing to get rid of a virus, or hook up with a cute tech for some serious defragging

Zaku's avatar

It’s fascinating and amusing, and seems like a really bad idea to have flying robots everywhere. I might try it for the novelty of it, but I think it’s pretty silly. Many reasons and feelings.

* I think it’s an intrusion into everyone’s world to propose that flying drones clutter the place. Some people don’t like having their airspace invaded even by low-flying planes and helicopters. Drones seem a bit like giant insects with possibly sinister human agendas. Remember the post last year from someone here who had their daughter & friends stalked by a drone?

* I don’t think it’s a good idea to normalize the idea of robot drones flying everywhere, and the rights of companies and the government to do that as much as they like, as opposed to the rights of everyone else to not have flying robots everywhere. It would be an annoying distraction and concern.

* It would also add to the growing amount of radio pollution.

* Unmanned vehicles controlled by computers are not, I think, ready for prime time. They will break down, get lost, malfunction, get attacked by birds, hit things, run afoul of weather, get attacked by kids and rightfully indignant citizens, and possibly be taken over by people for nasty purposes, or used as cover for attacks. “Oh, it’s just a pizza drone…” (maybe it’s not…)


Darth_Algar's avatar

And the devaluation of human beings continues…

cookieman's avatar

I’m initially okay with it. Seems kind of neat. But I ultimately agree that is devalues humans and is just another step in the wrong direction.

Aside from @Zaku‘s concerns, I always wonder, “If all the low-level jobs (cashier, delivery person, etc.) are automated, what will folks do for a living who can only do such jobs??” I know plenty of people who either cannot or choose not to do “more” in terms of work.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Speaking for myself, there may not be much I can do to fight it, but I sure as hell won’t contribute to it. If my local pizza joint starts using robots/drones instead of human deliver drivers then they will lose my business. At the store I refuse to use self-checkout lanes. I don’t care how “convenient” it’s supposed to be for me. If I walk into a fast food place and see no clerks up front, only terminals to order from, then that place will not get my business.

And don’t think it’ll just be low-level jobs. As more and more advances in automation and AI are made more and more jobs will be rendered obsolete, not just low-level jobs. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your job can’t be phased out with automation.

Coloma's avatar

@Darth_Algar Agreed.
I want to be “served” and do not like the automated checkouts or other such features either. Not to mention the phasing out of service jobs. I wish they still had full service gas stations too. The good old days when someone pumped your gas, made change for you, washed your windshield and you didn’t have to leave your car.

Sneki95's avatar

^ You don’t have those things in US anymore? I see all those all the time here.

Coloma's avatar

@Sneki95 A few places still offer full service gas stations but 99.9% are self serve.

jca's avatar

I wouldn’t want it to delivery my pizza but if I had no choice, I see no need to tip it. It’s not paying rent or trying to send its kid through college.

I, too, don’t like to use self checkout lanes and will avoid them unless I have no choice.

cookieman's avatar

It seems like, for the majority of people, convenience always wins out.

MP3 audio quality isn’t as good as CD or Vinyl… buuuttttt it’s so convenient to have your whole music collection with you all the time.

Keeping a cashier employed is the right thing to do… buuuuuttt I can avoid chatting with a human at self-check out.

Uber really is screwing over established taxi drivers… buuuutttt they’re so easy to get.

And so on.

Can anyone think of a case where the “right” thing to do beat out the “convenient” thing to do in the majority of people??

Present jellies excluded, of course.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I hardly see how using MP3s rather than vinyl is at all comparable. Or how one’s preference of format is “right/wrong/whatever”.

Zaku's avatar

I am imagining when birds figure out there is flying food going around, and picturing eagles, hawks, ravens, crows and seagulls taking out drones and plundering the pizzas.

Or, people shooting them down and taking the pizzas.

Seems to me that flying pizzas should be fair (and fare) game for anyone.

Ooh! How about pirate drones, that hunt pizza drones, destroy them and loot the pizza and cash?

Or a pizza thief app, that uses the wifi on a mobile device to take over pizza drones.

Or just ordering pizza and stealing the drone.


johnpowell's avatar

I’m looking forward to flipping these poor robots over and watching their wheels spin like a turtle you flip on its shell.

cookieman's avatar

@Darth_Algar: This is why I put “right” in quotes. In that case, audiophiles would tell us that the quality of MP3 music is inferior to other formats.

Maybe yes, maybe not, but most folks care less about the sound quality vs. the convenience.

johnpowell's avatar

And also, nerds will love stealing these things for motors and cameras and SOC. This is not a practical idea. Or you know, homeless people in a ski mask looking for a pizza.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Many audiophiles are also obsessed with “quality” to a point beyond rationality. I’ve known some who have invested (and continue to invest) many thousands of dollars in high-end equipment are still never satisfied because they’re chasing some unrealistic goal of perfection.

As far as the question over analog vs digital: this isn’t the days of shitty, lossy 128/kbps anymore. Digital can be high quality, and as far as which is “better” is pretty much a matter of subjective opinion.

cookieman's avatar

@Darth_Algar: I agree. Again, the quotes. But the point still stands. When MP3 sound quality was shitty, the majority of people opted for convenience anyway.

Strauss's avatar

Don’t get me started on “Digital vs. Analog” audio. That might start us on a giant derailment!

jca's avatar

My reasoning for not wanting to use self-checkout lines is not just because it’s taking a job away from someone, which also means less taxes for the municipality and state. It’s also because I find it frustrating to figure out where to put the money, etc. I feel like if that service is built into the cost of the item, let the store personnel deal with it.

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