What is your take on the latest Wikileaks dump on the CIA?
Asked by
Cruiser (
March 7th, 2017
Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
So much for Government secrets anymore. I knew the CIA spied on us and everyone for that matter but never had a firm grasp just how deeply and pervasive their spying is. All our computers, hand helds and even a “fake-off” on TV’s where they can listen in 24/7. I never dreamed Big Brother would be this big.
With WikiLeaks here to stay, I imagine nothing will be safely kept secret.
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29 Answers
I’m glad it is being more publicized, and horrified that not only is our government doing this, but that companies are enabling them, and people aren’t complaining enough. It should be treated as the serious crime that it is.
The more of their nefarious machinations are made public, the better.
I really dislike Mr Assange, but the secrets that they (Wikileaks) are able to uncover and release are often fascinating.
Maybe I’m just to cynical, but “the CIA is spying on us via our electronic devices!!!”
Yeah, and…?
@cookieman “Maybe I’m just to cynical, but “the CIA is spying on us via our electronic devices!!!” Yeah, and…?””
That is why I always take a bow after having sex.
Spies and traitors at work.
Wah wah. I already figured that.
We’ve had to assume privacy is gone for a while now, but there’s still a few things in there that are noteworthy to me…
- There doesn’t appear to be any attempt to notify companies when they’re products are compromised… which isn’t totally shocking on it’s own, but some attempt was supposed to be the new normal. And (below)
– because of the way the law works, all the compromises are unclassified, which we don’t know enough about the other controls in place to know if this really matters, but seems odd on the surface
– and this shows how “fingerprints” are developed to attribute an attack/compromise to a particular group, as was done in the DNC hacking that was attributed to the Russian groups acting under government control. I don’t know yet if this lends more or less credence to their conclusion, but it definitely gives more information.
I think we’ll see some well done stories going forward by people who understand the overall picture better than we can. Snowden already has some interesting tweets out there for instance.
@Cruiser: I would expect no less from you sir.
and I meant “too” not “to”.
I expect an agency dedicated to foreign surveillance to have an arsenal of malware hacks and tools to help accomplish that mission. However, they are supposed to be used against foreign entities. If these were used against Americans without a warrant, then that’s a gross violation of the Constitution and a betrayal of the American people.
@gorillapaws I agree with you 100% but according to what I am reading we spent near 100 billion creating this cyber technology and it was all stolen/hacked in a New York Minute. That is one yuge egg on our face.
They can hack into smart cars and stage assassinations. That’s pretty dang creepy.
They apparently left something open on all iPhones, a port or a backdoor or something, and now ANY hacker in the world can get into anyone’s iPhone. They won’t close it, either.
As a response to what @cookieman said, the fact that the government is spying on us is nothing new, obviously. I don’t know about you guys, but I never thought they could hack cars or TVs. The fact that now anyone can hack into your smartphone,TV, or car makes it an even bigger deal.
All of this was hacked (not by Wikileaks) and now unknown people have access to instructions and codes on how to hack an iPhone, smart car, or TV. That is an even bigger issue because not only are we unaware of who has this information, we are now even more vulnerable to attacks. Both cyber and physical. If they can hack into a civilian’s car or iPhone, they can probably do it to a CIA agent also. Some documents that were released talk about putting a TV in a “Fake-off” mode to give the illusion that it’s turned off, but in reality, is recording everything. On Wikileaks, only parts of the codes were released, but unauthorized people have the full code.
As a side note, just to make you guys aware, WIkileaks aren’t a group of hackers. They get all their information from confirmed people on the “inside” In this case, a CIA agent leaked all this information to Wikileaks, and Edward Snowden has said that only an insider would know most of this information.
For the most part, it really isn’t that new. Like I said, almost everybody is aware that the government can watch us. But now any hacker that has access to the full codes and things can watch us, and we don’t know who or why they are watching us. Which is considerably worse than the government watching us.
My phone spies on me, always bloody rings when I get in the shower…bastard!
I’m surprised anyone was so naive as to think the CIA wasn’t collecting intelligence. Seriously if I was a US taxpayer I’d be pissed off if they weren’t given how much tax dollars are spent on them.
@Lightlyseared The issue as I see it is our top intelligence agency just gave away the store as far as what we do and how we do it. THAT is a Yuge problem we now have.
Is it okay if I give a quick update? The U.S Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany was actually a CIA hacker base. Germany is going to conduct an investigation at the Consulate and may prosecute.
The CIA has also been looking into the French election, also. Why does our government care about other countries elections? Why does the CIA need a hacker base in Germany?
Wikileaks tweeted that all this information is less than 1% of what they have and that this is only part one. I think that this is going to turn into something way bigger than anyone could imagine. This might ruin the credibility of the CIA for people who still find them credible.
Oversight, oversight, oversight.
With regards to Wikileaks, no Trump tax returns?
His tax returns aren’t going to show anything. If he did everything legally who cares. “Oh, it’ll show if he pays taxes or not” Does it really matter? He’s doing a lot of good for our country right now.
Wikileaks aren’t hackers, everything they have was given to them by an “insider”- someone who saw bad things happening and thought the public should be aware of it. Also, No one at Wikileaks is for Trump or against Trump. They are for the people. If they had info on Trump, they’d release it. So currently, they got nothing.
@SergeantQueen – so truly, no problem with a billionaire not paying any taxes, if that’s what’s shown?
If billionaires don’t pay taxes, ethically, why should anyone?
Yes, why should anyone pay taxes? Why should anyone pay anything?
Money is just something we invented. It has no real value
Do I think it’s wrong if someone doesn’t pay taxes because they are rich? Yes.
Is it going to make me lose support or respect for our President? No.
He would have to do way worse things for me to change my mind about how great he is.
@funkdaddy I think they would show that he’s broke. And then of course everyone would know the emperor has no clothes. If he was rich and didn’t pay any taxes he would brag about it. No, I think he’s deeply in debt. For a guy whose brand (and fame/identity) is based on being a rich/successful businessman, nothing would be more devestating than that cat getting out of the bag.
The uber-wealthy go broke and rebound all the time. In fact, I think this is why Trump didn’t have to pay taxes for several years — I remember Hillary gloating about Trump losing a high amount of money and this, according to Hillary, is why he cannot be trusted,
But the wealthy who lose everything usually rebound. That is more of a testimony of their ability to manage money well. Also, Trump is not stupid. One fault the Democrats and their devotees made is that in insulting his (any republican;s) intelligence, they underestimate that they are more than capable of rising above the adversaries and winning.
Truthbeknown, all of the presidents have been far above average intelligence—though some are far more passive than others.
@Yellowdog “One fault the Democrats and their devotees made is that in insulting his (any republican’s) intelligence, they underestimate that they are more capable of rising above the adversaries and winning.”
And that is just one of the problems with Republicans. They might rise above the adversaries, but at the misfortune of almost all of the low and middle classes. And they don’t seem to care.
I didn’t say Republicans rise above their adversaries— I said that intelligent people do. Whether or not they are republican is a matter of default,
I also don’t know why you say the democrats are more for the lower and middle class. The democrats agenda is to have the government run everything and control/regulate the poor and middle class.
Intelligent people, and people who are good with money, regardless of party affiliation, can lose all their money and be worth more than ever 2–3 years later if they apply themselves. Most regular individuals struggle to save for retirement, live paycheck to paycheck, get taken advantage of, and no noble democrats will really help. And even if they win the lottery it is all gone in six months,
Oh, and welfare and aid from the government DO help—for which we can thank the democrats—but if you need them to get by you will find yourself in a never-ending catch-22 cycle of suck.
Take that, btw, from a guy who KNOWS. It sucks to be poor but if your basic needs are met it’s hard to risk losing your government aid in order to get financially solvent again
Republicans, as I have witnessed, only care about the rich/themselves. That’s why they want health care that only serves themselves. They could care less if the poor and ailing live in a van down by the river. So NOT their concern!
More Democrats, whether intelligent or not (and most of them are and educated to boot) always seem to care more for the little guy.
More Republicans (MANY more) want to leave the fate of those poor to the mercy of “God” and sheer fate.
Take that from a guy who has seen it for many years! It may not be that much different these days to be either of the two, but odds are you’re still far better off going with the Democrats.
”Republicans, as I have witnessed, only care about the rich/themselves. That’s why they want health care that only serves themselves.”
Time to wake up @kritiper and turn off CNN and do your own research. The entire Congress enjoys tax payer provided healthcare benefits that would be a wet dream to even a mere Republican. You have to separate your own intelligent thought making abilities from the liberal narrative that has infected your skull. Only you or I can make this decision as to what is best for you or I as far as health insurance and to claw onto Obamacare as you apparently have, telegraphs you are underinformed as to what awaits you with your death grip on the ACA you have.
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