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chyna's avatar

In light of daylight savings time coming up this Sunday, how many clocks do you have to change?

Asked by chyna (51711points) March 8th, 2017

I just counted mine and I have 10 to change. Eleven if you count the clock in the car. Oh and 12 if you count the watch I very seldom wear.

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31 Answers

janbb's avatar

Most of mine change automatically but I think i have about three to change, including the car.

johnpowell's avatar

Just one. The nukewaver.

Cruiser's avatar

Eleventeen not including my fingers on the horizon…that will involve resetting 8 fingers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

2 cars, one microwave. I forget if the stove clock is digital.

DominicY's avatar

My watch and the one on the stove, but that’s it as far as I know. The others should change themselves.

jca's avatar

4 at home, 1 in the car and 1 in my office.

zenvelo's avatar


3 in the kitchen, one in the living room, one in the bedroom, one in the car.

Coloma's avatar

It’s this Sunday? Oh fuck, I hate DST! haha
I have to change 3, my alarm clock and microwave and car clock.

CWOTUS's avatar

None. I never change the manually set ones to “Standard Time” in the first place.

Kardamom's avatar

About 11 if you count the one in my car. We like clocks around here, so each room has at least one. I think my phone might be the only one that changes automatically. Sigh…

Brian1946's avatar

I have to set my watch, alarm clock, and car clock.

In an unused bedroom, I have a 1981 clock, that can only be adjusted by advancing the minutes using a high-speed option. There’s no button to separately change the hours, so I don’t bother with it.

My computer is over 14 years old. Its clock was somehow still synced to the extant schedule, when the changes were on the first Sunday in April and the last one in October. I just discovered it was not set to automatically adjust for daylight savings changes. Hopefully I won’t have to correct it anymore.

stanleybmanly's avatar

An even dozen.

flutherother's avatar

It doesn’t happen until the 26 March here and I have only one clock and one watch to change. Everything else changes automatically.

cazzie's avatar

Microwave, oven, one wall clock, one clock on a shelf, and I have to remember on the 26th. It doesn’t make sense to do it before equinox.

canidmajor's avatar

2 analog, 4 digital, 2 dogs. (Resetting the dogs takes about a week)

chyna's avatar

Oh and there’s the one in the shower. That makes 13. I like clocks, don’t judge me.

wilma's avatar

17. Is that a record? It tells me that perhaps I am old fashioned. I have at least one clock in every room, I sometimes have both face-clocks and digital clocks. I wear a watch, and there’s the clocks in the car and garage.

chyna's avatar

@wilma. So far, you do have the record!

Lonelyheart807's avatar

My stove clock, my microwave clock,my car clock, and my bedroom alarm clock…all others reset automatically (cell phone, computer, and cable box).

Patty_Melt's avatar

Microwave, bedroom alarm, stove.
@canidmajor, the dogs, that’s funny. I bet they think people are nuts.

cazzie's avatar

Oh! I forgot a clock. I do have one in the bathroom! @wilma reminded me when she mentioned she had one in every room.

anniereborn's avatar

Two, the microwave and the one in my car.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma going forward is a thousand times better than going backward, in the fall.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Not for me. haha
I do not like it staying light until 9 o’ clock at night in the summer.
By the time I have dinner and relax a bit and it’s cool enough to go to bed it is freaking 11 o’clock or midnight.
I am always sleep deprived all summer.

I think it would be perfect if it stayed light til about 6:30–7 pm all the time. Staying light late was great as a kid but not as an adult. I like it when it gets dark by 6ish and you feel like you have a few hours of an evening and are ready for bed at a decent hour.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ew no! Give me more light to get more stuff done outside.
My sleep patterns don’t depend on the light though. Or even the time.

augustlan's avatar

Microwave, stove and coffee maker in the kitchen, and one alarm clock. Mr. Auggie always changes them, though, so technically zero. My car clock doesn’t work at all, so we can ignore that one.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I too welcome longer usefull days. The time change usually marks my stir from hibernation. It has been a particularly mild year for my SAD though. I was hardly affected this swing around the sun.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It feels like I’m waking up, stretching. So when I step outside this morning and it’s sleeting and dreary, after 3 days of 70+ temps and sun, it sucks!

Brian1946's avatar

I still had to manually adjust my computer clock.

I guess also syncing it to internet time would then enable it to sync with the daylight savings changes, but I like having it about 2 minutes fast.

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