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JLeslie's avatar

So many jellies are back, what's going on?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) March 8th, 2017 from iPhone

In the last week I’ve seen answerjill, Astrochuck, and Wilma!

Makes me so happy.

Did something happen that they logged back in again?

Something I missed?

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41 Answers

Berserker's avatar

Yarnpocalypse is comin up. People may not remember what we said on that night, but even the angels up there are sure as shit gonna remember what we did.

wilma's avatar

I’m not sure about the others, but for me, I had some computer repair work done and was logging back in to all my old regular sites. I checked into Fluther and saw some of the old familiar faces. I had been thinking of checking in with all of you, to ask a question about cookie jars. so I did.
It’s nice to be back, and I’ll try to check in more often.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

We’d like that @wilma.

@Berserker, what date is that? I have yarn.

Berserker's avatar

It was on an Easter weekend. The next day when Auggie logged in she said she was all like, ok you guys wtf man lol.

JLeslie's avatar

Omg, I’m so excited. Lol.

jca's avatar

I have fond memories of the Yarnpocalypse. It stretched far into the night. I think we were all delirious. LOL

jca's avatar

OMG Echo echo echo echo.

Coloma's avatar

Astrochuck is back? Well damn, I’m an old timer now. haha

Kardamom's avatar

Oh spinning yarns, it’s gonna be great! Hi y’all old timers : )

Stinley's avatar

I feel like an old timer until people start talking about old timers…

wilma's avatar

Don’t forget the time we were all Astrochuck. What a cutie!

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s fun, that’s all.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@YARNLADY, are you prepared for another Yarnpocalypse?

Brian1946's avatar

I think there’s only one Yarncolyte that’s still currently posting.

Cruiser's avatar

Can anyone find the Yarnpocalypse thread?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I was part of that @Brian1946, as was @Berserker.

jca's avatar

I was on the Yarnpocalpse thread too.

Berserker's avatar

@Cruiser The Yarnpocalypse thread? Dude there literary was at least 30 of them. Probably all closed and deleted by now. And tons of other threads were invaded by this.

Also @Earthbound_Misfit‘s right, still a bit of us round deez eer parts.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I couldn’t find the link @Berserker, but I’m sure it’s more about the search function than it’s been deleted or closed.

I did a Google search.

jca's avatar

What a fucking walk down Memory Lane that thread was! Thank you @Earthbound_Misfit! Old Jellies who are no longer here – I wonder what happened to a lot of them. There may be some who walk amongst us, dressed in another’s cloak. LOL

Brian1946's avatar

By Yarncolyte, I meant those who had Yarnlady’s rabbit-ear avatar when I asked the question.

The only photo evidence I had was from the Community Feed. I realize that was an incomplete image, which is why I said I think there’s only one left.

For all I know, I might have donned Yarnlady’s avatar too, but I’m not sure. If only I had also taken a screen shot of the thread.

After a glancing count of the thread participants, I tallied 15 potential Yarncolytes who are still recently active.

Brian1946's avatar

“I think there’s only one Yarncolyte that’s still currently posting.” By that, I meant @Berserker.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I know I wore her avatar. I think a lot of people did. It’s impossible to know now without an image of all those names with Yarnlady’s avatar (I was Bellatrix then).

Berserker's avatar

BAAAAAAAAAAAA so many good memories and shit and man now I’m all sad but we can keep makin em right? Reading that old thread though, man do I swear a lot all the time lol.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Yes, you do, but who cares. It’s you. And I love you. So don’t try to change.

Berserker's avatar

Aaw man, you’re so awesome huuuug! :D

ucme's avatar

I have not noticed any returning punters, not even a trickle.
Still think the old girl’s event sounds better called yarnageddon, but still, considering i didn’t participate in the err, frivolities?

Cruiser's avatar

Thanks for find that @Earthbound_Misfit

If you follow ”@Brian1946’s link and look at the community feed on the right you can get an idea what that thread looked like that night! I’m still laughing about it. It was a very hilarious moment in the Fluther kingdom.

wilma's avatar

I was there then.
I look at what I wrote and I wonder who that was. Do any of you do that?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

There are so many retro-Jellies I’d love to see return. I’m thinking of people from 2010-ish and before.

Judi's avatar

Every once in a while someone will post in an old thread and I get embarrassed. You guys were a major help to me in my deconstruction from a fundamentalist form of Christianity. I like who I’ve evolved to. I haven’t abandoned my faith, just burned away the prejudice and hate. I’m sure there’s more growing and learning to do. Thanks guys for helping me along my journey.

augustlan's avatar

I pop in from time to time and always get sucked right back in (which is why I can never stay for long). Still lurve you people. <3

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ Please do stay with us, Auggie.

jca's avatar

I remember the good old days. I think of them as “The Augie days.”

Kardamom's avatar

Hi Auggie! Are you hungry? Can I fix you anything?

Brian1946's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit @Berserker

”@YARNLADY, are you prepared for another Yarnpocalypse?”

She is!

Berserker's avatar

Global Doom!

Brian1946's avatar

Yes, most glorious Global Doom, as even now our myriad minions infest this very thread! ;-D

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I have to confess to being a tad nervous.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’m still here I never left .. even when I was in the hospital.

answerjill's avatar

Awww…. thanks for noticing me @JLeslie. To be honest, the reason I have returned is that I currently have a temp job where I sit at a computer and have a lot of down-time. I should be at this job for a couple more months, so you will likely see me around.

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