Ladies, where were you when your water broke?
I was in the hospital already. Fully dilated and ready to go. When they went to insert the fetal monitor on the baby’s head, that’s when my water broke. Then, a moment after that it was OHSHITHELLFUCKNOFUCKTHISSHITSHITSHITSHITNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
And then the baby was born just a few minutes later. Less than 5.
Same with the second. But I knew what to expect this time so I started cussing ahead of time, when they said they were going to insert the monitor!
Do you have any special stories about your water breaking?
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30 Answers
Lucky me. Twice on the toilet, once in the shower.
I was home when it broke, 1 o’clock in the morning Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. The baby came out at 10 pm Thursday night, 45 hours later.
At the hospital each time. The first was broke for me.
Well, I’m sure as hell glad it didn’t break at home or at the store. Not if it meant I was going to have a baby 5 minutes later!
Let me go ask a fortune teller.
I was in my mom’s womb, getting ready to come out.
it was my water too
I was standing in my living room. It was shortly after midnight, so we went to the hospital when we finally tracked down my step son’s mother and they sent us home because my contractions hadn’t started. I rested a bit, but then felt the contractions a bit harder about 4am, so went back and didn’t need a room right away. They asked if I wanted a shower to help with the pain and I jumped at the chance. I wasn’t dilated until about 9am and the baby was born with some assistance at 10.30am. I don’t know how I didn’t end up with an infection. I think I got really lucky.
I had just gone to bed about 11p.m. and when I went to turn over, whoosh! I called my doctor and he told me to just relax and wait for labor, but, it never happened so he had me come into the hospital first thing in the morning and I was induced. They don;t like to wait longer than about 8–12 hours if labor does not start naturally. My daughter was finally born the next night @11:29 p.m. The induced labor sucked, really hard, from zero to 60 in about 30 minutes thanks to Pitocin.
I was induced early all three times, and they broke my water all three times, so in a hospital bed in a delivery room. 7 hours, beginning to end, the first time, 5 hours the second time, and 12 hours the third.
I was in full labour with my first. Felt a pop and told the midwife. Baby was born not long after. With my second I was in early labour. I felt a pop again. Baby born a couple of hours later. Longer than the first one. I had both my babies at home in water.
In the hospital bed. 28 hours after labor was induced, nine before he was born. Artificial rupture of membranes, without my consent. It hurt. The woman had enormous hands and she didn’t tell me what she was doing.
I remember the nurses telling me to push during the contractions. Then they ended and I kept pushing. They told me to stop. I said, “Do I have to push only during contractions??”
They went blank, then looked confused, then said, “Well, no. I guess not.”
I don’t know what goes through @Dutchess_III‘s mind sometimes. She’s kind of nuts. smh.
Were you in the microwave?
They had to add Pitocin to my IV because my son wasn’t going down the birth canal as they expected and they seemed to have no idea. I arrived during a shift change. The admitting nurse didn’t check the position of the baby. Baby was a star-gazer. A desperate effort with a suction cup contraption that would have looked at home in a Terry Gilliam movie and a 10 stitch long episiotomi scar (inside and out) and my son was born. I was lucky to avoid an emergency C-section. I guess, without the hospital assistance, we both would have died of infection, eventually and he would never have been delivered.
So if you weren’t in the microwave when you broke the water, how did it break?
@cazzie Sounds like my experience as well. My daughter would crown but then suck back up in and her head never molded, it was as round as a Cantaloupe. haha
I was exhausted after pushing for 2 hours and both our heart rates were sketchy so they threatened me with a C-section. The nurse was tough and told me she was going to make me so damn mad I’d blow that baby across the room. lol
One final, huge, effort and with the aide of a suction device she was born. I also had 4th degree tears into my rectum as the doctor did not perform the episiotomy soon enough.
She weighed 8.4, a good sized baby. We probably wouldn’t have made it 100 years ago.
I’m not telling you there bear.
Your fault. You sent me this question.
I didn’t tell you to answer it.
The first time it apparently happened while I was helping my husband to clean the car to pick up my mom and sister at the bus station. Only I didn’t notice till I got inside. I was drenched in sweat and didn’t notice the blood on my pants. I thought my pants was just wet from sweat. It was about 90 degrees outside. I was soaked from head to toe and came in the house to shower.
The second time is was when I woke up in the morning to pee and realized it was a lot of pee, and then I saw the mucus plug and blood. I was at home both times.
@Dutchess_III The same thing with being told to stop but they told me during contractions to stop because they hadn’t rolled me to the delivery room yet where the doctor was. I was ticked. Luckily the contraction stopped and I didn’t feel like pushing any longer. The doctor said if I had pushed one more time I would’ve hung my son. He had the cord wrapped around his neck. So sometimes it is worth stopping when they say so. I probably wouldn’t have listened. The contractions were so bad and the only time it went away fast was when I pushed. I had back labor as well. Felt like my spine was being crushed.
Is there something going on between Dutch and the Bear that we should know about?
Just friends for….a decade now. Wow. He’s old.
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