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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What famous penguin made 50K today?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) March 11th, 2017

Janbb is on the fifth floor of the mansion. Hip hip hurra. Only took 9 years to get.

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138 Answers

dxs's avatar

Congratulations! 50k on the dot. That’s pretty cool.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Another jelly hit the highest milestone! Congratulations! I’m glad I’m still free enough to see you reach the bottom of the Fluther sea.

Coloma's avatar

Noooo! Well Jan, clearly your bird is older and tougher than mine by a few thousand lurve. lol
Lord, 50k, it’s almost obscene, but in a good way! Stringing up lights on the iceberg and
time to party, buckets of fish on ice and the Northern lights are glowing.
From one flappy footed friend to another, the Goose salutes the penguin!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Wowza! Congrats on the 50K!
Many of us have seen you go through major life stages and changes and you’ve helped so many along the way. Thank your for sharing and teaching us all.
Your stories resonate with others in ways you cannot imagine.
May you enjoy many happy endings.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Congratulations! Now I’ll have to have my tux pressed to help celebrate.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Woohoo!!Let’s Dance to celebrate this great achievement. You are one of the loveliest jellies in the pool. So glad to see you reaching this milestone. I imagine all the other 40,000ers will miss you tonight though.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


We have a peguin on the fifth floor.

zenvelo's avatar

Best palindrome number Ever! 50,005!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Penguinations! You have given Fluther a breath of fresh, icy Arctic air! Bravo!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ley’s pop a cork and slide our nekkid butts on the ice!
Way to go, @janbb!

Patty_Melt's avatar

We should build a waterslide for her, from her fifth floor window to the pool.

flutherother's avatar

50Kongratulations. Crivvens, that’s a michty lang road ye’ve come ye must be fair puggled. Come awa in ben the hoose an pit yer feet up an ah’ll pit the kettle oan.

chyna's avatar

Congratulations Jan! You have been a wonderful contributor here and have shared so much knowledge. But best of all, I am honored to call you friend.

janbb's avatar

@flutherother Och laddie, I am fair puggled! Thank ye!
@chyna And me you!
@Patty_Melt Wheeeeeee!
@ZEPHYRA Thank You!
@zenvelo Ever thoughtful.
@Tropical_Willie Watch out on the fourth floor!
@Earthbound_Misfit Dear friend whom I hope to meet some day.
@dappled_leaves Dear friend whom I have met.
@LuckyGuy You have always been a lovely and thorough support.
@Coloma Let’s waddle dance together!
@Mimishu1995 You have grown so much in your time here. A pleasure to know you.
@dxs Thanks!
@RedDeerGuy1 Thanks for being the one to notice and hosting!

cookieman's avatar

Fabulous!! Couldn’t happen to a better flightless bird of arctic persuasion.

@janbb, you are truly one of the best among us. Lurve you!!


Mimishu1995's avatar

@cookieman I thought you had cookies…

janbb's avatar

@cookieman No Eskimo pies perhaps?

I’ve always had your back and your front and those Big Chocolate Chips of yours!! Mmmmmmmm…......

jca's avatar

50K AAAAND on the verge of retirement and summer’s coming to the shore?!?!?! What more could you want! Congrats @janbb! I think of you as the matriarch of the Jelly pool!

I’m having a cuppa Joe in your honor!

janbb's avatar

@jca Who’s Joe? (waggle, waggle)

kritiper's avatar

Ho-ly cr-ap! How does this happen? Is there even any weather up there at all to ask about?? (I am VERY impressed! Congrats!)

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Let’s all waddle together, flap our flippers, and give praise to the Penguin Queen! Jan’s a true Jelly asset.

Aster's avatar

Congratulations! I’m not bringing a keg of beer; I’m bringing a keg of margaritas ! Be looking out for a truck covered in frost.

janbb's avatar

@kritiper Too much time on my hands!
@Love_my_doggie Let’s!
@Aster Thanks! Yum!

Jaxk's avatar

Wow, 50K. Incredible! My hat’s off to you. We may not agree on everything but this accomplishment is indisputable.

janbb's avatar

@Jaxk Thank you. You are a gentleman.

Judi's avatar

Congratulations! Sorry I’m late!

janbb's avatar

@Judi Always nice to see you whenever you come down off your mountain!

Judi's avatar

@janbb, I’m way down this week! I’m in Los Angeles helping my brother through chemo and radiation.
As much as I love my brother and love spending time with him I am looking forward to being home with my husband and my dogs. I miss them and my mountain.

Coloma's avatar

Get yer waddle on peeps, it’s time for Happy feet!

cookieman's avatar

I am remiss. I meant fish cookies and penguin cookies for all!!

forestGeek's avatar

Wow, very epic @janbb!! Congrats!!

Mariah's avatar

Congratulations Jan!! I have always loved reading what you have to say. 50k – an impressive accomplishment!!

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations to the wisest, funniest penguin that I have ever met! Monumental accomplishment!

janbb's avatar

@marinelife How many others have you met??

janbb's avatar

@Mariah I think the world of you too.
@forestGeek Great to see you!
@cookieman Now you’re tawkin’!

JLeslie's avatar

Woohoo! I’m so excited to help celebrate this happy event! Congratulations!

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, Penguin! I’m so happy for you and all the good things happening in your life right now. You deserve every single bit of it! Thanks for being such a great jelly and friend.

Meet me in the safe room for your reward…I brought my whip. ;)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar


imrainmaker's avatar

Hey that’s a great news!! Congrats @janbb..)

Pachy's avatar

Hey, @janbb, congratulations! I’m wearing a tux today in your honor. (Being an elephant, I’m wearing a very large one.)

janbb's avatar

@Pachy Pics or it never happened!

janbb's avatar

Back from the parade and having a pizza party in my honor. Anyone want to come over?

Stinley's avatar

I’m so happy that this has happened to one of my most favourite people here. Félicitations ma pingouine et mon amie xx

janbb's avatar

@Stinley Merci beaucoup!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Congrats to my favorite penguin.

Peace n love.

janbb's avatar

@Pachy Took too long to load – must be a biiiigggg tuxedo!

@MrGrimm888 Thanks! And to you.

chyna's avatar

@janbb I dunno, is there anchovies on that pizza?

janbb's avatar

@chyna Whaddaya think?

janbb's avatar

@Pachy Oh man! You are HAWT!! Let’s go out dancin’ tonight if your knees will let you.

gorillapaws's avatar

That’s incredible @janbb! Congrats.

Soubresaut's avatar

I hired some entertainment for your party, janbb! I hope you don’t mind… I think they’ve got your kind of style!

And, of course, a whopping 50k congratulations to the sagest penguin there is!

Coloma's avatar

@janbb I had copious amounts of champagne with fresh cherry juice last night, I’m a’waddlin’ slow today but I’d love some pizza. :-)

janbb's avatar

@gorillapaws Thank you!
@Soubresaut I am honored to dance with Dick Van Dyke!
@rebbel Did you tear your dress? (And always a pleasure to see you!)
@Coloma C’mon over!

longgone's avatar

I’m floored. Congrats, my slippery friend.

jca's avatar

What a great gathering of Jellies we have here! It really makes me enthused about the site when so many come out like this!

longgone's avatar

^ Who could possibly miss this?

Cruiser's avatar

Congrats on the 50 grand, been fun getting to know you all these years. Watch your step outside the 50K mansion!

janbb's avatar

@longgone I’m flipping and flopping and slipping around. Good to see you, friend!

@Cruiser You too, kiddo, you too!

2davidc8's avatar

Fantastic, Pingüina!! Congratulations, enjoy your penthouse view! Wow!

(How do you do it? I’ve been here for years and am not even in the first floor yet!)

janbb's avatar

@2davidc8 Thanks. The best part of being on the fifth floor is the toboggan run outside my window. Wheeeeee!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Madame Penguin’s getting so many upvotes in this thread, we may soon be celebrating 100K.

janbb's avatar

@Love_my_doggie Nope – none of them are upping my lurve. No worries.

Coloma's avatar

Well it took you NINE years nearly to get to this level of the mansion. Looks like I have at least 2 more years to go. I could be dead by then. haha
It was my 7th anniversary here a couple days ago.

My how time flies when your babbling away on the internet. lol

Mimishu1995's avatar

@cookieman Come back here and give me some :D

@Coloma I really hope all of you will stay alive until that day, and I will stay alive to see it. Come on, you are only 60 right? Sorry if I keep forgetting your age.

Coloma's avatar

@Mimishu1995 haha, I am 57, but might as well say 60, it’s just around the corner. Feat not, I am too tenacious to die anytime soon. :-D

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Way to go, and good luck with the retirement thing as well I am quite envious .

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Congratulations, Penguin.

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus sail up to my ice floe for a good time?

Coloma's avatar

^ Nothing frigid about that Penguin, pretty black and white there. LOL

BellaB's avatar

Congratulations @janbb ! I do love an excuse for a black tie party.

I found a great movie about your hometown

Maybe we can have a movie night? I’ll bring herring.

janbb's avatar

@BellaB Cool – in both senses of the word!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Good job, my penguin dude.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ll have to use the ice breaker, but it has a very nice lounge copied after Johnny Depp’s yacht, complete with hearth and faux polar bear rug —very good faux. Candles everwhere. All I have is Dom Perignon, Veuve Clicquot and Cristal Louis Roedere on board. All 96’s, all brut—your choice. I have a very large tin of genuine Beluga I’ve been saving for the Penguin—ripped it while doing deckwork on a Russian magnate’s yacht. We’ll try my new recipe for Tsar Crackers that I got from his cook.

That’s for starters. I tend to like to play around in the kitchen on the first date. A little sex, a little food, a little sex. First Mate Eddy will take care of the dishes and un-wreck the kitchen later. You up for that?

janbb's avatar

You had me at genuine Beluga! Bring on da fish and the rest will take care of itself!

Coloma's avatar

Fish oil massage too? Absorb those Omega 3’s while the feathers fly.
You’ll both need a bath in Dawn after this date. lol

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

And then we can finally watch Bogey and Hepburn together in The African Queen—as I promised you so long ago.

ibstubro's avatar

Wow. Quite the fete! We hope you don’t forget your little neon peons!

Dutchess_III's avatar

WOWWWWWWW!!! How does it feel @janbb, to be up there with the likes of Gailcalled and…who else has made 50? Amazing.

chyna's avatar

^@Marinelife has 60K now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus don’t forget me! I want to see Bogey too!

Dutchess_III's avatar

People going to start breaking our lurve!

Strauss's avatar

I’ll serenade my favorite penguin with fifty folk songs, one for each killurve! As you once told me, we old folkies need to be there for each other!

Congrats, @janbb!

janbb's avatar

Thank you @Strauss and @Dutchess_III and @ibstubro ! Thanks for coming to the party and thanks for the folk songs @Strauss !

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m kinda late to the party, but * * C * O * N * G * R * A * T * S * *

janbb's avatar

Thanks @YARNLADY . Always good to see – late or early.

Coloma's avatar

Still party time on the sunny west coast. 6 p.m. sharp and a stunning 76 degree day here.
I am walking around barefoot in my hippie skirt and tee with some barefoot bubbly twinkling in my colorful little plastic flower glass. Sitting poolside with the pussies right now. Party on Penguin!

Grab a floaty and come over for a swim. it’s a bit nippy but invigorating and besides us geese and Penguins have downy breasts to keep us warm and buoyant . lol

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Wow. Looks like you are about to get nailed pretty hard with a storm tonight, Jan. Looks like you might get a snow day tomorrow.

Everyone to Jan’s place for a relaxing night of hefty portions of Italian wedding soup, pasta seafood alfredo, Pinot Grigio, brandy and coffee, rich hot chocolate, Jan’s famous brownies, popcorn_story telling and films. Tomorrow morning it’s _pancakes for everybody.

I’ll take care of the cleanup tomorrow when the weather settles down.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I suddenly remember I should have brought some Thai food with me for Jan to try.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

You guys are going to throw everyone off with the same profile pic

Who wants some snickers cheesecake?

filmfann's avatar

Incredible! Congo rats to a wonderful contributor!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wow! Phat party!
How long can we keep it going?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Mind boggling! Congratulations on a stunning achievement!

janbb's avatar

So far it’s just rain and wind @Espiritus_Corvus – a true Nor’Easter. No snow yet which is good. But the party sounds great as I’ll be home-bound all day.

Thanks @stanleybmanly who is always dressed for my party!

Thanks @filmfann and @SergeantQueen !

And to all the @YARNLADYs, whomever they are – thanks for wearing your best party hats!

LostInParadise's avatar

Sorry for being so late. 50,000 seems so mind boggling. Congratulations!

Coloma's avatar

Okay….enough partying you guys get your ass over here and help me weed the rose garden now. I’m a sweaty mess. lol

janbb's avatar

Hey @Coloma ! You can bow out any time you want to. It’s my party and I’ll stay if I want to. You can manage your own when it comes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m stayin’. Hmph.

Coloma's avatar

^ haha…yes, it’s your party and you can cry if you want to but nobody else can. lol
Okay, fine, I’ve done enough yard work, I will rejoin the party.

Coloma's avatar

Here Jan, have some kitty litter cake!

Stinley's avatar

We are dancing on the deck. Join us!

Strauss's avatar

@Coloma I bet you’re a hot mess when you’re sweaty!

Coloma's avatar

@Strauss LOL…yes, but now I am fresh as a daisy after a lovely cool shower!

zenvelo's avatar

So when you reach 50,000 lurve you are memorialized as a Monopoly token?

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo And man did it hurt being dipped in gold!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

With the 50K and the Monopoly token, your people are making great strides waddles!

Coloma's avatar

Well then, there must be goose token to or a golden egg token. Of course maybe it should be a Penguin egg, much bigger, but might roll off the board.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Coloma, Monopoly now has a rubber ducky and a penguin. Sorry, geese get a goose egg.

Coloma's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay pffft! They should have contacted me first for input. P.S. edit above: “too” not “to.”

tinyfaery's avatar

How did I miss this? You are the best @janbb.

janbb's avatar

@tinyfaery Thank you dear.

janbb's avatar

^^ She’s awfully skinny for a penguin though!

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: An Atkins penguin perhaps.

janbb's avatar

^^ p’raps

Strauss's avatar

Atkins or Paleo-penguin?

Coloma's avatar

Perfect timing, the party goes on and I just cracked a Stella after a fun afternoon hangout with a friend. Party on Garth.

Strauss's avatar

Party on, Wayne!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have pizza.

Strauss's avatar

I have beer!

chyna's avatar

I’m in! Love beer and pizza!

janbb's avatar

Can we have anchovies on one?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ll bring a couple of tubes of Anchovy paste.

janbb's avatar

^^ 00h!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup you can squeeze it on your flipper and put it back in the fridge. :>)

tinyfaery's avatar

Hey, I restarted the party!

Coloma's avatar

Figures the Penguin wants an Anchovy Pizza. lol

janbb's avatar

@Coloma yes, that was the point of the joke.

Coloma's avatar

^ Oh. haha

janbb's avatar

The real me likes sausage or pepperoni, green pepper and mushrooms if anyone’s ordering.

dappled_leaves's avatar

“Anchovies, anchovies, you’re so delicious. I love you more than all the other fishes.”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Oh my, I am so late to this party. My penguin suit was at the cleaners.

Congrats on all the K, janbb!! You’re one of the reasons I come back here!

janbb's avatar

@Jay Let.s go out on the town!

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