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Dutchess_III's avatar

If you were looking for a dog, are there any dog breeds you would avoid? What would you look for?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 13th, 2017

I have only had one purebred dog in my life. The rest were just mutts who became part of the family.

Generally I wouldn’t really want a big dog, unless I lived in the country (but there is Dakota, of course. Broke all my rules!) I have always avoided the little breeds. With the exception of one, they’re just too aggressive and noisy. I’ve gone with cocker sized or a little bigger.
I just go sit down in a litter of puppies and wait to see which one comes to me and how it behaves toward me. I avoid the yappy ones. I also watch to see how aggressive they are with their mates. I have always had good luck that way.

I would never get a pit bull, a rottie or a doberman. I’ve softened towards German Shepherds in recent years, though.

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36 Answers

chyna's avatar

<—Boxer. I have gotten all 3 of mine from boxer rescue places. They are sweet, love kids, love people in general. And after you have one, you will not want a different breed again.

johnpowell's avatar

Growing up we always had German Sheppards. We lived out on a farm and Elka would run out the half mile down our driveway to greet us and walk us back home when we got off the school bus.

For some reason my parents got a pit bull too and that ate our kittens. Sorry Seek. I know Russel is part pit. I just hate the breed.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I like mutts, especially rescued ones. That said we have a chihuahua and had a yorkie. It was a regular yip fest at our house. My wife was allergic to the yorkie so after years of sinus suffering and not wanting to give her up we found an old lady who lost her yorkie and gifted ours to her. I like the connection small dogs have with their owners and the low maintenance but I greatly prefer a medium sized dog to go play frisbee with out in the yard. I don’t want any more toy breeds.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@chyna our across the street neighbors had a boxer. He died really young of heart failure. He was a sweetie.
However, there is another boxer who is always getting lose. I don’t like him. He’s skittish and scared acting. When he comes in our yard and sees us he just starts barking and barking, like a threat. He’s so muscular and powerful that it’s frightening.

Shepherds do like to guard kids, don’t they @johnpowell!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Mutts are generally much healthier. If you want to reduce the chances of spending time/money at the vet,go with a mutt.

German Shepherds share all the traits you wouldn’t like in the breeds you listed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know @MrGrimm888. Dakota broke all my rules.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^My dog broke all mine too. They’re good for that. Wouldn’t trade her for anything though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We got so incredibly lucky with Dakota. Unbelievable. She resisted two years of her original owner trying to turn her into a viscous attack dog.

johnpowell's avatar

Oh… For breeds I absolutely love. My roommate in college was doing yoga in the park and a dog ran up to her. Owners no where in sight. So after a bit my roommate brought the dog home. She was able to contact the owners about a hour later. The owners came to pick the dog up. But everyone in my house fell in love with the dog before they got there.

It was a old Asian couple that had lost the dog. So they pick it up and take the dog home. Then about a hour later they call back and say they don’t think they can handle the dog. And they want to know if we would keep it. We had a massive back yard and other dogs to play with. So we took the dog….

And I generally hate dogs. I hate the slobber and the neediness. But I loved this dog.

So about a year later my sister and her 3 year old twins came up to visit and the dog was so cool around around the twins. She fell in love with Keeeemiie (actual dogs name, don’t ask). After a lot of back and forth my sister eventually got Joyce to let my sister have Keeeemiie.

My sis fell in love with the breed and got another for Keeeemiie to play with.

Such cool dogs.. Mellow and very little drool.

If you are wondering. Keeeemiie is a Australian Shepherd.

Sneki95's avatar

I’d take a cat, but if I absolutely have to tkae a dog, a mutt it is. Take a look at this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shepherds in general are wicked smart. Well, except for this gigantic lummox we babysat at our house for weekend. It was a Himalayan Shepherd. Just not very bright! He was gentle though. Except when he tried to kill Dakota’s cat.

Cruiser's avatar

I am near 99% sure when I retire I will get a ridgeback It will be a hard choice of which one…the Thai Ridges are stunning.

chyna's avatar

^Beautiful dog.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I like that dog @Cruiser! Judi has some cool, silver dogs. I forget what they are.

Dutchess_III's avatar

(Those links were both the same dog…)

Berserker's avatar

A malamuth, husky or Irish wolfhound. But those are dogs that are either big or need to spend a lot of energy constantly. Couldn’t have any of those in an apartment except the husky, plus I work a lot. Wouldn’t be able to suit the dog’s attentive needs.
Small loud dogs are what I would avoid. I do not dislike them; I simply prefer bigger dogs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ohhh! Pretty @Cruiser! What is the average temperament of those dogs (although you may not be able to answer because, you know, there is no such thing as innate temperament in dog breeds….)

Agree @Berserker.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III They are very protective and loving so they say. They are supposedly the most protective breeds of hunting dogs. Purportedly no threat will get in between you and the pooch. I have Remington for insurance to protect the dawg.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not one to have dogs, though I usually like dogs. If I did get one, it would be a shih tzu or cocker spanial. I have to sit wayyyy more than I like, so I could spend lots of time combing it.

ucme's avatar

Yappy little bastards are definitely out, also any breed where it looks like they were hit square in the face with a shovel, repulsively ugly to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That “very ptotective” raises flags for me Cruiser. Beautiful dog though.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III “Very protectiive” is a feature I desire in my dog. My current rescue dog is scared of her own shadow, but anyone who even approaches our front door is given a Cujo welcome.

chyna's avatar

Note to self, stop stalking @cruiser, his dog will maul me.

Cruiser's avatar

@chyna You own a dog…it is those that don’t that think she is a cutie puppy and bend down to pet her that get bit or at the very least a very mean growl. Let her greet you and you will have a very friendly dog eager to play with you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dakota is protective and she has proven it. I like it but I don’t have to worry about her being so protective that no one can even approach me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I also don’t have to worry about her misinterpreting someone’s actions because she so protective.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah yeah! That’s what Judi has. They seem like good dogs. I haven’t done any research on them though. BUT, I also wouldn’t pay money for a dog so unless a magic dog, like Dakota, falls out of heaven on me again, I’ll just get one by going to the pound or some farm.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Weimaraners are awesome dogs, very calm and well behaved.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah. So their breeding, their genetics, usually display as calm and well behaved. It’s innate, is it? I’ll keep my eye open for a mix when the time comes.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Rescue a mutt/mix puppy Dutch. I bet you’re an awesome dog mommy…

Dutchess_III's avatar

All dogs are rescues when it comes down to it! I would hesitate to get an actual rescue dog, like one that had come out of an abuse situation.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^It was just a recommendation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, did you mean “rescue,” as in rescue an abused animal?

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