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Dutchess_III's avatar

Are there any TV channels that broadcast the same thing at the same time, across the nation?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 13th, 2017

When I was kid, you know that everyone watched The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I dated a guy who grew up in Selma, Alabama and when he heard “Heeeeeeeere’s Johnny!” through all of the open windows in town he knew it was time to hightail it for home. And woe unto him if he was late. Millions of kids fell asleep to Ed Ed McMahon announcement that opened the show every single night.
Everyone watched Carol Burnett.
Everyone watch Laugh In.
Every teenager was watching SNL.
With only 3 channels, it’s a good bet that everyone in the country was watching the same thing at the same time.

Do ABC, NBC, CBS still broadcast the same things in every state?

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