The Yarnpocalypse is again upon us! How will you celebrate or survive this wondrous cataclysm?
I am now the mere vessel of She Who Wears the Ears of the Hare.
Are the purveyors of this paroxysm necessarily Horsemen?
Is there a more appropriate appellation for them or you?
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40 Answers
I prefer the name Yarnageddon, but I shall preemptively yield to popular opinion.
Should I be afraid, or VERY AFRAID?
With out a fight?
Or is it just hopeless?
Us mere mortals stand little to no chance?
I feel a little strange! I’m not feeling myself! I think I’ve developed Yarn.
@SQUEEKY2 Even if it is hopeless, you fight. Like a Thai panther or a cannibal squirrel. You fight.
I am here, here with ears, and here I peer into the mirror… I am where? Dare I say, verily, there with the hares, wearing these ears in my hair?
“Should I be afraid, or VERY AFRAID?”
Yes, until you wear the ears of the hare! Otherwise, billions of Yarncolytes will be driving through your neighborhood and on your truck route while TEXTING! ;-o
The Yarnpocalyse has now been sponsored by the Mafia!
How you guys like my new avatar?
‘tis prudently compliant, and significantly improves the chances of your survival.
I-I don’t know…what happened?I ate this funny looking cookie with pink chocolate chips, and then…then…
One pill makes you larger
and one pill makes you small
but the ones that mother gives you
don’t do anything at all.
I’m clicking my heels together because it’s MY BIRTHDAY, it’s THE YARN-POCALYPSE and it’s the SNOW-POCALYPSE! Why am I yelling? Because I could not be any more excited than I am now!
I’ll be spinning a yarn about yarn while knitting a scarf for a squirrel and waiting for the Four Squirrelmen of the Yarnpocalypse to bring about Yarnageddon. The yarn shall be blue and made from dead lady bats harvested at the full moon.
Oh please, let me survive this Yarncolypse!
I have donned the ears, and assumed the position.(legs crossed delicately at the ankles.)
I want to liiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!
This time I took and saved a screenshot of this threat.
I even archived this thread.
I put on the bunny ears, and my tv interference disappeared.
Oh dear, I see strange, shapeless shadows milling about outside.
Knitting, knitting, knitting…
when will it be OVER??!?!!?!
Do you have this thread bookmarked in your browser, or have you archived it in some other way? Actually I heard some people talking about ways to archive pages on the internet and I was just giving it a try.
The Yarnpocalypse is upon me!
I think I’ll crochet a vest today.
I would join in, but I suspect I’m too late!
… oh wait.
I’ve been known to spin a yarn or two…
One can no more be “too late” to be vaporized by YARNFIRE, any more than Earth can be tardy to its consumption by the dying Sun next year! ;-O
Could you knit me a few hand grenades for the up coming battle?
Oh and if you could knit me a sword as well I will be ready for the fight of our lives.
@SQUEEKY2 Maybe a grenade cosy or slip cover for your sheath?
I think I’ll keep my Y’lady avatar for now, because I see an increasing amount of jellies wearing the ears to be feared.
I shall fix is a feast of vegetarian hassenfeffer.
This thread is an echo chamber of mindless allegiance. Only my superior simian mind can resist this call to conformity!
Wait, I’m being enveloped by a blinding force field and I fell an intense buzzing in my pituitary gland!
I’m already crocheting a net to catch the naysayers and hold them still long enough to cram some bunny ears on their heads. The crocheted lace looks dainty, but it’s made out of tough nylon cord, so beware! Naysayers might not know what’s good for them—but WE DO!
We are she, and she is one, who wears the ears of the hare!
Untie me, this instant, you bipedal buffoons!
Oh no, it’s too late…AAARRGH!
And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you’re going to fall
Tell ‘em a hookah-smoking caterpillar has given you the call…
Go ask Alice, when she was just small.
Grace Slick Version
Gillian Welch Version
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