Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Are you glad that bobble headed dorky Bob is gone from the masthead?

Asked by janbb (63371points) March 14th, 2017

Maybe they’ve decided we’re not going to drink the Kool-Aid.

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28 Answers

chyna's avatar

Hip hip hooray! Yes I’m glad! They need to push Fluther over on that “other” site.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes. Yes I am. :-)

And they’re gone fron the right hand column as well.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes. There was absolutely no chemistry between The Bobster and me.

janbb's avatar

Thank you Ben! We just weren’t a match as they say on the dating sites.

cazzie's avatar

What? I think I missed out on something here.

janbb's avatar

@cazzie Most of our mastheads have been displaying a goofy looking guy exhorting us to Ask Jelly for several months and related Jelly questions on the sidebar. It’s now gone and we’re back to our regular yellow submarine and jelly fish. Did it not display that way for you>

dappled_leaves's avatar

Yes! That guy was freaking me out.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Bye Bob. Fake pout

dxs's avatar

What are you talking about? Where is there a mast? Who’s Bob? Why does his head bobble?

longgone's avatar

I’ll just leave this here.

Cruiser's avatar

We are mere pork chops in a den of wolves….Bring it on Jelly…you already consumed my soul you may as well have my corpse

janbb's avatar

@longgone So we didn’t chase them away, they left us for greener fields. Ha!

Soubresaut's avatar

Am I glad Bobble Headed Bob is gone? ... I would vigorously nod in affirmation, but I worry the up and down motion of my head might carry with it an unintended association…

Brian1946's avatar

I’m also glad.

I turned off my Ad Block, but I couldn’t find the specific image that I blocked so that I could enable it again without also blocking the Fluther banners.

I actually prefer seeing the original banners to the blank blocks of color I saw, when I was blocking Bobblehead Bob.

The silver lining on the disabled Ad Block cloud is that now I can log in without having to use the workaround.

jca's avatar

Bob can take a frigging hike.

janbb's avatar

@jca He has – right up to being bought by Pinterest according to longgone’s link. Maybe we would have gone there too if we had joined forces with Jelly.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Well I hope they made a packet from the sale. I’m glad we didn’t go too and I’m not sorry to see Bob’s head removed.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@janbb “Maybe we would have gone there too if we had joined forces with Jelly.”

I know I probably shouldn’t be relieved, but… I’m relieved.

janbb's avatar

@dappled_leaves Me too – although I think we may be hanging on by the skin of our teeth here.

jca's avatar

I’m relieved too.

The owners of this site get paid for advertising, so that helps keep it afloat.

Brian1946's avatar

I have my ad blocking disabled for Flooder, but I haven’t seen any advertising yet.

Ghostery shows that I have only one attempted tracker.

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 The ads only show if you’re not a logged in member.

Brian1946's avatar

I logged out, went to the Home and several other pages, and never saw an ad.

I’ll post a question complaining about the lack of advertising! ;-D

Berserker's avatar

Glad he left. That guy is exactly how I imagine someone who sneaks into your house to sniff your dirty panties would look like.

rojo's avatar

Don’t miss Bob. Truthfully, I am not sure that I ever noticed him; I cannot bring up a picture in my minds eye.

However, I would miss being told that “That’s okay, we love you anyway.” and that I have something in my teeth.

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