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How would you word this email?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13818points) March 14th, 2017

I am trying to send an email to someone who looks over a volunteering program I am a part of. I volunteer at a reception desk, but it’s very slow and nothing happens so I spend the time reading. Everyone who comes in already knows where they are going, etc. I am trying to ask if it’s possible for me to switch positions, but I don’t know how to word it. In the email, I am mainly talking about how I want to get the most out of the program, and sitting and reading isn’t helping that. (I still greet people, but that’s all I do) How would I word it without sounding rude?

My current draft:

I am volunteering at the reception desk on Saturdays, 4–6.
Currently, during my time, it is very slow, not many people come needing help and I mainly spend the two hours reading. I would really like to try to get the most out of this program, so is there possibly another position or time period I could be volunteering in that helps me learn more skills and gives me more to do?

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