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Do you approve of weighted vests to calm unruly pre-schoolers?
A good friend of mine is heartbroken. He sweet, intelligent four year old daughter is being forced to wear a weighted vest every day at her pre-school. The single mother wasn’t informed and found out two weeks later. It is still being done.
The school isn’t even using an actual vest. This tiny girl is wearing a backpack with 10 lbs of books inside. The reasoning given by the school: To calm her. She’s unruly when the teachers don’t allow her to answer all the learning questions.
This mother just paid $2000 in tuition and all other schools have a waiting list right now otherwise she’d be yanked asap. This extremely energetic and bright young girl comes home sad and exhausted. She falls asleep by 5 pm and cries because she thinks she’s a naughty girl now.
What can be done? Do you approve of these methods?
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