Meta Question

faerieshy's avatar

Do you prefer asking or answering on here?

Asked by faerieshy (287points) March 18th, 2017


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12 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Either and neither. Both depend on what I’m doing here at the moment.

Kropotkin's avatar

Questions 0. Responses 988.

Berserker's avatar

I like asking, problem is most of the technical answers I seek may be found with a bit of online research or by going to a site that specializes in certain things, so there is no need to ask those. For example, unless it’s opinion based or somethig like that, I’m never going to ask a question say about video games or animals here, since I can get quicker amd more informed answers somewhere else.

Anyway at this point and what Fluther is like for me, I don’t even see it as a q&a site anymore, it’s more of an online home where I just chill and see familiar faces. Like that bar in Cheers.

Stinley's avatar

I think I read more than ask or answer. I’m happy with that. It’s what I’m like offline too.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I only ask when there is something I really want to know. I don’t ask to play games. I’m picky about what i ask.

Answering is a much easier action; it takes less thought.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Questions 133
Responses 7,862
Joined: December 19th, 2009

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Questions (586) Responses (2,630)

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I have 36 questions and 209 responses
I prefer to respond then ask.

rojo's avatar


I enjoy answering but if I have a question it brings me a certain level of satisfaction to ask it here.

Oh sure @Kropotkin make us all feel bad because we don’t already know anything…

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar


Stinley's avatar

I’m 125 questions to 3483, so that’s a ratio of 1:28

marinelife's avatar

Answering unless I have a question.

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