Could solitary confinement be an appropriate long term sentence for convicted murderers if the standard was modified?
Currently (at least to my knowledge) the standard for solitary confinement is a 22–24 hour lockdown. I personally feel that even 22 hours is too long to keep a person in isolation.
So I am wondering, if the standard was modified to a 20 hour lockdown. Also allowing inmates with solitary sentences 4 hours of non-isolation a day distributed at different intervals throughout the day.
In your opinion would this suffice to reduce the likelihood of mental distress for potential inmates sentenced to a possible 20 years plus of solitary confinement for the crime of murder?
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8 Answers
I’ve been in a side room for 16 hours. I really needed to pee. I hallucinated that I was trapped inside and every one was gone. I liked some of it and a watched a ladybug walking under the door. It was a love hate experience. I think that 8 hours should be the limit.
Why should they be in solitary at all, except for short periods as a withdrawal of privileges?
I find it difficult to know where to begin to try to unpack this question to understand what you’re thinking.
Is solitary confinement a sentence someplace? I thought it was a severe (& cruel) measure taken by some (awful) prisons to attempt to control or punish some inmates. No?
What are you thinking the goal or desired situation is for solitary confinement?
As for effects, I’d think it would also matter what they’re allowed to have while in solitary, and the nature of the prisoner. Some introverts might prefer 2 hours with people (especially unstable prisoners) to 4 hours, especially if they were allowed books, pen & paper, and/or other things to do. On the other hand, I wonder how many introverts like that ever end up in solitary confinement…
I think murderers should spend twelve hours a day doing macrame with the Beach Boys playing in the background.
This is why I am in favor of the death penalty.
What purpose does it serve to keep someone in solitary for 20–30 years? It isn’t rehabilitating the person. It’s slowly driving them nuts.
22 hours, 20 hours, makes no difference.
Depends on if people in general drive you snake shit or not. For me, full-time solitary would be heaven.
I will start by saying my mom spent 10 years in prison. Her first few days she was getting roughed up by guards and pushed one back. A week in solitary.
This isn’t chill with a tv and some books on a bed. I don’t know what you think solitary is here. It is not just being alone. Depending on the prison it can be a blanket in a dark room. It drives people bonkers.
@johnpowell I know that the conditions can be terrible. I would advocate that the conditions of solitary be improved. They should at least have reading material and decent lighting during the day,
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