Social Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Who cares to play TJBM game, The Jelly Below Me, #76?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) March 19th, 2017

The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me is a cheese addict.”
The response might be:
“False! Cheese killed my family!”
“True! I live on cheese.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me likes sleeping.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a Jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.

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557 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

I care to play #76.

TJBM is named Brian.

BTW, first!

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m the mighty godmother @Mimishu1995. No way I am “Brian”. Brian is someone who refuses my protection! ~
TJBM won’t bother to listen to my 3-day trip report Sorry but I’m on an emotional roller coaster and I need a shoulder to cry on right now.

Brian1946's avatar

I won’t listen, but I would like to read about what happened to you in Tie Land.

TJBM will cry on my shoulder.

cookieman's avatar

I just might if you were to offer (and, ya know, be physically present).

TJBM tries to stay focused and be in the moment.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah…uh…What’s the question?

TJBM has the answer.

Coloma's avatar

Stay focused..Oooh, look at that pretty bird over there!

TJBM is going into a warp speed work phase coming up.

cookieman's avatar

Going into? That’s pretty much been my natural state of being since I was 18.

TJBM feels that a simpler, slower lifestyle is beyond their reach.

Coloma's avatar

No, I do have that, for the most part now, feast or famine. Weeks of slow and then weeks of warp speed, I like it that way though.

TJBM has had something in their eye recently that was driving them crazy for a couple days. I think I have a cat hair in my eye. haha

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think my eyes are a bit misty…
Thanks Brian. I know you care :) But be prepared for a really long story.
Don’t get me wrong, the trip was wonderful. It was one of the best moments of my life. That is exactly why I am so messed up right now.
We took the school bus to the village. It soon turned out that it wasn’t exactly a “village”. It was some sort of tourist attraction sponsored by the government with the only job to preserve Thai traditional culture. On arrival we were greeted by a line of locals who readily waited for us. We walked to the village hall and sat down for a long welcome speech mixed with Thai and inaudible Vietnamese. Then it was time to meet our homestay hosts.
There were four people in my dormitory room – the immature old classmate, the taciturn classmate, the former enemy and me. We should have lived together but the old classmate just took her roommate with her to live with someone else for some reason, leaving the former enemy and me alone. While we were standing like two lost sheeps not knowing what to do, my student guide and her best friend approached me and filled in our blank. We stayed with an old fat woman in a large wooden house.
The schedule on that day was to familiarize with the host and had dinner with the community. I didn’t know what the woman and the student guides said to each other, but then they seemed to ask us to wear their traditional clothes. I gladly wore the clothes I liked it anyway, but the former enemy refused because we had a dance performance after dinner and she wanted to keep her clothes for the performance. But I knew that I only needed to wear the clothes outside my performance clothes, so I decided that it didn’t hurt to show a bit respect. That night I was the only one of the apprenticeship team to wear the clothes. Everyone except the team was amused by me. My team was a bit frustrated that I didn’t keep my performance clothes. I proved them wrong by putting off the clothes before the performance and dancing with the team.
At the end of the day we were announced that we had to be up at 6:30 a.m to offer meal for the monks. I gladly got up and 5 and get ready. After the tradition we went to help the host prepare breakfast. Only my student guide got to help though, her friend and I were spared the work. While we stayed with the host, the former enemy was not present because she was busy catching up with her sleep. I had to go wake her up when breakfast was ready. We ate rice with average food: fried eggs, vegetables, some fish sauce, and ants’ eggs… well, this one wasn’t average. While many people in my team were put off by the sight of dead ants, I didn’t care and enjoy the meal. The host seemed to like it that I enjoyed her meal.
On the first day we had a trip to a farm. My host was among the guide. While the kids were busy taking selfies with the animals, I took time to enjoy the sight. I even had time to help the host when she brought sweet potatoes to everyone. We went to see several fruits and vegetables. The farmer seemed to be some sort of relative of the host, and she seemed to like me, maybe thanks to the host. She offered me some of her products. When everyone chilled out after watching the farm, I was even the only one to be invited to the farmer’s house. I felt a sense of satisfaction as I looked down to the kid outside from the wooden house.
In the noon we went to see people making traditional stuff. Nothing really happened then, just us looking at people and trying our hands to make things, which we messed up greatly. Then we had to climb a mountain. But before we went we had to sit for some kind of ceremony, probably to wish us luck. At one point the elders invited us to join the dance, and only three people joined, including me though I knew I danced horribly. We went to the mountain, and I realized that I liked climbing mountains. I thoroughly enjoyed the adrenaline while walking on steep roads. I knew later that some people were put off by that very part that I enjoyed. We went to the top, took some pictures, and came back. I was dirty, bit I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Then in the evening I begged my host to let me wear the traditional clothes again an she happily agreed. Again nothing really happened. We ate dinner in the village hall, this time another girl decided to try the clothes. Then we were left alone. My former enemy, being the type that doesn’t actively reach out to people, was frustrated that she had to live with two Thai girls that she didn’t know and a woman that she couldn’t communicate with at all. She decided to tag along with her friends to their house. I wanted to go as well, but my protective guides urged me to go home. And I the realized that I had made a right decision to listen to my guides. At home I was informed by the guides that it was dangerous to go out after 8:30 p.m as the streets became very dark. And at 9 a heavy rain approached, and the former enemy was forced to stay at her friends’ home. If I had come with her, I would have been stuck in the place, leaving a bad impression to the host as a girl who stayed out overnight remember, the host was an old village woman. I also saved my guides from unnecessary worry too. I also had time to sleep early for an early morning.
This morning I woke up early again. The former enemy returned right after I finished preparing looking like a ghost from staying up late with her friends. Another food offering section, and again only three people stayed in the kitchen. At one point my guides asked me in Engrish why the former enemy was so distant. I could only tell them that she was shy, because I didn’t know how to explain the situation. We had breakfast together then went to the bus. We were greeted by another line of locals who said goodbyes to us. I met my host among the line and she gave a hug to my two guides, my former enemy and me. I don’t know about the enemy but to me the hug felt so warm, so full of love. I found myself looking at the host on the bus until she disappeared.
I experienced time in slow-motion again. The trip only lasted for 3 days, and I still can’t believe how much emotion I experienced during such a shot time. My roommates told each other that the trip was a waste of time, with full of confusion from people with no common language, long walks and aching limbs, but to me it was a time of paradise. Maybe it’s because I was able to put away the phone, stop focusing on familiar things and truly embrace the culture. I showed to the people that I came to learn about their culture and respected it and I received appreciation and hospitability, something that the kids failed to feel because they were too busy taking selfies and chatting with their friends. Especially the host. My former enemy was frustrated that she couldn’t talk to her, but I felt the total opposite. I had never spoken a word to her, but I could feel her love to me. There was some kind of bond between us, we loved each other despite the language barrier. I can’t believe that I managed to gain love without even talking.
Now as I have some time alone in the dormitory, I realize that I miss everything. I feel so sad that everything has finally ended. I can never walk on the roads, watch the dances in the hall, and eat meals with the old woman again. I have become too emotionally attached to the trip. I can’t share my grief to anyone because they all think the trip is a waste of time. I only have my Fluther friends to confine in, an hopefully you will understand.
TLDR version: I went on a 3-day trip, became too emotionally attached to the culture, and now I’m so sad that the trip ended.
TJBM understands me.

Sneki95's avatar

I understand you. To a degree, that is, I’ve never really met any other culture.
It’s a good thing it turned that way. You understood and accepted the culture you were in. You made nice memories. That is nothing but helpful.

TJBM has had a nice day today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s OK. It’s beautiful out. Wish I had the energy to go work outside.

TJBM has no energy.

cookieman's avatar

I just woke up from a nap in the car, so yes — I have no energy.

TJBM likes peanut butter sauce on their ice cream.

Sneki95's avatar

Ew, no.

TJBM knows that keyboard buttons make different sounds.

Coloma's avatar

They do? I guess I haven’t paid much attention.
@Mimishu1995 Awww….but you had a great adventure, try not to be sad.

TJBM has seen the Grand Canyon.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes and it was nearly as spectacular as Mimi’s narrative was enjoyable. TJBM wondering why it is impossible for MIMI keep in touch with her host.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m here. And there are a lot of reason why this parting is permanent. First, the woman speaks Thai and we have no common language. Second, the woman is old and has no access to the internet, so no Facebook or things like that. Third, she may have a telephone but I don’t know her number, and beside, how can I call her if I can’t speak her language?
But I wish that one day, we would meet again, somewhere in eternity… :p
TJBM has become resilient to goodbyes.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, it comes with age, there will always be goodbyes, hold on loosely and cherish your memories.

TJBM knows that by the time you become wise it is almost the end. lol

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s rather profound.

@Mimishu1995 I can’t believe that you are prepared to accept defeat so readily. What sort of detective would look at this as unsolvable? TJBM is disappointed.

Coloma's avatar

No, she will find her way, we always do. Profundity # 303. lol

TJBE has learned to go with the flow and love with uncertainty.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Coloma @stanleybmanly yeah, there will be a way. But not right now. The best way I can think of is one day, when I have enough money, I can make a trip back to the village and chances are that I will find her again.
But for now, I think I will do what @Coloma said and go with the flow.
TJBM feels like dancing.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh HOW I wish I could still dance! Sometimes, when I am in my wheelchair I do loopy loops to music being played. I miss having my body cooperate with me.
Mimi, I have connected with people in some strange places and ways too. I was stuck with waiting a full hour at a bus stop one night. It was late. One other person waited with me. I was a young white woman wgo spoke only English. He was an elderly man who spoke only Spanish. He wanted desperately to not pass the time as silent strangers. He walked me through key words with pantomimes, to give me a vocabulary, somewhat. He then proceeded to tell me a story of some fellow fishing from horseback on a Mexican beach. He caught a very large fish. Because of the sand, the horse could not hold its footing. The fish dragged horse and man until they were chest deep in ocean. Somehow, the man finally landed the fish. I laughed at the end. The man was clearly giddy that I understood well enough to laugh at the finny parts. We made a special connection, for an hour. Then, the bus picked us up, and we never saw each other again. I still carry the warmth of his sharing in my heart.
TJBM remembers fondly someone they met only once.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not often.
The Jelly below me has not played this game in a long time.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Mimi always brings it back. TJBM wonders why.

cookieman's avatar

No. I assume that Mimi simply like a Jelly below her. ;^)

TJBM wishes they could meet some Jellies in person.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do. Most of the ones currently active. I am very curious to meet loli, but I would be too scared.
I would like to meet Mimi, but goodbye would be too much for both of us.
I would like to meet any jelly who can play a good game of cribbage.
TJBM knows how to play cribbage, and knows of its origin.

Mimishu1995's avatar

So you can’t meet me because I don’t know what cribbage is ~
@stanleybmanly @cookieman I just try to keep the tradition. Someone has to care right?
TJBM is in the middle of nowhere.

Patty_Melt's avatar

What? No. You are one of the many jellies I DO want to meet.

Strauss's avatar

Oh, yeah! Not now, but I’ve been stranded in the middle of nowhere…not enough time right now to post the story, but I promise it’s a good one!

TJBM has a good story about the middle of nowhere.

cookieman's avatar

I do. It’s about a drive from San Diego to Las Vegas.

TJBM drives only short distances from home.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My field trip story can be qualified as a “story about the middle of nowhere”, I think. Sure, it isn’t really an old-fashioned village, it manages to catch up with the modern life to some degree, but it is still in a middle of nowhere, surrounded by forests and mountains. I guess you have already read my report.
And if you do, I have just received an update that further justifies my grief: on the day when I had to choose between tagging along with the former enemy to have fun with her friends and going with my two student guides, I made a more than right decision to choose the latter. The friends were planning to have a beer party right in their host’s house. And my God were they noisy, everyone living near them could hear their screaming. My team was accompanied by two Thai male students, and they were there in the party. I heard that the friends taught them some very vulgar Vietnamese words and the talk was very sexual. I also heard that the party was not even the first. I knew they had been eyeing on the beers on the first day when we were in the local store, but I didn’t know that they actually bought some. And you know, the Asian culture has a very strong stigma against noisy beer parties, especially girls who participate in one. I guess that my host didn’t know the whole story, but she knew that I didn’t go out late and she could have known everything because her fellow host who was annoyed by the noise told her. My refusal to join their fun was what strengthened my bond to her.
Suddenly I feel like I’m much more mature than I think.
TJBM has a positive trait that people fail to appreciate.

BellaB's avatar

@Mimishu1995 , I really valued your two posts here about your trip. I think it shows your great interest in the world beyond you.

That kind of interest in the wider world is one of my under-appreciated traits and I like seeing it in others. I think we all do better when we can see past our own noses.

TJBM has craft ADD.

Coloma's avatar

Haha no, I am not a big crafter type but, I am going to buy some alcohol inks and experiment with some abstract design on glass and tile soon.

TJBM knits little monkey dolls with plastic heads.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Nah, that’s kind of creepy. I never got the hang of knitting. I love to stitch, though. I am shibori stitching a scarf. Stitching is very calming.

TJBM believes in the fairy tales.

Coloma's avatar

Not literally but for the morals of the stories yes.

TJBM learns well via analogy.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sometimes. Sometimes it requires a gently worded message air mailed up me arse.

TJBM is fidgety today.

Coloma's avatar

No, but having one of those days with lots of little mishaps. The latest, I thought I hit 2:25 minutes n the microwave to re-heat some soup but then realized it was taking forever and the timers said it had SEVEN minutes to go! WTF happened there? lol
Needless to say my soup will be cool enough t eat in about an hour now.

TJBM hates, hates, hates it when a stray hair is tickling your face and you can’t find it and brush it away.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Long hair is often beautiful, but were I a woman, the inconvenience of dealing with it would cancel all positives. TJBM considers long hair worthy of the effort required.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Absolutely not. I cut my hair off in the school bathroom. It used to be down to my waist, cut it to my chin. Hated having to do all this extra hair care stuff and putting it up in a bun every week- could never figure out how.
TJBM has tried something new today.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Awww… I just woke up. How do I know what is in store for me?
TJBM had something new yesterday.

AshLeigh's avatar

I didn’t.
TJBM is from a very cold place.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yeh. Me psycho mums womb.
TJBM has a gun, and knows how to use it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t have a gun nor know how to use one, but holding a gun for once in my life is my fantasy.
TJBM has a dark fantasy and is comfortable to share.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ummmmm, nope. I used to. I guess I got it all out of my system.
TJBM likes to use crayons and color when they are stressed.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t own any crayons but I do like to color.

TJBM likes to check out with a good movie when they are stressed.

cookieman's avatar

Yes, or binge watch a good tv show.

TJBM has binged other things.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, I binged on mini-Robin Eggs a week or so ago. Of course I was only going to have a few and ended up eating about 90 of them. lol

TJBM will tell us their favorite binge food.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Homemade COOOOOOKIES. I see a tasty one right up there too, with pretty colored cannnnndies. SLURP.
TJBM knows how I feel right now, craving a bite.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not at this moment, but it’s easy enough to get me going!

TJBM is going barefoot for the first time this year.

Coloma's avatar

I was a couple days ago, temps around 76 degrees but now it is cool again with T-storms goin’ on.

TJBM is having a highly frustrating day.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’ve had a pretty decent day, so far, though I have to go back to work in about an hour to work with my little shits precious angels, so we shall see.
TJBM likes their job.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I will LOVE my job once I get one.

TJBM was down to a tshirt and barefeet, but now has a sweatshirt and socks back on.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have been a bit under the weather. I am still dressing snuggly for a while.
TJBM is fishing, right now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m watching you fishing, right now.
TJBM is eating fish, right now.

Sneki95's avatar

No, but I’d like to. I’m real hungry atm.

TJBM needs to take a bath.

Patty_Melt's avatar

sniff sniff
Okay, thanks.
TJBM likes LOTS of bubbles, MOUNTAINS of bubbles.

Sneki95's avatar

I do. I like to grap bubbles and watch them disappear into thin air? How do they do that? They literally disappear. I’ve no idea how.
I like the word bubble too. It fits the concept it describes.

TJBM can’t sleep.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, but I’m deprived of sleep. I have to go teach again today and hopefully this time will be ok.
TJBM will wish me luck.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I wish you tons of luck! I don’t know what your teaching or what grade/age level, but it’s hard work. I hope everything goes smoothly
TJBM has had a teacher that’s changed their lives.

Sneki95's avatar

I’ve had some wonderful teachers that I will always remember, even thought they haven’t done much to changr my life. They were simply remarkable and have left a trace in my memory.

TJBM never reads reviews and critics of movies/ books/ music…

Coloma's avatar

False, I do read reviews but..I still make up my own mind. I don’t believe in taking anothers word for anything minus my own experience.

TJBM loves a good bottle of wine.

Sneki95's avatar

Sure I do. I drink wine only on celebrations, though. i never drink otherwise. I like red wine; it’s kinda sour, I like that taste. Never tried white wine.

TJBM can’t hold their liquor.

BellaB's avatar

No. I used to be on a competitive beer-drinking team. First female anchor on a team at my university. Those were the days.

TJBM likes the present more than the past.

cookieman's avatar

I can, but if the bottle is too heavy, I’ll use two hands. I don’t drink though.

TJBM knows more than a few addicts.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

From my days working in the Psychiatric Hospital, YES.

TJBM has a change in the weather coming. (Thunderstorm after midnight here)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not much. I’m wishing for slightly warmer, with a little rain at night.
TJBM is really cool, and I am glad you are here.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m going to take a compliment for once :D
TJBM is experiencing cool weather.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, it was really warm but now rain and thunderstorms are back.

TJBM has had a household appliance break recently.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, the door shelf in my fridge broke just a couple hours ago.

TJBM is not as handy as they’d like to be.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not anymore. My hands don’t do what I mean for them to. I used to putter around with a little of nearly everything. Heating and plumbing were my no touches. Now, I drop the wrench, drop the screwdriver, try to balance on one foot and a crutch. Oy! Time to hire a guy.

TJBM will tell the one thing they really wish they could still do.

AshLeigh's avatar

Wake up without taking medication.
TJBM doesn’t know how to swim.

Sneki95's avatar

Nope. I never learnt to swim, even though I live near a river.

TJBM sleeps on their belly.

Brian1946's avatar

Not since 1989, because I occasionally dislocated my right shoulder when I did.

TJBM can name the smelliest day of the week.

Mimishu1995's avatar

March 19th, the day I returned from my field trip. I hadn’t had a proper bath for 3 days and I had been torturing myself with dancing, making crafts, mountain climbing…
TJBM can live without some necessities when the situation call for it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My dear, I trained for it.
It sounds to me like your trip has added a great deal of valuable experience to your life in a short time. What a great opportunity. Your parents got their money’s worth, for sure. I am certain they MUST be very pleased how things went, and proud for their daughter.
TJBM is feeling hurried today.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

KInda. Spring Breakers are out in force and determined to spend Mommy and Daddy into bankruptcy by hiring a sailboat for a party. LOL. And there’s always a guy like me out their to assist them in that goal.

TJBM has had experience as a Spring Breaker.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You mean my New Year? I have beaten it to death every year when New Year comes.
And are you hinting that you will be very busy EC?
@Patty_Melt thanks. I can’t believe I learned so much in such a short time too. It’s the first time I have ever traveled abroad. And one of the best moments of my life too. I will keep it in my memory like a precious treasure.
TJBM has a good memory.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What was the question?

TJBM is in the middle of psycho weather.

BellaB's avatar

Yes. Went from spring weather to deep winter in about 10 hours. Ridiculous. I am tired of polar fleece everything.

TJBM is planning to cook a nice meal today and will describe it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

M. Well. I’m toasting bread for a PB and strawberry jam sangwich. Later I might have a cheese burrito. That’s about it!

TJBM doesn’t cook much.

Sneki95's avatar

I don’t, but I’d like to. Sometimes I help out in the kitchen, it’s interesting.

TJBM likes to walk rather than to use the car/bus/similar.

Strauss's avatar

I do prefer to walk, and I tend to do so, weather, distance or time permitting; if distance is an issue, I’ll usually take public transit. If time is an issue, or I am traveling with someone, I will usually accede to their travel preferences.

TJBM has a story to tell.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, my daughter made grilled cheese sandwiches for the 4 year old twins the other day. One’s a girl and one’s a boy. She told them she was making grill cheese, and the boy said, “I don’t want girl cheese, I want boy cheese.” So from now on she always has to call his sandwich “boy cheese,” or he won’t eat it!

TJBM will post grandkid stories at the drop of a hat.

Coloma's avatar

No grandkids for me, yet anyway, maybe someday, maybe not. I have a grand pussy and a grand iguana. Named Niki and Krampus. I buy them cat and lizard toys. lol

TJBM is havng internet issues, -I may not be around much for a few days trying to resolve my networking problems.—

Mimishu1995's avatar

And after typing this response, @Coloma was consumed by the internet loss Demon and is trying to break free.
Don’t worry @Coloma, I have been there too, even more so in Thailand. You will do it. I will cheer for you!
TJBM makes a mountain out of a molehill.

BellaB's avatar

Always. Worrying is in my gene code.

TJBM has plans for the weekend and will tell us about them.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Umm… sleep? Fool around in my room? Hang out with boys?
Well, about the boys part, I have officially become a “femme fatale” of the whole team. No one messes with me when it comes to flirting with boys. The joke came from my tendency to talk to boys so openly that people misunderstand. A bit background: there are at least five popular boys in that school. Each of them is “assigned” to a girl in the team. I raised from having no boy to collecting two of them. I kicked the two previous girls out of the list and my team fear that I will take care of the rest.
You already see that I’m just joking around right now. In fact, I’m just friendly and the two boys just happen to click with me. There is nothing romantic between us.
TJBM enjoys a little joke sometimes.

AshLeigh's avatar

Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Europe who?
No, you’re a poo!
TJBM likes making really stupid jokes.

Brian1946's avatar

I do and I like reading them too.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Boo who?
If I had known you were going to cry, I wouldn’t have knocked.

TJBM frees up memory space on their hard drive, by occasionally deleting all but the most recent restore point.

Mimishu1995's avatar

This is what I do with my school project files. I delete everything after a project save for the final product. Most of them have no practical usage anyway.
Other files, I grow emotional attraction to them.
TJBM gets the joke hint: my attitude toward learning and free time.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Free time? You actually get some free time? When do you fit it in?
I am watching the Special Olympics right now. Oh gosh, how cool.
TJBM wanted to do an olympic event when they were little. What?

Coloma's avatar

I wanted to be part of the Equestrian team. I love horses.

TJBM loves horses.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, I do. Most of the time, they are the most peaceful animals, but have the ability to crush you in an instant if they choose. They prefer the placid life of the grazer and will generally walk away from disputes with humans if they aren’t confined.

They have a very sophisticated language and beautiful eyes. If they really want something, or are insulted by your behaviour, before they take measures they’ll tell you first with their ears, tails and the angle by which they stand from you. Many humans can’t read this language and are shocked when a horse loses patience and appears to suddenly get violent for no reason. There’s always a reason with a horse. They can hold a grudge for days until you spend a little time gently talking to them and petting them. Always end the dispute by blowing into their nostrils. They are extremely forgiving if they haven’t experienced long-term abuse by other humans. But they have long memories.

As an herbivore, their first instinct is to run from danger unless you’re messing with their young, or a stallion’s herd of mares. They are an advanced animal intellectually, and each has a distinctive personality with little quirks of their own. These differences accepted in the herd, for the most part, but if one’s behaviour disturbs the herd, a quick bite and short chase by an older mare or the stallion solves the problem right away. This is how a mare teaches her young equine etiquette and to get along in the herd.

A dispute over the alpha position by a younger male means it’s time to have a knock down, drag out fight and either take the herd from the alpha, or find their own. Human sons do this with their fathers at the advent of puberty beginning subtly and often ending badly because humans are so far removed from their nature. We have more intellectual capacity for broader understanding, but we rarely use it. I believe we’re perverted from our true nature.

You learn a lot by watching horses. Once the initial trust issues are solved between a horse and a strange human, a blow into their nostrils is an intimate way of saying I love you. I start the day, every day, this way with my mare, Cheyenne.

If you have an orphaned or rejected calf, lamb or foal that wanders away from the herd, it means they haven’t been adopted by another older female for some reason. They just stand out there and bawl in loneliness and abandonment. It’s heartbreaking. Get them, hold their head gently and breathe into their nostrils for a bit, and they will follow you anywhere forever. You’re their new mama. Your job now is to never abuse that trust by providing a foundation of security and safety to this young one so they don’t grow up neurotic and have a life of rejection by their own. I wish more parents understood this. It’s a big responsibility and key to their future happiness.

With few exceptions, a herd practices the adage, “It takes a village to raise a child”. They are distinct individuals, but their behaviour is always for the greater good of the herd. God, I wish more Republicans understood how that works.

These are the few things I’ve learned by owning and observing my horse and other horses, reading books about them, and having discussions with seasoned horse people like Coloma just in the past year or so. I’m a newbie at this, but I think my relationship with horses will be deep and life long. My horse and my dogs are the only thing that keeps me for wandering the sea aimlessly, as the sea is my first love.

TJBM has a favorite animal species.

Brian1946's avatar

My favorite land-based species is the Bengal tiger.

My favorite marine species are sea turtles and manta rays.

Your description of an abandoned baby animal really touched me.

I think horses are magnificent animals and have been one of the most valuable species to human existence.

I’m a supporter of Protect Mustangs and I bought two of their t-shirts.

TJBM can name a plant and/or animal species that’s more important to the biosphere than humans.

Sneki95's avatar

Bees, apparently. Insects in general, or so I’ve heard. As for the plants, probably all of them.

TJBM is cold right now.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. Far from it. I haven’t worn anything but light clothing for a few years now. I miss 50F weather sometimes, but any colder than that, unless we’re talking about deep, clean white snow at Christmas in the Mountains, you can keep it.

TJBM can briefly describe the importance of bees to the plant and animal world—or not so briefly. I love bees.

Sneki95's avatar

They spread that plant dust thing and help plants reproduce.

TJBM speaks laconically.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, I do. I developed a kind of low land southern accent, kinda like they speak on the eastern shore of Virginia, a soft, non-twangy southern accent with good grammar and diction. The one Vivian Leigh approximates in Gone With the Wind. But over the years, it’s kind of diminished from speaking English to foreigners. It’s easier for them to understand me if I speak in a neutral accent like the news people do on American national TV. I call it the California accent.

I had to drop the southern accent completely when I lived in the liberal San Francisco area back in the early ‘70s. A southern accent at Berkeley was synonymous with stupidity, ignorance and racism and all the other dark things that have come out of the south since the Civil War. In order to get along, I went neutral.

Nowadays, it comes out when I’m tired or have had a couple of martinis. My Swedish wife loved my accent because she didn’t have all the prejudices that Americans have toward it. And most non-southern Americans can’t tell the difference between any of the plethora of regional southern accents out there, nor the classes of education and socio-economics associated to them by other southerners. Yes, laconic would be one description. I speak slower than Yankees.

@Brian1946 I agree 100% on the horses and your choice of animals. I think Coloma shares your interest in Protect the Mustangs as do I. This isn’t the 1950s anymore. This isn’t The Misfits.

TJBM has an identifiable, regional accent.

Sneki95's avatar

I live on the north, that has a very distinct accent, especially compared to the dialects at the south of Serbia. Southern accent is known to be very fast, simplified in grammar, and quite similar to Macedonian or Bulgarian. Here at the north, it’s completely the opposite; our northern accent is very slow and a bit more complex in terms of grammar, with lots of loan words from German and Hungarian that are not present southern of Belgrade. By the way, Belgrade has its own accent.
It kinda fits our stereotypical personality; us northerners are often thought to be very relaxed and laid back in nature, sometimes it’s even perceived as laziness.

TJBM disagrees with the myth that the way someone speaks can reflect their personality.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, I do, vehemently. I have been briefly pigeon-holed like that a few times in my life, such as my time at Berkeley as described above.

LOL. You northern Serbs sound a lot like our southerners in lifestyle, colloquialisms and unique uses of the language. Is your regional food unique as well? Is it the absolutely best tasting and most unhealthy food in Serbia? If you ever get here, Sneki, I would love to take you on a restaurant tour of New Orleans. We’ll take Strauss along. He’s an expert on N’Olins cookin’.

TJBM sometimes runs out of TJBM things to ask.

BellaB's avatar

I’ve got more TJBM questions than answers. Odd? True.

TJBM enjoys listening to music from other continents and will give us one example.

Brian1946's avatar

I do, and here’s an example from South America:

TJBM can name a jelly who was born in 1995.

Sneki95's avatar

Yeah. My name is Sneki, nice to meet you.

As for the Serbian north, we have plenty of different, tasty, healthy food. Strudels, fisherman soup, various pies (made differently than American pie), rinflajš (from German Rinfleisch; it’s when you make a soup with meat and various vegetables, then take out the meat and vegetables and serve it as a separate meal, without the soup), goulash, macaroni with everything, and the rest of Serbian cuisine. Wine is a very popular drink here, while rakija is more popular in central and south Serbia.

TJBM is a summer child (born between May and September).

cookieman's avatar

Nope. I’m a Halloween baby. Which actually explains a lot.

TJBM enjoys Autumn most.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Oh, I love Autumn. I have a trail near my house that is absolutely stunning in the fall. It’s my favorite place to go when I am stressed out. I am able to think more clearly after a walk on the trail. It’s so healing getting connected with nature. I’d love to see how it looks on an early winter morning when all the trees are coated in snow.

TJBM will share their favorite place to go when stressed out.

Sneki95's avatar

My bed. Seriously. When I’m angry, I go to sleep. My mom would tease me about this sometimes.
Besides that, rivers is what calms me greatly. I loved going to the beach in the village and look at Tisa, or to the “kej” (read as “kay”) in the city and watch the Danube, and the Fortress at the other side. There is a massive fortress in Novi Sad, made all the way back in the Roman times. It’s amazing to look at. The Danube itself is wonderful too. There are a lot of some strange white birds gathering at one spot near the river. I spent one nice morning watching those birdies playing in the water. (and one very angry, soaking wet pigeon sulking nearby lol). The smell of the river relaxes my soul.

TJBM has a strange habit no one to their knowledge seems to have.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have so many unusual habits to tell. Want to hear one? I often scartch my head when I try to ask for some difficult favor.
TJBM has witnessed some stupid drama lately.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have a teenage daughter.
TJBM will answer the same question.

Sneki95's avatar

Presidential elections here. It’s so fake and stupid it’s disgusting. It’s one of those moments when you feel your own intelligence is being insulted simply by listening the shamelessly obvious propaganda. People are not even trying to pretend being honest anymore.
Thankfully, we have a spoof politician. He started out as a parody of a presidential candidate on Facebook…...and then got enough signatures to actually candidate for a politician. The “I can’t believe people are ready to vote for him” candidate, Ljubiša Preletačević Beli. It makes things a bit less repulsive. Dude’s quite a sensation.

TJBM can’t sleep.

AshLeigh's avatar

Sleep is for the weak.

TJBM quit smoking.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. I tried, but I had to go back to it before I killed so many people they would start finding the bodies.
TJBM knows a good place to hide a body.

Coloma's avatar

Sure, plenty of them. haha
Probably one of the best is to just pour some concrete and plant them under the patio. haha

TJBM had a looooong day.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m having a looooooong day today, and my day hasn’t ended yet. I had to observe two teaching sections by two teachers because I have no life and I’m curious about how Thai teachers teach English to write a report for my teacher, and so far I still have one more class ahead. And I just had a secret meeting with a British professor who is frustrated at the education system and listened to him talking shit about everything. He might had a point but I still don’t know if I should take him seriously.
And I’m completely alone. This is the first time I have been alone for so long since I arrived in Thailand. A stupid drama just broke out last night in my dormitory. Basically a group of party-addict girls got too involved with the Thai boys and somehow their parties were leaked to my teacher. The team leader had to gather everyone to talk and people quarrelled until late at night. So now everyone is too tired and I only have my own company. Beside, my former enemy is among the girls so it’s better for me to just leave her alone for now.
TJBM enjoys their own company sometimes.

Coloma's avatar

I do, me, myself and I get along great. haha
Hang in there Mimi, you’re really having an experience! :-)

TJBM is going to bed now. Nighty night gang.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I wish I could. The class is very far away from my dormitory and the next class will begin in half an hour. I can’t go back to my dorm because it won’t be worth my effort. So now I’m really bored and I’m wandering on the internet.
Good night Coloma. See you in the morning :) If you are interested, I will tell you about the stupid drama in details when I have time. I need to vent a bit too. Spoiler alert: I fear a bit that I will be unnecessarily dragged into the mess although I have absolutely nothing to do with those party-crazed bitches.
TJBM is going to bed now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No way. I have stuff to do too. My stuff is boring though. Your stuff sounds exciting, even the bad parts.
I hope you don’t get pulled in to trouble where you don’t belong. Just keep a focus on your purpose. It is a shame some of your fellow travelers are being foolish.
I am feeling so much pride for you. You have been through a lot of hard work, and many difficulties. You are becomming real impressive. Hang in there. You have people on your side.
TJBM is ready for mimi to vent, whenever she feels ready.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, always. Bring it on, Mimi.

TJBM is happy Spring Break is almost over.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yeah. I’m happy that you are finally free!
Ok Patty and EC. I have just returned from my observation section and I think I have enough time to finally vent now.
If you have already read my report about the field trip, you have already known about the beer parties. But if you haven’t, basically there is a group of girls who just love partying and hanging out with boys a bit too much. There are 5 popular boys in the school and it only makes the matter worse. My former enemy became unhealthily involved with the group in the second week. The party group and the boys first met during the field trip, and they first sinned that two nights.
When we came back, at one point it was the birthday of one of the party girl. The group and the boys went out at night. No one knows where they went or what they did. We only know that they came home in the late morning. There is a bunch of girls who are hardcode haters of the party group and the boys and they began to talk lots of shit about them since. We mostly kept everything to ourselves though because we don’t want our teacher in Vietnam to know we are acting like sluts in a sexually regressive country.
Suddenly things went out of hand. For some reason the party stories reached my teacher’s ears. It seemed that someone in the party group was foolish enough to post their party photos on Facebook and the teacher saw them, and it seemed that at one point the party group went to the boys’ dorm. Last night the team’s leader had to gather everyone in a quiet place and tell us everything (he didn’t call out anyone’s name and kept using “someone” when talking. Maybe it was what the teacher wanted).
My former enemy was in the most heat because of her involvement and because it was implied that she was the person who didn’t hand down the lesson plan document for the last teaching section and fucked her teaching section up. Everyone in the party group was triggered, especially her. She was so butthurt that when everyone went to the dorm she called the leader demanding to know who gave him such information. The leader was so frightened that he had to hold another meeting. It was 12 a.m. She was then cleared from suspicion when it was revealed that the information was just a misunderstanding and she went away. The conversation then turned to something no one could deny: the late night parties with boys. The party group leader, who is a bitch in its truest sense, threw all the fallacy she could think of to deny any responsibility. She talked so much that her talk could be as long as the Fluther hijack thread, but it could be summarized like this: no one knew for sure what the party group did in the boys’ dorm, so no one could confirm that they slept in the dorm with the boys. Their visit could mean anything, it could just be a friendly visit between friends. The photos weren’t a solid proof that they were participating in an orgy because they could mean anything too. Everyone got so sick of her fallacy that they decided to stop at 12:30 a.m and let her go. The whole situation went to nowhere.
Now where am I in this mess? Well, the day the former enemy partied hard with her friends was also the deadline of our teaching section preparation. On the morning of our teaching section she went home at about 10 a.m, and she hadn’t prepared anything. She had to do her work in a hurry and went berseck. At that time I didn’t know about her involvement so I was just frustrated but lent her a hand since I had long finished my part. When it was time to go to the class, she frantically gather her things and asked me to carry a big piece of paper for her. I remember resting in the canteen waiting for her, and then having to leave in a hurry. When we arrived I found that I had forgotten her paper and she improvised successfully. I thought everything was over until this stupid drama. Although the former enemy got to clear her name, the damage had been done. The teacher has become suspicious and told the leader that she would watch the teaching videos everyone sent carefully and find who fucked the teaching section up that day. The party haters told me that they feared that if the teacher accuse the former enemy for fucking things up, she will blame me for forgetting her paper and throw all the responsibility to me out of fear. Sure, it was my fault that I forgot her paper, but let’s not forget that she neglected her work until the very last minute too. She planned her lesson carelessly just to meet the deadline. And the paper was hers. If she had focused on her work instead of partying, she could have been able to plan and carry everything herself. Ultimately, she should be the one who is responsible for her teaching section, not me. I told my parents everything this morning and they advised me to just answer whatever the teacher asks if she ever does and not to tell her about the former enemy’s party nights unless it’s really necessary. At least my parents will know the truth if things go sour for me.
The party group is still butthurt and they talk about the leader as being incompetent and gullible. I think they should feel lucky since for now the teacher only knows that some girls have an unhealthy obsession with boys. If she knows about the beer party and the dorm orgy…
TJBM will wish me luck. I hope I will get out of this mess soon.

Coloma's avatar

I do, boatloads of luck…aaargh, people and the games they play.

TJBM hates dealing with difficult people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do.

TJBM got hit by a big storm last night.

Coloma's avatar

Not a big storm but some steady rain for a few hours. Partly sunny now.

TJBM has been eating waaay too much this last week.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I haven’t. We about got killed by straight line winds last night…and we were on the front porch.

TJBM resaved their kitty last night. It must have been a 60, 70 mph wind that hit. Then it just down poured. Dakota went to the back door. I thought “Surely you don’t want out in that!” Then I heard Vanta just screaming to come in. She was so scared, she even let me hold her close without trying to eviscerate me. Later on she showed her gratitude again by walking on my key board as I was typing, which is something she’s never done before, and then standing up in front of my monitor to examine things on the shelf above it. She even let me pet her! I called Rick in to witness the miracle. She is SO MEAN to me!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t have a kitty and am fine with that. :)

TJBM missed me in my absence. ;)

Strauss's avatar

MOLLY!!! Hugs, kisses and welcome back!

TJBM missed @MollyMcGuire too.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I wondered where she got off to.


Mimishu1995's avatar

Below me is nothing.
TJBM is not TJBM.

Coloma's avatar

No, I am the jelly below you and you were the jelly below me. haha

TJBM has taken hallucinogenic drugs.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not on purpose. I have been prescribed morphine, oh gawd, big problem with worms under my skin.
I was prescribed an experimental drug in the navy. Good thing they had me off duty while I used it.
Smoked a toothpick once with the president and vice president of the Banditos. Saw weird shit well into the next morning. Probably peyote laced.
TJBM has taken a spiritual steam.

BellaB's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a thing. I do like a good sauna, and think a winter one with access to a lake can be close to a spiritual experience.

TJBM enjoys a light rain.

Coloma's avatar

I do, I love winter because gloomy rainy days give me permission to watch movies and not feel guilty. When the sun is out I feel like I need to be productive. haha

TJBM is a constantly productive type.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have a need to be, but in my current physical condition, it is very difficult.
TJBM is wishing there was more fun in their day.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My day ended nicely. I ran into, through an amazing set of circumstances, a Greek friend from my Baltic days. We hit the vodka a bit too hard, I think, for a couple of old guys. And reminisced. LOL. I just put everybody to bed. For the first time ever on Fluther, I am quite shitfaced.

TJBM has Fluthered shitfaced.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t get shitfaced but I do get happy, so yes, a couple of times, and then there’s the Happy Brownie moments now and then. haha

TJBM sleeps naked with velour sheets.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No velour sheets, butt…
TJBM cries where the red fern grows.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Well… another reference?
TJBM has been in a farewell party before. I’m experiencing my last days in Thailand and the farewell party will be in a few hours.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have.
You will cry, but that’s okay.
TJBM had ice cream today.

Coloma's avatar

No, still having my morning coffee but…I do make a yummy coffee ice cream by adding a teaspoon of instant coffee diluted in a bit of hot water to my vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt.

TJBM loves coffee ice cream.

Strauss's avatar

It’s one of several favorites.

TJBM has several favorite ice cream flavors.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. Coffee, Pistachio, mint chocolate chip and pecan praline.

TJBM woke up to a magnificent sunny day!

Strauss's avatar

Yes! A bit cooler than yesterday, but sunny still!

@Patty_Melt I googled “red fern” and I found this reference. I read the synopsis, and I understood your post. I cried for “Old Yeller”!

TJBM has a particular movie that moves them every time they see it.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

“It’s Such A Beautiful Day” is the name of the film. It is amazing. It’s by Dan Hertzfeldt and it’s about a man named Bill who is slowly losing his memory, there’s a lot of Absurdism in it and it has provoked some deep thinking on my part. It makes me cry every time I see it but sadly, it’s no longer on Netflix so I cannot watch it anymore :(

TJBM will name a movie that they thought they would dislike but liked it once they actually saw it.

Sneki95's avatar

Not really. If I’m not interested in a movie, I just don’t watch it. I’ve had opposite cases, where I’d start watching the movie thinking it would be awesome, but it turns boring instead.

@Coloma You can watch it here.

TJBM will give us something to watch to cheer us up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Your wish is my command.. Only 5 minutes and it won’t turn boring, I promise you!

TJBM thinks that old, family TV shows were better than almost anything they have now.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. I love old Bonanza, I love old TV shows.

TJBM likes vintage comedies like Beverly Hillbillies and I love Lucy.

Strauss's avatar

“LOO-CEE! You got some ‘splainin’ to do!”

I Love Lucy! Also Carol Burnett, Amdy Griffin, Don Knotts, Arthur Godfrey, and Gary Moore, to name a few.

TJBM remembers or knows how Gary Moore relates to Carol Burnett

Coloma's avatar

Um…were they married?
I love carol Burnett too, I have some of her shows on DVD.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I will make my own answer.
Ummmmm, yes, sometimes.
TJBM has a new baby in their life. (Person, bird, bunny, puppy…)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um….NO. well maybe. A neighborhood kid. I call her Bug cuz she’s cute as a bug. She’s 4.

TJBM tends to unofficially adopt kids.

Strauss's avatar

I used to, but my kids are all older now, and working at the high school, well, it just wouldn’t work.

Garry Moore (sorry I misspelled it above) was a radio/TV personality. His variety program, The Garry Moore Show was largely responsible for the launch of Carol Burnett’s career.

TJBM will entertain us with more useless trivia.

Sneki95's avatar

Go, Mimi.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I just finished my farewell party and I’m going back at 4 a.m tomorrow. Useless enough?
TJBM has more useless trivia.

Sneki95's avatar

Pigs sometimes eat their young.
Every sow has a set of breasts. When she gives birth, every piglet takes a breast to feed on and never takes any other. Which means, if there are more piglets than breasts, some will be left without food. In that case, the sow may kill and eat the extra piglet, usually by lying on them and suffocating them. I read that on Tv tropes and one manga.

TJBM has a favourite educational fun site.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I start to doubt the authenticity of your trivia @Sneki95 :p
No. I learn my things from various sites. And I don’t care for overly-funny-to-the-point-of-being-childish page.
TJBM has a unique way of learning.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m not sure if I’m all that different. I learn things in different ways. Learning the maths in a classroom environment was almost useless for me. I could retain the info to get through the next test, and that was about it.

Not until I discovered that algebra was a very efficient shortcut in figuring a pitch to a roof or the amortization of a mortgage, was I able to understand it and retain it. Quadratic equations were fun to do, like crossword puzzles, but just as useless in real life to me. Trig was useless until I learned it’s value in navigation and it was only then that I retained the rules.

Outside of this, I do well with theoretical things. Philosophy and religion put me to sleep, but if there is a good cultural or historical connection, I’ll retain the story, but not necessarily the details of the philosophy. Books are good, but practical experience is my favorite mode.

TJBM has a favorite way of learning

Strauss's avatar

Hands-on experiential.

TJBM has a favorite way of teaching.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM wants to spell out The Jelly Below Me, but figures it wouldn’t be thought cool.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


The Jelly Below Me doesn’t give a shit about things like that.

Sneki95's avatar

Zero f*cks given today, eh?

TJBM is knows someone who is tart-tongued.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, and that’s okay as long as the tartness is witty and not passive aggressively bitchy. haha

TJBM likes smoked gouda cheese.

Sneki95's avatar

I hate cheese.

TJBM hates some type of food.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

There aren’t many foods that I hate. The smell of real Havarti cheese makes me wanna puke. Limberger as well. Stewed tomatoes aren’t my favorite but they sure were in my grammar school cafeteria. Okra was like eating someone else’s ball of snot with a musky flavor and a three day beard. Until I learned how to cook it properly. Raw potatoes are kinda rough. I had to eat them raw on a hike once. No fire. I think I would balk at raw monkey brains right out of the skull while the monkey’s eyes are still blinking. But if it were a choice between a blinking monkey’s brain and putting another piece of surströmming anywhere near my face again, I’ll take the brains. If I ever see another package of Maruchan Ramen noodles in my entire life, I’ll die a happier man.

TJBM likes to try exotic foods at least once.

Sneki95's avatar

I do, if it’s not that cooked bird fetus thing that they eat in Philippines or wherever. There is a “delicacy” of cooking and eating an unborn duck in its egg. Ew. I’m not touching that even with a laser.

TJBM likes swinging on a swing sometimes, even though s/he is adult.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, I do. I usually don’t unless they are solidly built like in a park, though. LOL. I’m not into destroying other people’s property. I also really like checking out toys in toy stores. Amazingly fun stuff that could have other applications as well. Pet stores are one of my favorite ways to pass time. Nothing cuter than kittens and puppies, nor more beautiful than a macaw up close, nor more fascinating than a myna bird.

TJBM is a quiet but unabashed sort.

Coloma's avatar

I think I am balanced well between quiet and unabashed and socially zippy depending on the situation. I call myself the extroverted hermit these days, more of an ambivert in my maturity.
I like people but most of them bore me to tears, such a pervasive lack of aliveness and pensive seriousness in so many.
I enjoy playful, witty engaging and humorous personalities and take great delight when I come across one that can effortlessly play and chat with ease and no pretense.

Nothing more beautiful than an uncontrived encounter with an engaging other.
This doesn’t mean I want to be in a constant state of engagement, far from it, but being more of an extrovert at heart gratifying engagement is energizing to me. If I can’t find it I prefer to be by myself and amuse myself which I am good at.

TJBM is off and running.

BellaB's avatar

I am back and resting. Midway through a week of entertaining adventures. Went to two tapings of this year’s Canada Reads debates.

TjBM loves book nerds.

Coloma's avatar

I love all nerds, bookish nerds, artsy nerds, offbeat nerds. I like people that dare to be different and not follow the herd. Nerds are not herd animals. haha

TJBM will admit to an embarrassing junk food item they love.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Red shoelaces.
TJBM bites, sometimes.

cookieman's avatar

Nah, but I do bark (and I have been bitten).

TJBM has reoccurring dreams.

Coloma's avatar

No, thankfully. haha

TJBM has visions of sugar plums dancing in their head.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh, very funny, ya’ll. No sugar plums, and no jellies either.
TJBM will not hide.

Strauss's avatar

Hell, no! I’ll do it in the open.

TJBM knows Why Don’t We Do It In The Road

Mimishu1995's avatar

Do you mean it sexually?
TJBM needs to take a looooong rest. Finally. I’m home after one month away. Today I had so much emotion that I need a big rest to let my brain comprehend everything.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Get some rest, mimi. We’ll wait for you.
I have been getting caught up on my rest all week, bit by bit.
TJBM plays with duck tape. (Or goose tape, if it’s Coloma.)

Mimishu1995's avatar

Ok, thanks @Patty_Melt. I’m going to bed early now. Today I had to deal with both a parting and a reunion. I cried and laughed so hard because I experienced so much strong emotion. I will give you a report if you want, but first I need to let my brain digest everything it has been stuffed in the mouth first.
You mean this duck tape?
TJBM is waiting for Coloma.

Coloma's avatar

Good morning Jellies!
No need to wait, I have arrived. :-)

TJBM has something red nearby.

Strauss's avatar

It’s my robe.

TJBM is still in bathrobe and pyjamas

Sneki95's avatar

It’s 17:51 here, so not really.

TJBM gets to bed early.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not usually.
Yes mimi, that, but I have it in a variety of colors, and some have designs.
TJBM knows why @chyna is red faced this morning.

Coloma's avatar

I have no idea what you’re talking about. haha

TJBM knows what @Patty_Melt is talking about

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I don’t know what she’s talking about either. But if I had to guess @chyna’s face is red because of @Patty_Melt‘s profile picture.
TJBM blushes a lot

Strauss's avatar

No, but then again I’m not showing up on anyone’s avatar!

TJBM thinks it’s all speculation anyhow.

Coloma's avatar

Most everything is, yes. haha

TJBM pees like a racehorse.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not sure. Does that mean, on the run?
Check the question chyna posted in social about a package. Read the Q, and the resulting comments, and then there will be no more mystery.
TJBM is headed to social.

Sneki95's avatar

I just came from there.

TJBM likes to make small, harmless pranks on friends or animals.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I prank people, but not animals. Animals don’t have enough understanding to distinguish a harmless prank and an act of animal cruelty. Most of the time I make harmless insults to friends, as long as they are close friends who know me enough to know when I just joke.
TJBM will give me some tips to keep long distance friends from drifting apart. I have made so many friends in Thailand, including some teachers, and I don’t want us to forget each other that easily.

Sneki95's avatar

Get their emails and phone numbers. Find them on Facebook. Keep in contact.

TJBM is wasting time on something.

Coloma's avatar

There is no wasted time when you’re enjoying yourself. I just had dinner, finished up a few things and am now going to settle in and watch a movie before bedtime. :-)

TJBM doesn’t place a lot of “shoulds” on themselves.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yer right there, sista!
TJBM is stunned that EC shut down a thread tonight by copying an entire freakin’ novel on it!

Brian1946's avatar

I’m not. I think EC is the “Most characters posted” King of Flooder.

TJBM has used Ctrl + End or Ctrl + Home to jump to the bottom or the top of an elongated thread.

Strauss's avatar

Yep. But not with my phone.

TJBM knows if there’s such an equivalent for smartphones.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Err… Notebooks? Tablets? Apple watches?
@Patty_Melt he did it again? Look like I missed a good drama.
@Sneki95 I already had their Facebook accounts. What I meant to ask is how to maintain communication so that I can keep our friendship even without having to meet. I’m bad at keeping in touch without meeting :(
TJBM won’t mind answering my questions again.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Self discipline, mimi. I have moved many times, and left too many cherished friends behind. I was younger, and there was always a sense of infinite tomorrows. Learn from my pain of loss, and find the self discipline required to not lose those new friends.
look for the book title question of tonight. It was quite the experience.
TJBM will come to my doilie party on chyna’s thread, because it’s fun.

Brian1946's avatar

@Strauss Android has app for that called OneClick Scroll. Other smart phones might have their own versions.

Patty_Melt's avatar

That was the thread EC shut down because those two girls were being turds.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’d like to see a link.
Thanks @Patty_Melt. I just hope that I can keep in touch with all of them like when I did in Thailand. I have lost friends that way before so I won’t let them go again.
TJBM will give me the link to that thread.

Brian1946's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Here’s the desktop link:

TJBM has heard of or read about Doggerland.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I saw what you posted. Very cool. I will hit the link when I ammore awake and can absorb what I read.
TJBM got a warm fuzzy today.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I was warm fuzzy for two days, when I had to say goodbye to everyone in the school. Now I miss them :(
And I just saw the thread. Too bad I came too late. I could have had some fun there.
TJBM is chilling out.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Chilly, actually. I should go get under a blanket soon.
It was crazy. I was first there and left. I had pm’s and didn’t get back for like half an hour. It was in full throttle by then EC had my back, so sweet, and poor cazzie was ripping her clothes to shreds in frustration.
TJBM thinks the name calling was childish, and feels guilty for laughing about it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yeah, I hate name calling, but I laugh when they name caller is so immature that they resort to name calling indicriminatingly just to feel superior. They can turn themselves into a clown in front of people and all they achieve is making fun of their intelligence.
TJBM can look past a person’s flaw as long as they are good.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t know what flaws look like, not with nice people anyway.
TJBM will help newbies find game threads.
There’s a newbie Q about what to look for. I said @Mimishu1995 can link all the best stuff.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

If I notice someone who needs help, I help. I don’t look for them

TJBM is experiencing Spring’s dusting of green pollen on every single thing.

Coloma's avatar

Oh my god, yes! Here it is primarily Oak pollen form the hundreds of trees around this property, some oines too and various fruit trees. The ground is also littered with gazillions f the little Oak tassels that drop laden with pollen. My car is yellow green.

TJBM has spring allergies.

BellaB's avatar

Yes, and it’s making my eyes water and me very grumpy.

TJBM would like to skip from winter to mid-summer.

Coloma's avatar

No, I like winter, I love perfect sunny days like today, breezy and going for a high or 70 or so but I hate the summer heat. I wish it never got over about 76 degrees tops.

TJBM hates heat.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do. Sixty five year round would be my ideal.
TJBM needs a new thing to do with their hands.
Did you know they market a variety of “fidget tools” to keep hands busy?

Coloma's avatar

No , hands are plenty busy here. Just about to carry all my shit out to my car to leave to go house sit for the night. Pillows, overnight bag, computer, bag of food and snacks, coffee, etc. Would someone like to lend a hand so i don’t have to make 3 trips? lol

TJBM will lend a helping hand.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Of course, as long as it doesn’t involve physical work :p
TJBM knows what @Coloma needs.

Strauss's avatar

How ‘bout lotsa hugs!

TJBM will send @Coloma lots of hugs.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

TJBM is “getting ready for the weekend”

Mimishu1995's avatar

I won’t hug @Coloma, but I will {{{{{BEAR HUG HER}}}}
Good luck on your trip @Coloma. You are reminding me of my preparation for the Thailand trip. It will be fine. And now you are making me nostalgic
Since I returned from Thailand, I have nothing to do and everyday is weekend! Though I still have that report and research paper ahead of me. Aaaagh!
TJBM is planning for a trip.

Sneki95's avatar

Yeah, a trip on exams.

TJBM is very busy lately.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have long past my busy time… no, not really. I’m just chilling out to gain energy for the next busy time.
TJBM knows when @Sneki95 will be done with her exams.

Sneki95's avatar

In the middle of April, somewhere in a week or two.

TJBM is a night owl.

Coloma's avatar

I can be but usually go to bed by 11 at the latest.

TJBM does not like being sleep deprived.

cookieman's avatar

Yes. Not only do I not like it, but those around me loathe it — as I. Am. A. Bear.

TJBM will tell us their favorite type of bear.

Sneki95's avatar

A teddy bear.

TJBM gets worried about things very easily.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not usually unless it’s about a family member.

TJBM hears the hum of an appliance or the HVAC.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, the dryer is going, the last load.

TJBM has a pet or 3 nearby.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Well, fish can’t sit on lap can they?
TJBM has an unusual pet.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have a niece, if that counts for anything.
TJBM doesn’t have a niece.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do, but I have never met her.
TJBM has family issues, and glad they don’t have to explain.

Sneki95's avatar

My family issues are actually kinda solved, and do far, no new issues arose.

TJBM uses a lot of sticky notes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Only when I’m reaping souls.
TJBM wants to be a reaper when they grow up.

Strauss's avatar

No, I want to grow up to be five! When I was five, I felt like I knew everything, and the world was still a wonderland waiting to be explored.

TJBM has a certain age they remember.

Mimishu1995's avatar

From 15 to 18. My high school time. I have beaten to death about how shitty my life was back then.
TJBM had a good high school time.

Brian1946's avatar

It was okay. I probably would have had a better time then, if I had a set of fully developed prefrontal lobes.

TJBM knows the name of the area or community where gold was first discovered in California. If TJBM doesn’t live in the US: what is California?

Coloma's avatar

I sure do, it’s my fluther name and the town I lived in for years that I am now about 20 miles away from. Sutters Mill is the gold discovery site.

TJBM knows what native american tribe developed the appaloosa horse.

Strauss's avatar

Yep…Nez Perce. They also were known for their nose jewelry.

TJBM has nose jewelry.

Coloma's avatar

I do not, but my daughter does, though she rarely wears her nose jewelry these days.

TJBM has a tattoo.

BellaB's avatar

Several. Just realized today (after 1.5 years) how many are visible when I wear my Speedo swimsuit.

TJBM will give us an example of when they’ve been oblivious to the wildly obvious.

Brian1946's avatar

I guess an example is when I hear the loud, resonant thud made by my feline friend, Roofy, when she lands on top of the empty receptacle, after jumping off of the roof.

TJBM will name this color.

Coloma's avatar

It would be, by Crayola color standards Jazzberry Jam. :-)

TJBM will pick their favorite color from here and tell us what it is. Scroll down to view colors.

BellaB's avatar

I’m going with the Wild Blue Yonder. It is closest to the colour of my car, Percival.

TJBM knows someone who colour-matches some unexpected things.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. My mom and an old school friend. They’re artists.

TJBM played a marvelous April Fools Day prank on someone…or tried to! I put fake dog poop on the floor at my son’s house, in the rec room! Also, was going to fill out shower head up with onion powder, garlic powder and crushed bullion cube for the next time my hubs took a shower. Could get the shower head off easily, though. :(

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I have no April Fools <sobs>
I almost forgot. Yesterday my former Thailand trip roommate created a chat group on Facebook with the name being the number of our room. It was supposed to be a group for exchanging study materials and keeping everyone in touch, but the foundation was hilarious. We used the nickname function to change each other’s names according to various jokes back in Thailand. I laughed so hard.
TJBM doesn’t celebrate a special day everyone does.

Sneki95's avatar

I don’t celebrate birthdays. It’s a day like any other for me. Also, I often forget other people’s birthdays.

TJBM forgets birthdays.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Some. I remember the ones in my immediate family, but not beyond that.
TJBM will decorate for Easter.

Strauss's avatar

No, Easter does not hold the significance for me that it once did.

TJBM has spring plans.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Spring is a busy time. Lambing season, the height of sailing season and tourist charters, and time to spread a few tons of fertilizer in the pecan orchard. Busy, busy, busy.

TJBM has lost track of their age and gone a few years thinking they were the wrong age.

Sneki95's avatar

I’m about to become 22 this year. I still have a feel I’m 20. Sometimes I legit forget my age and go “I’m 20” in my head.

TJBM is enjoying the morning/day/evening.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m enjoying my pre noon nap :D
TJBM needs noon nap everyday.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It’s 1400 to about an hour or two before sunset for me. It changes by the season. Then I’m good to about 0100 – 0300, and then get another few hours in to start the day at around 0530, or when the horizon starts to lighten and the animals awaken. Give or take an hour on either end.

TJBM finds solace in nature.

Strauss's avatar

Always have. Following the activities of the squirrels, prairie dogs, geese, and other wildlife in the area is what keeps me sane.

TJBM has a close relationship with nature.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think so. Sometimes, like recently, I got too far away from it and forgot how therapeutic it is, how restoring it is. It’s like we get so wrapped up in stuff and just forget what’s really important, we get lost in our lives and forget to live. Things get out of proportion. Little things get real big and appear to be overwhelming. And one meditative walk deep in a forest can bring it all back where it belongs. But it’s the last thing you do when you’re all wrapped up in the grind. The one thing you need to do, you don’t do. You become a junky to the grind.

I’ve been really busy with people for the first time in a long time. I haven’t had to navigate through the billion miniscule puddles of compromise that you never notice when you do this constantly everyday. The diplomacy. I just haven’t had to deal with a large variety of humans since I left the states. But recently I have and it took an enormous amount of energy and patience to just get through what was a slow day back home. I’ve become naive to all the noise. I had to get used to it again. And, because it was necessary to earn money to keep the boat, I got real busy for the first time in years.

Tonight, for the first time since November, I’m once again in an environment I feel most comfortable in—quietly gliding alone through a sea of blackness under a river of stars. The only sounds are the gentle wind in the sails, the barely audible trickling of the bow wave, and the intermittent ring of the mainsail rigging against the mast. Behind me is the most beautiful electric blue wake of diatoms reaching back a mile into nowhere. I’m home, man. I forgot, and remember all this now. Where the fuck have I been all these months?

TJBM has had a surreal experience recently.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not recently, but for a pretty long time.
After the accident which left me disabled, I suffered several difficult symptoms. I was brain damaged, much more than I realized, until finally I’d recovered enough to comprehend how far off normal I had been. I couldn’t read. I thought I had forgotton how. Most of my memory was gone, so I thought the ability to read had been forgotten. Actually, my ability to process what my eyes were seeing was damaged.
I couldn’t read maps anymore.
Seeing the world around me was surreal. It was not quite three dimensional, but not two dimensional either. I guess it was kind of two and a third dimensional.
I was unaware of when it corrected.
The funny thing, after a while I could write, but still couldn’t read. I had a lot of difficulty writing on a line, and I couldn’t read anything I just wrote.
Weird, huh?

TJBM can write legibly with their eyes closed.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What do you think eyes are for? :D
@Patty_Melt that was… messed up. I’m so sorry you had to go through it and I’m glad that you finally pull yourself together. Oh wait, do you understand what you are writing at all? ~
I’m also curious about how you are doing after the accident. Is there anything left from the experience? How are you coping these days?
@Espiritus_Corvus I missed your question. I had a surreal experience on my last day in Thailand. I had to leave everything behind, everything that I had grown emotion for. I can’t describe the feeling at all. It felt like I was at the end of a dream and I was fully aware of it. I didn’t want the dream to end but I knew I had to wake up. I didn’t know what to think at all. Everything suddenly stopped feeling real…
TJBM has had a surreal experience recently.

Sneki95's avatar

My whole life is a surreal experience.
I often have that strange feel…that I’m not here, to say so. It’s like I’m watching a movie, or having an extremely vivid dream. When I have memories, it’s not like I remember being somewhere, but rather watching some filmed inserts. Often times I feel like it’s some acted out scene, something filmed, rather than something that actually goes on. Sometimes, something would be going on, and I’d have that thought in my head….that it won’t happen ever again. This moment just became the past, the small, insignificant flicker that got lost in the this foggy thing called “past”. It just became another short insert that I stored in my head.

This night (or was it morning? Dunno. I loose track of time.) I was working, and suddenly turned around the room. It looked like the emptiest room ever. It kinda shook me. White walls with no images nor posters, except the notes above the desk, two empty beds, one half empty desk, and another with only a few items on it. Everything was….empty for some reason. I look at my desk and have the strange feel I should put something on it.
This night something happened too. I remember I suddenly woke up and looked around the room all confused, then fell asleep again.

TJBM thinks I’m going nuts.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You are not going nuts. People can’t turn into nuts :D
Jokes aside, I have long noticed something strange about you when we interacted. I would never say you are nuts though, I just think your brain works differently. But your experience may just be a result of your constantly daydreaming :)
If you know your birth hour, I can explain why you are that way, in astrology :p
TJBM has different ways of thinking from others.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes. I’ve been told this many times.

TJBM has been the cause of someone losing his or her job.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, never.

TJBM is being slogged with people asking for “favors” today, Gah.

Sneki95's avatar

Not really, people don’t ask me for any favours much.

TJBM is not afraid of bugs.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not all bugs. Some bugs are very cool. Lady bugs, butterflies, praying mantids, and crickets I like, not the little brown crickets they sell for pet food, but the big, black, shiny ones.
TJBM wants something sweet right now.

Coloma's avatar

About to have a cinnamon roll fro breakfast. :-)

TJBM had a little party last night with a friend.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Nope, but we did talk into the wee hours.

TJBM has the camera and mic disabled on his or her laptop and/or notebook.

MilkyWay's avatar

On my work laptop yes.
TJBM is a drifter

Coloma's avatar

Mentally sometimes, yes. haha

TJBM thiks I have a very pretty pussy.
—<——My pretty pussy.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. Jesus, Coloma, Yes, very pretty.

TJBM prepared a great breakfast this Sunday morning.

Dutchess_III's avatar

BLT sandwich.

TJBM is listening to the rain.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Not today. It’s a beautiful 82F, rising 12kt breeze coming out of the East. After an excellent breakfast of Orange Pecan Baked French Toast, we;re spending the morning and afternoon scuba diving for conch and lobster at the entrance to Baie du Tresor on Point Diable on the east coast of Martinique off . A couple of my guests are new to this. Shore is about a hundred yards west of me. It’s a rocky coast and I’m using dual fore-and-aft anchors to keep the boat from being blown into the rocks by the east wind. We’re above a submarine shelf that drops from about fifteen feet to one hundred. We should be able to catch a nice big cobia or king along that cliff.

The mate is below the surface making sure nobody gets into trouble and stay glued to their designated diving buddy. I’m at the wheel making sure the anchors hold and we don’t drift. Dinner promises to be fabulous. This mate is the best amateur cook I’ve seen in years. Almost as good as the captain.

TJBM loves the sea, above and below.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. I don’t get to see it often though.

TJBM wishes they lived in a place where the mountains and the ocean are all with in a few driving hours, one way or the other. And also, a place that gets tornadoes and severe weather some times.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

To me, that sounds like the whole coast from San Big Sur to Point Barrow, Alaska. That’s a lot of real estate to choose from. From San Louis Osispo to Eureka is everything you could ask for in mild climate conditions. And a typically violent Pacific storm once in awhile should slake your thirst for inclement weather. LOL. It’s the most interesting and beautiful coast in the US.

TJBM has a coastline they prefer most.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I prefer Florida.

TJBM loves 60 Minutes.

Brian1946's avatar

I respect it, but I seldom watch it.
Tonight’s interview with Betty Shelby, the Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter for killing an unarmed black man, seems like it would be very interesting.

TJBM knows the synopsis for “Singing in the Rain”.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Is it about making a film in the 1920’s? Besides Astair’s umbrella routine, that’s all that comes to mind.

TJBM knows the synopsis for “Singing in the Rain”.

Coloma's avatar

^ Yep, I looked it up and it is described as being a spoof of the turmoil in the late 1920’s transition between silent films and the talkies.

TJBM is settling in for a relaxing evening after having company.

Sneki95's avatar

Hehe, I wish. I got ish to do. I just took a small break to take a bath and then I got to get back :(

TJBM will recommend some good internet radio station with some nice, relaxing, instrumental music, possibly with no annoying speakers talking bull.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Sorry, you got the wrong person :( All I know about radio is Youtube and my dad’s walkie talkie.
TJBM will recommend for @Sneki95

BellaB's avatar there’s always something interesting to pick from there

TJBM enjoys watching curling. It’s like chess. Strategy + fitness.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ve seen it on TV, but never sat through a whole match. I get that it requires some skill.

TJBM has a favorite sport and will describe why it is their favorite.

Coloma's avatar

I’m not a sports fan but I do like some car racing and some horse sports. I also enjoy watching figure skating.

TJBM woke up wth a crick in their neck. aaah, don’t you hate that? haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Dog in my face.

TJBM is READY for real summer!

Coloma's avatar

No! I hate the summer heat, it is just perfect right now hovering in the mid-70’s.

TJBM is off to market, to market, to buy a fat…...?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Spices, wild rice, olive oil, baking powder, cream, fresh butter, creme fraische, Heineken, pancake batter and fresh fruit.

TJBM keeps a good variety of spices in the kitchen and will list them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, fresh garlic (sometimes) and a bunch of other stuff I never use.

TJBM has two cabinets for spices and sugars and stuff.

Strauss's avatar

Yep. One strictly for baking (flours, sugars, cocoa, flavors, baking soda, baking powder, pre-packaged mixes, flavor ectracts [e.g., vanilla or almond extract] etc.) And one for herbs, spices, infused vinegars, and much more. Bismati rice is kept in its own 5# sealed bucket, as are Hungarian style flour (better choice for high altitude), rice flour and beans (both black and pinto).

I have a separate cabinet in which I keep a wide variety of coffees, teas, ans herbal infusions.

TJBM has a well organized kitchen.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

You have to have a well organized kitchen, or galley, on a boat. Even a 42 footer. Think Winnebago. Sailboat design is a lot better and efficient, but there is no room for such things as electric can openers, mixers, or bread makers.

So, you do things the way they were done in the 19th century, with wisks, grandma’s bread recipes and techniques, and you have a few of these lyng about in drawers. It makes cooking much easier because I know where everything is and there are fewer things to wash and keep track of. Every pot, utensil, every object in the galley should do double duty as something else. No specialty appliances except for the coffee pot.

You wash up and leave the kitchen sparkling and everything secure and in it’s place before you serve the meal. Which means you are cleaning up while you cook. You do not leaves shit laying around in the tropics.

I do have a small, built-in microwave, a cuban coffee pot, gas oven and range, a salamander, a refregerator with a small freezer compartment, storage cabinets, working surfaces, dual sink, a built-in garbage compactor, cabinet for dry goods and spices, and that is all the space available. Everything is about half-scale in size than in a standard kitchen and you can’t buy in large amounts. There isn’t enough storage space. I keep about two weeks worth of emergency food for two in the form of canned goods and MRE’s in a locker amidships.

Space is at a premium and I carry a lot of that policy into the kitchen on the farm.

TJBM keeps an uncluttered, efficient kitchen

Coloma's avatar

I do and I clean up as I go, I hate sloppy kitchens, one of my few borderline anal traits.

TJBM bought a new dress today.

TJBM likes that song.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I do. I was about eleven when that came out. Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels. LOL. There is a new remix of Devil with a Blue Dress from the original track. It sounds really good. Very clear, more bass. Less like it was recorded in a tunnel. I heard it on one of the 24/7 ad-free satellite music channels, Party Mix (I think), that I tap into now and then and blast through the deck speakers when the guests want to cut loose.

TJBM will go in the water today.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus but did you buy a new dress today? lol
No, but I did sit by the pool here yesterday with my feet in the water on the step in the deep end.

TJBM likes diving. Not scuba diving, just diving into the water.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. Haven’t done it in a while. My body just doesn’t work like it used to!

TJBM would like to live underwater.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No. That would mean dependency on a life support system. It would have been nice to have been born with little working gills behind my ears, though. I think I could explain them to the girls. LOL. No. Visits below are nice, but I settled on the fact that I’m a surface animal long ago.

TJBM would love to have working gills.

Sneki95's avatar

Sure.I’d like to be able to breathe underwater. Then I could go and see all the wonders unda da see.

TJBM knows why we remove gills when cleaning fish.

Coloma's avatar

No, do I need to know? haha

TJBM has been attacked by a wild animal.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Everyday, by mosquitoes.
TJBM has been attacked by a domestic animal.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, several dogs and a cat over the years.

TJBM has had a pretty serious dog bite.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

A few times. The time that sticks out the most was when I was about nine, my older brother and I were in a field near our house throwing a baseball around, playing catch. There was a guy in the distance with this really big, beautiful, gold-hued German Sheperd and they were playing fetch. My brother accidentally threw one over my head and I missed it. It rolled over to where the dog was and I went after it.

I wasn’t afraid of big dogs as we had always had either a big German Shepherd or a Belgian Shepherd. When I ran near the dog, it attacked me viciously. Ran me down and badly chewed up my back. The guy pulled the dog off me, locked it in a cage in the back of his station wagon and drove my brother back to our house one street over on the other side of the field. He was more freak out than I was. He carried me to the door, explained what happened to my mom.

The guy was about thirty and was recently mustered out as a K-9 cop in the Air Force. The dog had been his partner from the time he was enlisted, was getting old, so they let them retire together. The dog was trained to attack, put a person on the ground, chew them up a bit, but not kill. That was exactly what it did to me. It could have very easily ripped out my carotids. Back on the base, though, in the pen where the K-9s were kept, There were a bunch of air force brats that used to tease the dog from behind the cyclone fence, threw rocks at it, poked it with sticks, all the shit kids do, so the dog hated kids. But it had never spontaneously attacked before. It usually just barked at them, but it was usually on a leash.

He’s telling my mom all this while he’s driving my mom, me, my brother and the dog to the ER. The dog was female, he kept referring to her as “she”. My mom loved dogs as much as I did and we didn’t want anything to happen to the dog. I’d wrestled with big dogs before, just never got chewed up like that. I really wasn’t all that freaked out.

I got some stitches and the dog got a clean bill of health and we never saw the guy or the dog ever again.

Today, I’m sure the whole thing would’ve been taken out of our hands by the authorities and the dog would be euthanized, for sure. Those were better days for everybody.

TJBM loves big dogs and isn’t afraid of them.

Mimishu1995's avatar

WOW EC! You made me feel bad for whining about a dog bite on the leg at 7!
TJBM had an unusual memory about domestic animals.

Sneki95's avatar

One goat once entered my parent’s bedroom one night, and just stood there until mom woke up, got scared shitless, and then took the goat out. (Imagine waking up in the middle of a night and see a goat staring at you).
One ram we used to have liked to listen to the news. It was summer, all the doors were open, so you could hear the tv from the outside (especially considering my parents listen to the tv very loudly). The ram we used to have was not chained, he was very calm. Every time he heard the tv news tune, he’d come to the door, listen to the news, and leave when it ends.
Another sheep we used to have angered mom once when she ate all the tulips. but only tulips and only the flowers. Mum didn’t like it when she went to the garden and saw a row of stalks with no flowers where tulips were supposed to be. Another goat we had loved eating mom’s flowers too.
Our old dog George and his toilet habits that I mentioned could also pass as unusual.

TJBM is a stoic.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am strong but I have my emotional and sentimental side too.

TJBM has wet hair tight now.

Strauss's avatar

No, my hair isn’t wet, and its actually loose now. But it’ll probably be wet in the next 30 minutes or so.

TJBM is up too early.

Sneki95's avatar

I got up too late. I didn’t sleep well lately.
It was not a good decision though – I have an exam tomorrow.

TJBM’s elbow sometimes hurts because they spend too much time in front of the comp.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes. It’s Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.

TJBM also has experienced this.

Sneki95's avatar


TJBM does not understand TJAM.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I understand. TJBY thought that TJBTJBY didn’t have TJBM so he just tried to remind her.
TJBM can easily guess people’s intention.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes, I am pretty intuitive.

TJBM is waking up slowly this morning.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I am wide awake at 11:20 AM. I went to bed at 12:30 last night which meant I got 5 hours of sleep. For some weird reason, I wake up faster and am more alert during the day with less sleep.

TJBM needs a full night’s rest to be functional in the morning.

Coloma's avatar

I do now that I am getting a little older. I need a solid 9 hours these days to feel great and sometimes 10. Anything less than 8 is not optimal.

TJBM works hard and plays hard.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I work, yes. When I’m not working, neither.

TJBM is reading some of the answers above, and is so tickled that they had to add couple of them to their profile page!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I haven’t, maybe I should. Some of them are funny. (By the way, on one of the links you put in your profile @Dutchess_III, you put an f in front of the https and so it isn’t showing up as a link)

TJBM likes to reread answers others have posted

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll look. I just copied and pasted. Thanks for the heads up. All better. Thanks.

Oh! To answer your question: Sometimes. Most often in the famous threads that go so hilarious!

TJBM is all better now.

Sneki95's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Actually, it would be “TJAY thought that TJATJAY didn’t have TJBM so he just tried to remind her.” [tips glasses]

I’m at peace now that I corrected this grave mistake TJBM made.

TJBM sometimes mixes up left and right, or above and below.

Coloma's avatar

No, never, but I do get my directionals confused sometimes, north, south, east, west.

TJBM had chinese food for lunch.

BellaB's avatar

No. I had a nice Serbian pastry and a couple of mugs of tea. Worked nicely.

TJBM has hair that does interesting things when the humidity is high.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, It goes all curly and wavey and ringletty. haha

TJBM has wavy hair.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes. And until the past year or so it would go to tight curls in high humidity. Now it’s normal. I have no idea what happened.

People have told TJBM that they have nice eyes.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Are you telling me that EC? Please do ~
Thanks @Sneki95 :p I was tired after having to sit for my report all day back then.
TJBM appreciates when people correct their mistakes.

Coloma's avatar

Only if their corrections have merit, not because they are micro-managing control freaks, not a good blend for me at all. Don’t tell me what to do. I would have lasted about 20 minutes in the military. I do things my way. haha

TJBM does things their way.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I do, and I agree with you. I don’t like critical people who get upset when people don’t do things in a certain way. Who cares how you walk, as long as you get to the goal?
TJBM knows some tips to deal with difficult people.

Sneki95's avatar

Uh…ignore ‘em? Learn the silent eyeroll? Get sarcastic and put them down with a simple remark? Or simply tell them to eff of and get over themselves?

TJBM wonders which is the correct way.

Coloma's avatar

There is no correct way. All of the above as needed, haha

TJBM loves peanut butter everything.

Sneki95's avatar

I adore peanuts, but I hate peanut butter. It’s too yucky, like I’m eating a cream. The one that you put on your face.

I like to chew it way more, roasted, salty peanuts are very tasty, as well as raw.
I wanna eat some peanuts now, but it’s four in the morning. :(
I also like sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as all other types of nuts.

TJBM likes all kinds of nuts and often eats them.

Strauss's avatar

Peanuts, tree nuts, coconuts, bananas…

Wait, banana is not a nut, it’s a berry!

TJBM feels like a nut sometimes.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I can move, so how can I be a nut?
TJBM has a joke about nuts.

Strauss's avatar

It could be offensive, so I’d better not crack it.

TJBM likes puns

Coloma's avatar

I do, but it’s too early to come up with any now, gotta get the old brain fueled up with coffee first. haha

TJBM is dying with spring allergies.

BellaB's avatar

Things would be a lot worse without my stash of Tavist/Dayhist.

TJBM knows how to use a cable pin when knitting.

Sneki95's avatar

No, I don’t. My mom used to teach me to knit, but I never got any good at it.

TJBM has used a loom.

Coloma's avatar

I have! I used to make Navaho rugs with a Navaho lady years ago and my good friend weaves cool, colorful, wool horse saddle cinches. She just sold one for over a $100.00

TJBM has colorful light bulbs in their house.

Sneki95's avatar

No, just a regular white ones.

TJBM likes to sit in the dark sometimes.

BellaB's avatar

Often. Setanta has called me Vampira on occasion.

TJBM uses their toes as a barometer.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…only if they’re cold then I double sock it.

TJBM works best when a deadline approaches.

Sneki95's avatar

Sometimes, sometimes it’s the exact opposite.

TJBM sometimes finds it hard to find words for what s/he feels and wants to say.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not usually.

TJBM is ready for all the crap to be resolved.

Sneki95's avatar

Dunno what you’re talking about, and even if I did, I probably wouldn’t care about it.

TJBM insults people without intention to do so.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sometimes. And I feel horrible when it happens.

TJBM usually means it when they insult someone.

Coloma's avatar

Always, I am very sincere in my insults. lol

TJBM had mexicn food for lunch today.a

BellaB's avatar

No, but there will be a version of a Mexican meal tonight. Things are marinating as I type.

TJBM will tell us about their favourite musical family.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The Vonn Trapp family, inspiration for the movie The Sound Of Music.
TJBM will tell us about getting caught in the act of something recently. Caught by whom, doing what?

Coloma's avatar

Nothing I can think of. That’s a good thing. lol

TJBM has too much food for dinner and needs to give some away.

Sneki95's avatar

What dinner?

TJBM has a verbal tick.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nope. So far my tick hasn’t said anything.
TJBM has a pet bug.

Coloma's avatar

Years ago I had a “pet” Cockroach that lived under the toaster in my apt. in San Diego back in my college days. He/she was my little friend, and I didn’t mind them having all the crumbs they could eat. haha

TJBM has had a pet rat. I love rats, so smart and cute.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM is sipping a warm beverage,

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Coloma I wish you could send me some rats! My ultimate fantasy is to have some pet rats to cuddle with!
TJBM likes it simple.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM feels like they spend too much time on Fluther.

Coloma's avatar

Meh….maybe sometimes but usually it’s awhile in the morning waking up with coffee and a drop in at night , checking in here and there while I do other things.

TJBM needs to clip their toenails. haha

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yepper. Sad but true. Right now I’m too stiff to reach them.
TJBM is in a jam, so, jelly in jam.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I’m swimming in the Fluther ocean freely.
TJBM is old but understands the young generation well.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not quite. I am old, I do understand being young, but the current generation has a lot of stuff going on which is not just about being young.
I see attitudes about race, and orietation to be much more open and accepting than ever before.
Social media has us all facing entirely new dangers, opportunities, and crimes. The young generation tends to be the most skilled at using social media, but usually are too naive to anticipate the pitfalls.
The internet has changed forever many occuptions. Some are brand new, some were made obsolete. Some which were barely known are now “hot”.
I understand being young, peer pressure, knocking your brains out to do well in school and not fully understanding why, hormones, discoveries, paying the price for wrong discoveries, feeling immortal; but the current young generation, to me, is a whole new breed.
TJBM thinks I took way too many words to answer that question.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Not at all. Not enough. I see many important political battles ahead for the younger American generation and, from what I see on the net, I see weak, timid, easily offended, easily bullied, highly neurotic, non-confrontational generation. It’s as if they were born without any balls at all—totally unequipped to fight those battles. They are celebrity and fad obsessed. They are narcissistic and self-obsessed. They are possibly the most materialistic culture we have yet produced. Their priorities are all fucked up. They are unaware of their history, their rights—especially the right to privacy—and the political system they live in. They have a lot of good qualities as mentioned above, but they lack the courage and conviction to defend them openly IRL, therefore it’s all talk and no action. Fascists and plutocrats like Trump will walk right over people like this. It will be like taking candy from a baby.

TJBM has little faith in the younger generation.

Coloma's avatar

Well….all I can go off of is my own 29 yr. old daughter and her 28 yr. old boyfriend of two years. They are both doing very well for themselves in their fields of work, medical and technology. My daughter was just chosen out of dozens of reps nationwide to represent the company at a huge medical convention in Las Vegas in May. She is the leader for their flu team dispensing hundreds of thousands of flu vaccines annually. She is also a talented artist and art lover, a lover of nature and animals like her mama and has chosen a really good guy as her partner.

She is also very interested in history and leaves May 6 for Amsterdam, Poland and Rome. She will be touring Auschwitz/ Berkenau, in Krakow Poland and touring Anne Franks home, and visiting the Colosseum and Catacombs in Rome and many art museums as well. A big trip back into history and art history. I am very proud of her so she’s my representative for her generation. Sure, she might be a self centered at times but the who the hell wasn’t in their 20’s?
I’m a proud mama, to hell with the rest of ‘em. haha

TJBM is a proud mama or papa.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Will I? Can someone predict?
TJBM is an oddball and is proud of it.

Coloma's avatar

Haha yes, rather. I am kind of eccentric and see things from a different POV a lot of the time. I don’t share a lot of myself with many, I live in my own reality most of the time.

TJBM is looking forward to a rainy, relaxing weekend.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, we have the RV up for auction on Saturday. That will not be relaxing!

TJBM is nervous about this weekend.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. I can go with indoors or out.
@Mimishu1995, I will make your prediction. Yes, you will be a proud parent.
You have knowledge, and an internal strength. You have an understanding of things beyondyour own line of sight. You have humor, and sympathy. You have respect for tradition. You will raise at least one happy, well balanced human child, and you will be proud to see what your parenting has done for their life.
TJBM enjoys humor.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I love humor. I don’t think I would have made it through this life without it.

TJBM finds that they can laugh about almost anything on down the road. Somethings I will never be able to laugh about.

Sneki95's avatar

If it’s crafted in a funny way, I will laugh, no matter how offensive it is or not.
Funny is funny.

TJBM walked barefoot on the ground/earth/soil. (like, in garden, not in the house floor or concrete)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Always. Always.

TJBM doesn’t wear shoes in summer unless they have to.

Brian1946's avatar

Totally true. The only time I wear shoes in my house, is when I’ve come in from outside or I’m going outside.

TJBM can think of a nickname for an orange cheetah.

Coloma's avatar

How ‘bout ‘Flame.”

TJBM likes the comedian Louis CK.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Gato Vistoso
TJBM has toys for their bath.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t wear shoes outside, either, @Brian1946.

I don’t take baths very often. If I do and I think I’m going to be there a while, I take a book.

TJBM has their own bedroom.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, and I am starting to have fun with it. For a long time it was just where I sleep, and keep my clothes.
My daughter is decorating her own room now, and I am starting to have some fun with mine.
TJBM would agree that Americans tend to think that adults shouldn’t play with toys, and that attitude adds to stress, anxiety, and dependancy.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I don’t know about America but you are describing the situation in my country. Apparently things have their labels for “childishness”. Toys, cartoons, comics… they are things for kids and adults shouldn’t touch them. It leads to a lot of shame and guilt from people who take a liking for them. Young people are now combating this bias by creating web comics with adult subject matters. But the social stigma is still very strong, especially among older people.
I personally have to hide my passion for comics from people too :p
TJBM has a guilty pleasure.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t think so. I don’t feel guilty for my pleasures.
I got myself a small cotton candy machine. What fun! I have a pink monkey hanging from the headboard of my bed. I have lots of things with minions on them. I have a rainbow of wigs.
I have ice cream, candy, cake guilt free.
Nope. No guilty pleasures, only happy ones.
TJBM has a favorite toy.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, my cats laser pointer. I like playing with it as much as they do. haha

TJBM likes foreign subtitled movies.

Strauss's avatar

I’d much rather see a foreign-language film with subtitles than dubbed in English. If it’s a really good movie, the dialogue, even though I might not understand the language, adds to the soundscape and rhythm of the work.

TJBM looks at things from a slightly different approach.

Sneki95's avatar

Sometimes. It makes things mote interesting.

TJBM reads over a hundred books a year.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t have as much time for reading as I used to.
TJBM works a lot.

Sneki95's avatar

Yeah, at least it seems like it.

TJBM daydreams a lot.

Coloma's avatar

Only when I lay down to go to sleep, I let my mind wander.

TJBM is in the middle of a crazy storm.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nope. Things have been pretty low key here for months. There was a couple days of rain, some wind during part of it, a light show which only lasted about an hour. That’s about it. I never even had to get out my snow shovel this winter.
TJBM knows how it feels waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Coloma's avatar

Oh yeah, I’ve had a closet full of shoes drop on me the last few years. lol

TJBM likes old Shirley Temple movies.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sure. I have a few. I love the one where she is a bilingual orphan, speaking fluent Chinese. I wonder if that was her influenve to learn several languages.
TJBM is multilingual.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

English, Swedish, Spanish, some French.

This is Shirley Temple when she was six years old. She kicks in at 01:55. Bloody incredible. Look how she watches his face and not his feet. Bill Bojangles Robinson was an old vaudevillian and was awed by this little kid’s talent and good humor. They were good friends until he died in 1949 at 71.

TJBM has a favorite Shirley Temple clip they would link us to.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You want me to link to a Thai temple? ~
TJBM goes to temples.

MilkyWay's avatar

Nope, never been in one. Though I would like to.
TJBM has a cathedral in their town/city

Sneki95's avatar

Nah, only a church. Not that the church is bad, but it’s not a cathedral.

TJBM is amazed by the beauty of churches, temples, ans similar places. some of those are pieces of art.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. I traveled to some buddhist temples in the mountains of Taiwan in 2010. Amazing. Xiangde temple in Toroko Gorge is mind blowingly beautiful. crap, my link didn’t work, but you can look it up.

TJBM likes exotic destinations off the beaten path.

Sneki95's avatar

^ 404 not found

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. Rick and I go road tripping almost every Saturday and we end up who knows where! It’s fun.

TJBM can’t wait.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m okay with waiting.
TJBM will do a ribbon dance in their yard this weekend.

Strauss's avatar

Not a ribbon dance, but probably a dog-poop-landmine-avoidance dance.

TJBM Is glad that spring is here.

or autumn, in the Southern hemisphere…

Sneki95's avatar

I am. I like winter, but everything has its time. I’d get bored of it if it were too long.

TJBM has a straw hat.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do, and I’m keeping it. You will have to weave your own. Lol.
TJBM has caught something in the wild with their bare hands. Please tell the story.

Coloma's avatar

All kinds oft hings. Snakes, lizards, frogs, baby gophers I take from the cats.
Lots of wild lifey moments where I live.

TJBM likes nature and wild life.

Sneki95's avatar

I do. I don’t have much time to spend in the nature, though. I wish I went to the river a bit more often. I miss my lady. :D

TJBM owns an all white suit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I don’t.

TJBM is finally catching up on the housework.

Sneki95's avatar

No, I don’t.

TJBM knows the map of their country very well.

@Coloma I just saw the temple you posted. It’s beautiful, I wish to take a walk around there.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Very, very well. I’ve hitch-hiked it, bicycled it, taken rail across it many times as a brakeman on the Burlington Northern route from Chicago to Seattle, driven from Key West to Maine, Tampa to San Francisco, Mexico to Canada on the West Coast on a motorcycle mostly on the Coastal Highway. Hiked portions of the Sierras and Southern Adirondacks. Even got caught in a buffalo herd in Wyoming. I probably could find my way around Miami, New Orleans, Chicago and San Francisco blind folded. LOL. I know this country and others like the back of my hand. I also know Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Warsaw quite well. I could probably still find my way around the port section in old Leningrad. I know most of the East Caribbean Islands by sight when I see them on the horizon. I have a love of the study of maps and have an excellent memory for places I like. And I know where the good food is. No brag, just fact.

TJBM has a favorite city.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

The people on Fluther really inspire me! You guys seem to have the most amazing stories and lives
(in response to @Espiritus_Corvus, I won’t answer the question because @Sneki95 is currently crafting)

BellaB's avatar

I love the Lower East Side of New York, and the harbour in Hamburg. I generally love cities that have working harbours.

Now back to @Sneki95

TJBM has a favourite city.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@Sneki95 has fallen asleep, and will wake up with keyboard squares imprinted on her cheeks.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

yeah, @Sneki95 has fallen asleep

My favourite city? I love my hometown of Melbourne, the culture and vibe here is spectacular, but I do (and always will) love Christchurch, despite the earthquakes, their ability to bounce back the way they have is utterly admirable.

TJBM Will explain how we got from 67 to 76, and they will also describe their paradise

Sneki95's avatar

Uh-huh. Novi Sad.
It is a city with a soul, bruh. I live it. I love the old, elegant Austro-Hungarian buildings, the most beautiful being The Catholic Cathedral and the Synagogue, the people, the atmosphere, the Fortress and the Kej, where I like to walk a lot, everything.
Novi Sad is specifically magnificent at night, [1] [2]
and during the winter festival, held in late December and January.
This is one nice video about the Serbian Athens.
Even outside the beautiful main square, the city is incredibly clean and well kept. The streets have a lot of the 80s vibe, but modern at the same time. It’s kind of cyber punk-ish.
The city is incredibly modern and ancient at the same time, and it all works so well.
I adore the people and the whole atmosphere in the city, especially during the holidays. There is something about Novi Sad that simply hypnotizes me.
I wish I could go and live there, it would be my dream. It is the massive cultural center of Serbia.

To @Magical_Muggle First of all, welcome! And second, I’ve no idea how we got there either.

No, I didn’t fall asleep. :D
TJBM will describe their paradise.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I can’t read this thread anymore. It is folding over. #77?

Coloma's avatar

@Magical_Muggle I’d love to visit Australia!
@Sneki95 Beautiful! I am envious of both you and @Magical_Muggle and, of course our dear @Espiritus_Corvus

My papradise…well, if I had gazillions of dollars I’d have several retreat homes around the world and U.S. but, I’m a mountain mama at heart. A beautiful mountain ranch in the western U.S, would be my 1st choice.

TJBM knows wut is wut.

Sneki95's avatar

Wut is what, if you know what I mean. Giddit?

TJBM didn’t shave their legs.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, how’d you know.
I knew wut means what but I don’t know wut @Patty Melt meant about the thread “folding over.” lol

TJBM is fluthering and watching a movie at the same time.

Sneki95's avatar

I’m on Fluther and Quora simultaneously.

TJBM will recommend me some nice animated movie to watch.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It’s such a beautiful day. It is the best movie I have ever seen. 10/10.

TJBM is watching the first episode of a brand new show right now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I have just poisoned myself with 2 movies in onr night and I need rest.
@Magical_Muggle you finally found your way here huh? To answer your question, it was me all along!
TJBM has a master plan.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My master plan is to watch It’s Such a Beautiful Day HERE because two people here have been raving about it and to drown out the boom-boom music in this bloody hotel I’m staying at. LOL. I googled It’s a Beautiful Day first and got a 2013 Japanese slasher film.

@Sneki95 I opened all your links. Yes, that is a most beautiful city. I love the old town squares in those European cities. Novi Sad’s architecture and plaza is magnificent. Those horses and carriages are beautiful. The horses are perfectly in step, first class. The people and the food in the last clip, especially that fish soup, made me want to buy an airline ticket tonight. “You may eat.” LOL. Sweet. These beautiful places are so much different today than the sadness and shabbiness I saw in the Soviet era. You never saw many young people on the streets in those days—and you rarely saw them smile. Your links reminded me how much I need to get back over there and see those places the way they were meant to be. Thank you, Sneki.

TJBM is glad @Magical_Muggle is back.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yeah. I’m glad that she was able to navigate herself out of the TJBM large jungle to reach here.
And @Espiritus_Corvus, if you want to further poison yourself out of the hotel music, I suggest two bottles of poison I drank simultaneously last night, this and this. They were so mind-boggling that my brain hurt.
TJBM has their own movie collection.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I have a few hundred stored on external drives.

These films you suggest look good, Mimi. I trust your taste implicitly. But me thinks Mimi has a thing for Maurice Ronet. LOL.

I have a few stored temporarily on the cloud, if you’re interested. I can send you a list, if you like.

TJBM has their own movie collection.

Mimishu1995's avatar

YES EC! I’d like to see your collection! I can share my list too if you like.
And really, I notice that I have too much to do with Maurice Ronet too, after Cette Nuit-la :p
TJBM has their own movie collection.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think we have the makings of a film club here.

Go ahead, Patty

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes. I have over six hundred on dvds.
I finally got on here and it didn’t fold up on me.
When it gets too long, the top half of the thread overlays the bottom half, and I can’t read anything. I don’t know why it does it on tjbm. It doesn’t do it on the song game, or hijack.
TJBM knows how to find the hijack thread.

Sneki95's avatar

My guess is the search button.

@Espiritus_Corvus Hehe. If you ever come to Novi Sad, lemme know. I’ll be glad to take you to the Fortress. It takes a lot of climbing, but it’s worth it.

TJBM is fit and can climb up the hill.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Contrary to recent rumors, yes I am. I climbed the 2,600ft/800m up the side of Morne Diable to the Boiling Lake on Dominica last week. It took six hours on switchbacks and then I took a skinny dip here with friends before we headed back down.

You will be the first person I call, Sneki.

TJBM would love to eat their way through beautiful Novo Sad.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Patty_Melt Here you go
Yeah. I’d love to explore another country again. I’d like to try climbing a mountain with @Espiritus_Corvus as my climbing guide. I have climbed a mountain in Thailand before and I didn’t know it gave me so much adrenaline! @Sneki95 will be our tour guide.
TJBM likes climbing mountains.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Well, my days of climbing the really rocky, ice capped snowy peaks are definitely over, but I can handle a tropical thing of only a thousand meters or so.

TJBM would like to form a Fluther Film Club in order to share films among the Flutherites.

Magical_Muggle's avatar


TJBM Has recently found something they lost

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My soul. Just kidding. But it’s been a busy tourist season down here. I’m sure I lost something in the deal. Nothin’s this good.

TJBM is having stormy weather.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Only if you count the teenager in my house.
TJBM has painted something in
the past week.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I can’t remember when it was, but it was recent. I did some touch up work on the boat with epoxy paint. A boat is a never ending, high maintenance proposition. If you don’t give her a lot of love, she’ll take you out to sea and drown you.

TJBM has a favorite film genre they like best.

Sneki95's avatar

Animation, if that can be considered a genre.
When it comes to the plot genres, I can dig anything, as long as the movie is well made. Usually, I’m least interested in horror and anything Hugh Grant is in.

TJBM has an actor/actress they dislike.

Coloma's avatar

I can’t stand Melissa McCarthy…ugh!

TJBM is still waking up.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I’m going… to… bed…
TJBM is still awake.

BellaB's avatar

I’m awake and getting ready to go swimming. It’s just before 1 p.m. here.

TJBM has recently mastered a new computer something-or-other.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, the school recently acquired a small platform for performances (musical and otherwise), and along with it rhey purchased a digital programmable lighting system. I was the one who got to figure it out, to the point that I became “the expert”. I then trained some students to be the experts. They’ll pass on their knowledge to other students.

TJBM will leave a legacy

Coloma's avatar

Just my charming personality since I have no more money. lol
TJBM is a charming sort.

Strauss's avatar

So I’ve been told, but I sometimes amaze myself at how bored I can be in my own company.

TJBM Is bored.

Coloma's avatar

I haven’t been awake long enough to be bored yet. haha
I am a little bored, hunkered down with some crazy T-storms and rain the last day or two and still gloomy and unstable out there but..I am enjoying the last f the winter weather.

TJBM loves a good T-storm with wind and lightening and thunder.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes yes yes yes yes. I once got pregnant during a REALLY good one. Thunder/lightning struck just above us at tbe moment we both hit our own thunder. You don’t plan that sort of thing, and if it ever happens, you never forget it. O-M-G!
TJBM has had an amazing act of nature in their life.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The flowers, trees, the sunset after a storm, turtles and squirrels… just kidding. Um… not reading my name in the obits? LOL. Some days it feels like a major act of nature just to be alive, man.

The first thing that comes to mind is while diving in “The Garden” about 80 miles or so in the GoM off Galveston, I was down there minding my own business looking at the colorful corals and fish, when suddenly all light was blacked out by one of these gliding above me. Man, I thought for sure I was dinner for this guy. It came down to investigate me, came right up to me, face to face, took a good look at frozen me, then slowly moved passed, making sure to rub me along it’s length just to make sure I knew who was boss. Never saw one before. Turns out this monster is a filter eater—it’s diet is primarily plankton, krill and fish eggs. You’re probably saying to yourself “What dafuk izzat?” Yeah. Now you know a little bit how I felt. Damn near shit into my wetsuit.

TJBM has had an amazing act of nature in their life.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I know what that is, its a whale shark! Gawd I would love to swim with one sometime. That is on my bucket list.
I lived on an Iowa farm when I was little. I was also tiny when I was little. I wasn’t like dwarfed; I was petite. One day I was walking alone between ponds. I heard a sound above me like a helicopter, but slower. It was a crane. I stopped breathing. There was nothing around but me and this bird. I had never even heard of cranes. The biggest birds I had seen were hawks. It wasn’t more than twenty feet directly above my head. For a little six year old girl, that was a major moment.

TJBM has a spectacular memory from when they were very small.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM is so lost in memory.

Patty_Melt's avatar


Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

You forgot the TJBM. You trying to single handedly fuck up our whole world, man?

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, its there, man. Clean your glasses and refresh your page.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I saw it just after I crafted my response. I was the one who fucked up the world :p
My earliest memory is a dream. It was nothing special really, just some branches of tree swinging in the wind. But it was in black and white. It was like the image was distorded and what left was a surreal silhouette of the tree. This photo describes the best how it looked like. I still don’t know how my brain managed to make up something like that.
TJBM is so lost in memory.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No, my long term memory is pretty good. I might have trouble remembering yesterday, but I can remember stuff that happened when I was three. This, I find out, isn’t so unusual. It just takes prompting with phots of a house, a person, etc. Shirley Temple claimed that she could remember things that happened when she was ten months old. Now, that’s impressive.

TJBM thinks Patty Melt might like an invitation to the FFC.

Coloma's avatar

FFC funny fuckers club. lol

TJBM has a tummy ache.

snowberry's avatar

No, a back ache

TJBM is ready for bed. I am. ‘Night!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

G’night, Spider Woman.

No. Saturday nights are kinda loud in this hotel. But the room is free. Best I can do is put on the earphones, play some classical music and try to fall asleep to some 19th century lit like Barchester Towers or something. Interminably long paragraphs and sentences work like 10mg ativan on me, just takes longer.

TJBM likes Somerset Maugham’s work too much to fall asleep reading his stories

Strauss's avatar

True dat!

My daughter brought home a Complete Sherlock Holmes the other day…surprisimgly, for her own reading, not a class assignment! About an hour, she said, “Why is this written with so many unnecessary words?”

TJBM likes semi-archaic styles.

“G’night, Cap’n!”

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

G’night, pal

Definitely. For me, that would be Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammet. Great stories in authentic 1930’s lingo by tough guys who were born in the late 19th century.

TJBM likes Philip Marlow and Sam Spade

Mimishu1995's avatar

You meet the right person :D
TJBM likes film-noir.

Brian1946's avatar

I do, especially “Detour” and “Don’t Bother to Knock”. I’d love to accompany someone, who would really appreciate it, to a vintage nightclub that’s exclusively black, gray, and white. I’m probably so pale, that my complexion would blend right in.

Speaking of “Detour”, TJBM knows what jelly uses this image in her avatar.

BellaB's avatar

Absolutely. I hope she gets things sorted with her family. Seems like she could really use a break from them all.

TJBM will describe the shirt/top they are wearing right now.

Brian1946's avatar

It’s a red tee with a faded San Francisco 49ers logo. I think my brother gave it to me in 1990.

TJBM can name what actors born in the 1890’s, have the following initials: HB, EGR, GB, JB, WP, WB, HInts: the respective years of their birth are: 1899, 1893, 1896, 1894, 1897, 1894.

Hmmm, not only were JB and WB both born in 1894, they both died in 1974.

BellaB's avatar

(my first run at that was a fail – diving back in)

Mimishu1995's avatar

I gave up. I was able to guess Humprey Bogart and Edward G Robinson. I can’t find the others.
TJBM knows better than me.

Brian1946's avatar

If you use the following link, you can insert the birth years and browse the resultant pages:

The above link will show you WB and JB.

This link will give you WP:

TJBM will shine on doing any of the research suggested and instead make up some off-the-wall names for the initials I posted.

Sneki95's avatar

HB= Honey Badger
EGR = Edgar Gilly Rootietootoot
GB = Ginny Bitter
JB = Jenna Boob
WP = Walter Penny
WB = Walter Bob

TJBM likes making up names

Brian1946's avatar

I love making up names, @Snooki.

TJBM will say which of the following actors they recognize: George Burns, Jack Benny, Walter Pidgeon, and Walter Brennan,

Strauss's avatar

All of them! I can also name several characters each one played on the silver screen.

Except Jack Benny. I don’t ever remember him doing any movies as anyone besides hes “Jack Benny” with his faithful valet Rochester!

TJBM remembers Rochester.

Brian1946's avatar

Didn’t Burns play God in one role and a bank robber in “The Sunshine Boys”? Wasn’t Brennan in “Bad Day at Black Rock”? I recall him also being in at least one western, but I don’t remember the name. One of my favorite novelty films is Benny in The Horn Blows at Midnight.

I definitely remember Rochester and his gravelly voice.

TJBM wears pajamas.

Patty_Melt's avatar

George Burns played God and Satan. He also had Brooke Shields in the trunk of his car naked.
TJBM has a pet their friends think is creepy.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You think my fish are creepy?
@Brian1946 thanks for introducing me the new search tip. I searched for the names by digging through every film-noir I have in mind because once I guessed Humprey Bogart I had a feeling that you were referring to film-noir actors.
TJBM knows what to call my feeling…

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ummmm, where is the feeling located?
TJBM knows where mimi has her mysterious feeling.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t even know Mimi.

TJBM never writes in cursive.

AshLeigh's avatar

I write in cursive about half the time.
TJBM has a very busy week ahead of them.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, have a few days off due to testing at the school. I’ll be doing some outside work.

@Mimishu1995 I had a feeling that you were referring to film-noir actors. These actors have more in common by era than by genre; film-noir just happened to be very popular during that era.

TJBM can appreciate period films.

snowberry's avatar

Some of them.
TJBM is out of bread.

@Mimishu1995 could the word you’re looking for be “intuition”?

As in, “My intuition says it’s a Humphry Bogart film.”

Coloma's avatar

No but I am out of just about everything else. haha

TJBM knows if there is a new Pt. 77 of TJBM or if we are still here.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. But we are very close. 47 more responses to go.
@snowberry yeah, it was just a small guessing game :p
@Strauss a warning sign that I’m too much into film-noir…
TJBM will continue until we see part 77.

snowberry's avatar


TJBE is verrrrry short! Or failing that, is wearing shorts.

Sneki95's avatar

I am short. I don’t wear shorts atm, though.

TJBM did a movie marathon.

MilkyWay's avatar

I did actually yes
TJBM is enjoying the spring weather

Coloma's avatar

Today is sunny and springy again but just had a few days of torrential T-storms and more coming mid-week. I am taking advantage of today, sunny and around 62 degrees. Cleaned up the yard from all the branches that fell the other day.

TJBM is getting ready for lunch right now. starving here!

BellaB's avatar

Just finished dinner – a sandwich made out of taco innards. So delicious. I love salsa so much.

TJBM will tell us about their favourite birthday cake.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes. I saw coverage on the news about it. The guy squealed like a piglet, then somehow got back on, and was removed a second time.
Personally, if the guy is really a doctor, he would never be mine.
TJBM needs their meds.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t take meds.

TJBM just had a huge rainstorm. We did.

Sneki95's avatar

Not yet.

TJBM sometimes gets lost wandering the internet researching about all kinds of nonsense. just spent around an hour or more reading about internationalisms and comparing words in Google translator.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, all the time. The last 24 hours or so I have researched Hispanic painters, gangrene, indian Marwari horses and more. TJBM is a sponge brain.

Sneki95's avatar

If I am, I can only hope my brain is not Sponge Bob.

TJBM hates Sponge Bob.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t even care to know who he is.
TJBM isn’t into pop culture.

Sneki95's avatar

@Mimishu1995 You kiddin’ me, right? You don’t know Sponge Bob? Wow. This is the first time I met anyone that doesn’t know about Sponge Bob. I envy you.
But I ain’t that much into pop culture either. I never watched most of the famous movies, nor do I listen any of those popular musicians everyone knows of. Nor do I care. I only know the names.

TJBM is a hipster.

snowberry's avatar

I got ‘em, anyway!

TJBM is going to work.

Sneki95's avatar

What work?

TJBM needs to sleep.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Sneki95 actually I know him, but like you with pop musicians, I just know the name. All I need to know is that he is a cartoon character and that’s it, because as I said before, “I don’t even care” :p The most extreme state of hate :D
No, I need to wake up.
TJBM knows what I mean.

Sneki95's avatar

I don’t know what you mean? Wake up? Aren’t you awake as you write this? Are you sleeptexting?

… surprise me every day.

TJBM has a favourite line from a movie.

Strauss's avatar

“Go ahead. Make my day.” Uttered be actor Clint Eastwood as “Dirty Harry Callahan” in the 1983 film “Sudden Impact”. Few movie lines have ever become so iconic.

TJBM knows another iconic line from a movie.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”

This is fun.

TJBM knows which film that quote is from and knows another iconic quote.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I do! Although admittedly I have only ever watched parts of Casablanca (and if I have watched it in full, I didn’t realise it)

“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die”

TJBM will continue what has been started and knows where that quote is from and provide us with another quote

edit: I changed the quote from “you’re gonna need a bigger boat” to what it is now

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Jaws (1). The town cop played by Roy what’s-his-name to the captain played by gritty old Robert Shaw. One of my favorite films.

“You don’t understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could’ve been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.”

TJBM knows which film that quote is from and knows another iconic quote.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Princess Bride, before Jaws.
Marlin Brando, in The Waterfront.
TJBM can identify this quote,
“Hey Harry,” * “You know we’re sittin’ on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon, and a thing that has two hundred seventy thousand parts, built by the lowest bidder. Makes ya feel good, dudn’t it?”

Coloma's avatar

Armageddon Okay, I HAD to look it up. haha

TJBM knows what film this quote is from…

“You know how to whistle don’t you Steve? You just ut your lips together and blow.”

Mimishu1995's avatar

Come on you guys! I waited so long for my turn ~
TJBM is oblivious to quotes.

Coloma's avatar


Okay Mimi…go, and, you gotta answer my question above. haha

TJBM will name that quote.

snowberry's avatar

Lauren Bacall to Humphrey Bogart in the movie, To Have and have Not

TJBM knows (or has found) the author of this quote.
“The very man who has argued you down, will sometimes be found, years later, to have been influenced by what you said.”

(Mimishu1995, you can do a search for any of these quotes and get the answer. You can also find great quotes the same way.)

Strauss's avatar

@Snowberry I have heard it attributed to C.S.Lewis. I found many sources to verify that, but I was unable to find a citation for the original source.

TJBM knows the source of the abovementioned quote.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Gee, mimi, I wish I could send you some movies, so it would be easier to play along.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@snowberry Thanks! I was just too lazy to go through the internet for quotes. Now I feel bad for not knowing a quote from a film-noir actress :(
And I just did a small quote search and so far I haven’t seen your latest quotes anywhere.
@Patty_Melt did you know that there is a small Fluther movie club founded a few days ago? It is a paradise of movie sharing! PM me if you want to enter the madness. We are in need of members anyway.
TJBM will recommend me a quote search engine.

snowberry's avatar

@Mimishu1995 it’s how you phrase your search. I just searched for ” film noir quotes”.

If it’s not CS Lewis, I don’t know.

TJBM is overly fond of….what?

Coloma's avatar

Cats, Tapioca pudding, crazy wild stormy storms, great movies, champagne, summer breeze.

TJBM knows that summer breeze makes you feel fine…

Strauss's avatar

Blowing through the jasmine in my mi-i-ind…

TJBM recognizes the musical reference.

Patty_Melt's avatar

When I was twelve I went to sleep diring that song every night. The radio station played it same time each night for months.
TJBM will tell about the puppy love of their life when they were twelve.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I had a puppy named Dexter who was so cute. An adorable fluffy ball of love. I miss him very much :( He was very quiet and chill. Never really wanted to play that much. I feel like he had doggy depression.

TJBM misses their childhood puppy.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, but I did have a cocker spaniel called Taffy.

TJBM needs a manicure.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Uh, breaks, splitting, chipping. I can’t seem to get them nice anymore.
TJBM has at least one person ten years or more older who they see every week. I don’t mean a casual encounter, like your bank teller.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I see a lot of them, everyday, on Fluther.
TJBM has an internet friend.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have a few, some of them here on Fluther, some elsewhere.
TJBM has a fear of flying.

Brian1946's avatar

Not really- I’ll fly if my wife doesn’t want to take some form of landtrans. However, I’m always anxious during takeoff, turbulence, and landing.

TJBM knows how many processes they have running on their computer.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. But sompin’s not right. I may need to get a new one.

TJBM loves J-E-L-L-O!

Strauss's avatar

I do, although I’ve never been much of a fan of the salads!

TJBM has a family tradition they’re not fond of.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I may sound like a horrible person, but a tradition that I dislike is, surprise surprise, the death anniversary. No, I don’t dislike the anniversary in general, I dislike how it is operated in my family. It is supposed to be a day when dead ancestors are honored, but it is turning into some sort of list checking task in my family. My grandma is very pussy about how the food is made and displayed on the altar. Some people in the family use the anniversary to gather and chit-chat. The anniversary seems to lose its original meaning. Speaking of meaning, isn’t just remembering and honoring the ancestors enough? It is much better than a table full of food made by people who see the anniversary as a chore and just want it to end as quickly as possible.
Oh, and my big aunt is the one in charge of cooking, and her food sucks!
TJBM has a family tradition they’re not fond of.

Coloma's avatar

Not since I got divorced and got rid of my control freak e MIL who lived to invent stupid get togethers. haha

TJBM is in-law free.

Strauss's avatar

Pretty much, two in Texas, one (plus wife & 5) in West Virginia. Only MIL, she’s pretty cool, usually only hear from here birthdays and holidays.

TJBM has family they are separated from.

snowberry's avatar

Kids living in 3 different states and one overseas.
In laws also live a long way away.

TJBM likes to edit.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, I don’t, but I have to grow accustomed. I have stiff achey fingers, ang my phone has this teeny teeny keyboard.
TJBM is shopping for something new in their life, but not the type of thing you normally find on a receipt. eg: spouse, cure, drug, etc.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM loves opera.

BellaB's avatar

I like baroque opera as performed by Opera Atelier. Not such a fan of tradtional/modern opera. I fell semi-asleep when I saw Joan Sutherland in Anna Bolena.

TJBM is ready to enjoy the Easter long weekend and will tell us about one of their plans.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Going to the zoo, and see new little babies.
TJBMhas baby critters near their home.

BellaB's avatar

Raccoons. Lots of baby raccoons are all over the neighbourhood. Driving people crazy with their chirping.

TJBM will describe a childhood holiday event that seemed traumatic at the time, but is funny with hindsight.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Holiday event… The only one I can think of, on Easter Sunday, is still horrifying and painful for me.

TJBM hopes the ROKU system their S/O just had to have is everything it brags that it is.

Brian1946's avatar

No ROKU, no need to hope.

TJBM believes there similarities between the Finnish and Estonian languages.

Sneki95's avatar

They belong to the same language family, so similarities are a given.

TJBM driks only certain brands of bottled water.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM will tell something they would do entirely different if they regained their youth.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Am I that old? :(
And now that we have reached 500 responses, here’s the anticipated part 77 for everyone!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Oh…...just one more.

TJBM sees no reason to go to 77 when 76 is working so well.

sone's avatar

TJBM is married

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. No. But I am otherwise engaged full-time in many types of personal relationships, none of which require a license or contract beyond a handshake or a kiss to give them validity.

TJBM is looking forward to something big in the near future.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has no time for drama.

Strauss's avatar

Not true. However, I try to keep my drama restricted to stage and screen.

TJBM likes drama occur stage or screen.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

On stage and screen only, please.

TJBM is preparing lunch.

snowberry's avatar

I totally agree about the on stage and screen only thing for drama!

I haven’t even had breakfast yet! Is it time for lunch already? No, I’m just in a different time zone! ;)

TJBM will tell us what you’re having for lunch.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Tomato soup, tuna fish sandwiches and ice tea. It’s quarter to noon here.

TJBM is in a different time zone.

Strauss's avatar

Quarter to 8 here in mountain time.

TJBM has heard of Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Heard of ‘em. Bovine testicles, aren’t they? Unlike Chitlins which are the scrotum.

TJBM has had one or both of the above.

Strauss's avatar

Bovine, porcine, arine or sometimes even caprine. But I never had the balls to try them.

TJBM understands.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. Yeah. Before I read the second line of your post above, I was about to write that you had some balls, fella. But I see in your region they have whole festivals surrounding the eating of male genitals. Evidently this turns a lot of western women on and makes a lot of western men feel very macho.

TJBM isn’t interesting in eating the genitals of mammals.

snowberry's avatar

Not at all.

TJBM isn’t interested either.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not at all either. In fact I can’t understand why people eat animals’ genitals. I mean, is there anything tasty or healthy in them?
TJBM will clear my confusion,
TJBM will just tell us another strange kind of food they saw people eat.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Deep fried, battered Chicken gizzards. It’s a southern thing. I love ‘em. They have a great, firm texture, unlike mushy old chicken livers, and is about the only thing I’ll eat smothered in Loozianna Hot Sauce.

TJBM loves a regional food that is becoming increasingly hard to find.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I grew up eating gizzards too. I don’t like them now but college football parties always include fried gizzards. There are two gasoline stations that cook and sell them in this area…........which, by the way, is close to your old area. I just read a post where you said y ou lived in Sarasota…...very close to me. @Espiritus_Corvus

TJBM uses a hot air popper for their popcorn.

snowberry's avatar

I generally don’t eat popcorn, but I’ve heard people say that I have enough hot air that I could pop enough for a movie theater.

I grew up in Utah, eating gizzards as well as chicken hearts, breaded and fried in a little oil, salt and pepper. Mmmmm-mm! Yes!

TJBM plans to keep this thread going forever!

Mimishu1995's avatar

I haven’t left yet.
TJBM is still here.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Still here. Depending on where I am with the laptop, it can get slow to load after 500 responses, and that’s likely the reason why a new thread is started at 500. But if I’ve got good wifi into a decent DSL, it’s all good. My thumbs are too big to use a phone and I don’t like the format and lack of conveniences on many androids. And those screens are too bloody small. Not get off my lawn.

TJBM will tell us what the make of their first bicycle was.

snowberry's avatar

No idea. Probably a Schwin. A blue one I think. It looked like this. LOL

I saved my baby sitting money up and bought a yellow ten speed. Wow! I had arrived!

TJBM will tell a cautionary tale their parents used to tell them.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yep. That looks a lot like my first bike. Mine was a heavy duty blue Schwinn with a headlight. It was a hand me down from my big brother, but I loved it. I never liked the Stingrays, but I was hot after a ten speed when I was ten.

Because I was always wandering off and would talk to anybody, they were real worried that I’d get snatched or something. I understand now, but it kinda went over my head in those days. But they drilled it into my head to never, ever get into a car with a stranger for any reason at all. LOL. We car pooled to school with other mothers. Each of four mothers took a week and rotated with the others. One day Mrs. Cunningham’s car broke down and a strange lady came to pick us up in a station wagon. LOL. I convinced the other kids not to get in the car. Mother Superior called all our mothers and got it straightened out. It took over an hour. The lady was a bit flustered, but she kept her cool in front of this smart-ass kid.

I thought I was probably going to get it when I got home, but instead mom made some cinnamon toast and hot chocolate and we talked about it. She said that I did the right thing under the circumstances and the mothers would call the school the next time. I think she was kinda relieved to know that I actually was listening when my parents warned me about strangers.

TJBM will tell a cautionary tale their parents used to tell them.

snowberry's avatar

When I was about 9, my parents were redecorating and my mother took me with her to a shop that made natural stone for installation in homes. I got bored listening to her and the salesman talk, so I wandered over to make friends with a dog behind a high chain link cage. I had stuck my hands through the chain-link and was petting him and he was licking as much of me as he could reach. We had a grand time until my mother called me to leave.

Years later she told me that when I disappeared and didn’t return she and the salesman began to hunt for me. When the salesman saw what I was doing she said he turned very pale in shock. I had been petting their vicious guard dog, the one that had been trained to guard the place. He said that he had never seen that dog make friends with anyone before.

The Jelly Below Me will tell us another story from when they were young.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

We lived across the street from the elementary school, so the playground was like my back yard. When my sister and I wanted to walk to the store for a treat we could always look under the monkey bars and find plenty of nickels, dimes, and quarters to buy junk and chocolate milk at the little store down the street.

Mimishu1995's avatar

So this is the end of the game?

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Get with the program, people.

TJBM is not afraid to carry on.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM walks to the beat of a different drummer. ;)

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Hell, I think we all do.

TJBM wants to do something really different today and will tell us what that is even if it’s NSFW.

snowberry's avatar

We just bought a black light flashlight, and we’re going outside to hunt scorpions! What fun! (Really!)

TJBM would come with us if they could.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t worry, I won’t go anywhere.
TJBM will stay forever.

snowberry's avatar

Naw. I’m going to bed now.

TJBM has a new car.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, but I do have some shiny new spark plugs and wires. ;)

TJBM thinks they could be a Jeopardy champ.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I think I’d hold my own in history, literature and world politics, but I’d fail miserably in anything concerning entertainment, sports, pop culture or TeeVee in the past 30 years. The only reason I know who Beyonce is, is because she’s from Barbados and whenever she comes back to the Caribbean for a visit to mama it’s like the resurrection of Christ. I think it’s Beyonce. Maybe it’s another one.

TJBM is writing today.

snowberry's avatar

I think it’s Rihanna.

Yes I’m writing!

TJBM has no concept of time when they…what?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


TJBM goes into a trance when they…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Hit the table. That hurts!
TJBM sucks at pop culture.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes. It’s so unfair that trivia games include questions about TV shows!

TJBM has a bit of a crush on Zorro.

snowberry's avatar

When I was a kid, absolutely!

TJBM has a sunburn.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah. I went spear fishing a few days ago and way over did it. I’m peeling like a rattlesnake right now.

TJBM is taking it easy today.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has a lot to say about the time they….? Tell us about it!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yeah, well….....ok….....anyway that’s about it.

TJBM gets a fresh towel and washcloth for every shower.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Just a towel is enough.
TJBM will come here, because it’s getting lonely there.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Sure. I did and left something. I think the story thing nearly killed the thread.

TJBM is getting ready for bed.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No exactly; I took a Benadry a while ago and now I can hardly stay awake.

TJBM loves plaids like Molly does.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah, I do. Especially on women. I saw a woman in a spectacular plaid A-line cotton sundress the other day, the colors of which perfectly matched her hair and skin. It was startling to see in the sunlight. I watched her like a lion at prey as she walked across the street below me. Amazing.

My shirts are mostly collared cotton solids and I sometimes wear matching plaid bermuda shorts with them. And a pair of finely worked, leather flip flops. That’s dress-up down here.

Sleep well, Molly.

TJBM likes plaids, too.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has stuff in their fridge that has gone bad.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I most certainly probably do. My fridge is a black hole of forgotten condiments and smushed legumes. The top shelf is filled with sauces and pastes and condiments and god knows what, I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen what’s sitting at the back…

TJBM Has accidentally left (and forgotten about) an entire chicken in the crisper drawer of the fridge before

snowberry's avatar

Nope, I can’t say I have.

Try going here. It’s more fun to play with others, and we need new blood in the game!

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