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If you never received bills for the remaining debt on furniture, could it have been forgotten?
My girlfriend and I are struggling with an extremely high electrical bill (about 3x what neighbors and previous tenants have paid—we don’t know why) and a Verizon phone bill (our phones went from $70 a month to bills over $200—no changes .. yes .. we’ll have to just abandon the contract because of these sporatic and random, meaningless charges and fees… )
But here’s the deadbeat in us.
We had to buy some furniture on a long-term payment plan… about $1,500 worth… and had to make a $500 deposit plus would be billed about $25 a month over a plan of something like six years.
Well, maybe there was no bill in February because it was the first month and our deposit was made close enough to the beginning of February for furniture purchased late in January…
But as we approach the end of March, we still haven’t received a first bill for a payment, nor any way to pay. The sales clerk who helped us doesn’t know either but says she’ll look into it. She hasn’t… or did it to no avail.
Now, I realize that you jellies are responsible people and wise about penalties and contracts. But is it possible that this was just a mistake in the accounting department and no further bills would be forthcoming… ?
Can we just ignore this and hope its forgotten about ?
What, if anything, and how far should we go… to make payment if we are not receiving bills or notices?
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