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mhd14's avatar

When I cut onion it makes me cry, please suggest how to avoid the tears?

Asked by mhd14 (631points) March 20th, 2017

We know that onions produced some chemicals/gas and while cutting them we are releasing those gases. My mother suggested me to cut them and immediately put it into the water. It’ll help. But i need suggestions how should I cut the onions without getting tears in my eyes.

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27 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve read that one should avoid cutting the onion at the basal-plate end, i.e., the part that has the protruding, hair-like growths.

That usually works for me, but I was mildly affected by a white onion I recently cut. I was able to minimize the effect by turning away for a few seconds. I finally did all the cutting without any tear production.

JLeslie's avatar

Try breathing through your mouth instead of your nose when you cut them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I never tear up when cutting onions. Is something wrong with me? Or is it certain onions, and I happen to not use them?

I’ve cut white onions, Vidalia onions, red onions, yellow onions, green onions.

I love to eat pieces raw, but they never produce tears…

elbanditoroso's avatar

This reminds me of an old joke:

In World War II, in Burma, why did they throw onions in the river?

to make the Bridge over the River Kwai…

chyna's avatar

@mcgrim888 There is something wrong with you. ~

mhd14's avatar

@JLeslie How it will help? Eyes are the victim here not the nose and mouth?

Brian1946's avatar


It could be that by breathing only with your mouth, most of the onion emissions will be inhaled before they reach your eyes.

JLeslie's avatar

You can also make sure the onions are refridgerator cold before cutting, or put on a small fan that blows the air away from your face while cutting.

The chemical that bothers you is released less if the onions are cold. The air blowing away will carry the chemical away from your face. Some say that part of the reason for the tears is something inside the nose, some chemical thing that I don’t remember, but part of the irritant is from the chemicals hitting your eyes also.

One more, you can cut the onion in water, but that’s hard to do practically speaking.

Are your onions room temperature? That’s the easiest fix, just keep them in the fridge.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I wear a gas mask personally.

rojo's avatar

Sometimes it is best to go ahead and cry out the pain. Then we pick ourselves up and get on with our lives as best we can. You have other friends and will have many more opportunities; don’t count yourself out yet. I got double use out of this answer

We usually keep ours in the veggie drawer of the refrigerator and I don’t recall ever having a problem cutting them.

marinelife's avatar

My mother used to swear that holding a slice of bread in your mouth while cutting onions stopped the tears.

Stinley's avatar

Swimming goggles?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@MrGrimm888 It’s never affected me like that either. On The Help they suggest holding a burned match stick in between your teeth! I have to clue.

JLeslie's avatar

Sweet onions, especially vidalias, are much less likely to cause you to cry, so it’s possibly the people who don’t have trouble tend to use the sweeter onions when cooking.

I rarely react to cutting onions also. Once and a while when I do I figure it’s the type of onion.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I have constant allergy problems, so my nose is usually stuffed up. Maybe that’s part of the reason….

Seek's avatar

My eyeglasses are enough to block most of it. Try wearing your sunglasses, if you’re not a four-eyes like me.

rojo's avatar

Now go out and get yourself some big black frames
With the glass so dark they won’t even know your name
And the choice is up to you cause they come in two classes
Rhinestone shades or cheap sunglasses
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Cut under water.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The match stick does work, but it has to be UNburned. Hold it in your teeth with the strike end sticking out. It was the only way I could get through about twenty pounds of onions at a time at work.

ucme's avatar

Hire a chef & fire him if he weeps

David_Achilles's avatar

Refrigerating the onion for at least ½ hour really helps.
I have also tried the oft suggested method of burning a candle next to the cutting board. Since itt needs to be near the level of the cutting board it’s best to use votive candles. Obviously keep them as close as you can to the cutting board without making them a hazard. Don’t be afraid to use several. They draw the sulfur gas away from your eyes.

I would also suggest using a sharp stainless steel chef’s knife. Don’t use glass cutting boards, only wood or plastic. Glass will dull your knife. The sharper it is, the faster you can cut! America’s Test Kitchen recommends the Victorinox – Swiss Army 47520 Chef’s Knife w/ 8” Blade, Black Handle . It’s priced very reasonably.–47520.html?zmam=29342707&zmas=1&zmac=32&zmap=037–47520&utm_source=google&utm_medium=adwords&utm_campaign=CSE&gclid=Cj0KEQjw-73GBRCC7KODl9zToJMBEiQAj1Jgf_ahYsD2XSJH8stlU3mm0gDG2ebxegc3F7oZZoCSavAaAsht8P8HAQ

I’ve always been afriad I’d cut myself with a really sharp knife but the thing to remember with a chef’s knife is to hold the top of the blade and keep the tip of the blade on the cutting board. I can look up a video to show you if you need it. It really helped me overcome my fear and learn to chop things quicker!

IOf course you can always use a food processor. That’s a great fallvback when you have lots of onions to slice or chop.

kritiper's avatar

Cut it up near a exhaust fan or outside.

canidmajor's avatar

Try to avoid forming an emotional attachment to the onion before you cut it.

sone's avatar

Chew some gum while cutting it

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