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Dutchess_III's avatar

What constitutes a fire hazard?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 22nd, 2017

I have a FB acquaintance who says she is being “harassed” by her landlord because of how messy her apartment is. She posts about it several times a day, and says she could be evicted. This has been on going for several weeks.

She also says she’s autistic and ADHD and a bunch of other things, so people just flock to give her reassurances that she is indeed being harassed for “no reason,” and (based on what she says) her landlord is just being mean.

She finally posted a picture of one room of the house. It was her bedroom. There was shit piled up everywhere. She couldn’t even close the closet door.
I said, “Well, that’s the problem right there. It’s a fire hazard.” and offered suggestions about neatly folding the clothes and making sure they’re out of the way, organize the closet so you can shut the door, put things in plastic bins and make sure everything is against the walls. This prompted an outpouring of rage toward me from her “friends.”
One messaged me snarling, “You’ve OBVIOUSLY never been in a real hoarder’s house and that isn’t trash! There is no fire hazard!!!”
I said, “I never said she was a hoarder, and I never said the stuff is trash, but it IS a fire hazard because, worst case, there’s a fire, it’s night time, lights are out, the apartment is full of smoke, people are panicking to get out of the apartment and they’re tripping all over shit!” There was no reply to that.
I guess she thought a “fire hazard” only meant having things around that could burn.

Was I wrong? Would it really help her more if I tell her she is fine and if she gets evicted it won’t be her fault?

As of today, though, she said she got rid of 4 boxes of VHS tapes, and 5 sacks of clothes that she didn’t wear any more. For that I gave her kudos. It seems to me those are the only real steps she’s taken so far to fix the problem. If she is a hoarder, I have an idea of how difficult that must have been, so good on her.

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23 Answers

Danebiggs's avatar

Sound’s like you were right.
If there’s stuff piled that could block a fire escape or make it harder to get out or for first responder’s to get through it would be an issue in an emergency, plus people don’t realize how much work and how long it takes to clean out a place that’s been loaded with stuff for years.
When my ex wife left she left without taking hardly anything.
I couldn’t cover all the bills myself because as you know I have a kid and can’t work as much.
Anyway I had to move and I found out what a job it is to move 13 years worth of crap out of a house by myself.
My ex was somewhat of a hoarder and it took me all summer, about 10 truck loads and a lot of cleaning to be able to finally give my notice and leave.
I guess if I was a landlord I’d probably be a little concerned about tenants that have every room full and stuff piled because it is a fire hazard and a possible health hazard mold etc. and if that tenant bails or get’s evicted it’s A LOT of shit to clean out of there.
Just my opinion, thanks.

jca's avatar

You gave her good advice and realistic advice but some people really don’t want advice, I dont’ think. They want sympathy. Sympathy isn’t really helpful to her but it seems her friends are trying to just be soothing. You were real and honest.

It’s for that reason that I often try to avoid giving out too much advice like that. I may click on “follow this post” and keep scrolling down. FB will alert me when others comment but I’ll remain silent.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She seems to be taking it well. She seems to actually following through. It’s her friends who are rushing to her “defense.”

Well, her new discussion started out with “Is it really that odd to sleep with 50 stuffed toys,books, a midi keyboard, a laptop, earphones, an inhaler…”
I explained that having that many stuffed animals and stuff on the bed could make it difficult to get out in case of a fire. If she jumps up in a panic and it all goes flying, she could trip.
Her friend said, “Oh, that is so unlikely!”
I said, “Unlikely, but not impossible! It’s unlikely that we’ll ever have a fire in our house but we still have smoke detectors!” Then I posted this link.
One person said, “Why would she care that you have stuffed animals on your bed??? This lady is in the wrong. She’s enforcing her own personal feelings on you. That’s so fucked up.”
They just don’t seem to get it! There are a couple of other people who suggest that she compromise and they get beat up.

I just suggested she pick up a play pen from somewhere and keep the animals in it. She said she thought that was a cute idea. We’ll see.

snowberry's avatar

Her friends all sound like drama queens! Maybe they’re worse than she is when it comes to hoarding. It’s a thought.

Regardless, she needs to make a really clean sweep of it, and GET NEW FRIENDS!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Well, if @jca is right, she wants people to feel sorry for her!

snowberry's avatar

Tell her she may be austistic, but her landlord is realistic. Ha!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I am trying to gently explain that her landlord is doing what is required by law, and is not on a personal vendetta. But most of the people want to persist with the idea that is IS a personal vendetta. It’s like they think they’re doing her a favor or something.

snowberry's avatar

So, maybe one of them will let her move in with them if she gets evicted? I’m guessing not.

ucme's avatar

Trump’s hair when he turns in his sleep on those super shimmery silk pillows

AshlynM's avatar

Her friends sound nice, NOT.

I used to think a fire hazard meant anything that could start a fire but now it could include anything that could delay escape.
You are exactly correct. There must be a clear path to any escape route at all times.Not only for your safety but for emergency crew to enter quickly as well. I have seen that hoarder show on tv. Help couldn’t enter because all kinds of crap was piled against the door. Out of all her friends, you were the only honest and helpful one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She’s trying to tell us that the landlord is telling her she can’t keep books in the linen closet. I told her I’d have to see a picture to determine what her concerns are. I have a feeling they’re just piled precariously and ready to fall out. Besides, they would have no reason to look in closets, I don’t think.

snowberry's avatar

Probably the landlord was in there to make repairs or something, and that’s when he started talking about no books in the linen closet or whatever. Regardless, there’s got to be more to the story than what she is telling. I think she’s holding back information so she can hear what she wants to hear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This has been ongoing for…a year. Off and on. And she gets all panicky and makes single comment posts like, “I’m doomed.”
I think you’re right @snowberry.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m just going to put here where I can’t read her posts. She just keeps going on and on but won’t do anything to remedy the situation. She sent me a picture of a closet that was full of books piled up on the shelves in precarious disarray. . Some were sliding out, some were sliding off the stacks. There was some bleach in front. I said, “Look. Just stack the books neatly so they don’t slide out and knock the bleach on the carpet. It won’t take you 15 minutes. Do it now!”
She said, “OK. But I have to eat something first.”
Then she posted that she was eating Cheetos. Then she was doing something else. Then she locked herself in her room because there were kids screaming outside. Then she posted about autism. I haven’t asked but I’m just sure she didn’t touch the closet, or anything else.
Then she posted that she found someone to come in and clean….for $950! Or so she says. I don’t think she has a job. She said “If I pay all that money it better get that lady off my back.” I didn’t say anything, but if she just lets it all go to shit again, it will just start all over again.
It’s bringing me down. I can’t help, and she won’t help.

snowberry's avatar

Books are heavy. If the linen closet doesn’t have heavy duty shelves, maybe the landlord doesn’t want the shelves to collapse from the weight of the books.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I thought of that too. But the shelves looked sturdy enough. I just found out I can unfollow someone without unfriending them. I’ll check in now and again.

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I’m guessing she’s nuts. I wouldn’t continue trying to give her unsolicited advice. I’d just tell her best of luck and I’d follow and watch it all unravel.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, she’s nuts. She posts about it all the time, all her issues. I just feel sad, and, to be honest, kind of mad at this point. I know. You’re not supposed to be mad at people with issues. It’s not their fault.

snowberry's avatar

Sooner or later she may stop posting because if she’s homeless she might not have Internet… ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right? I don’t see them any more.

AshlynM's avatar

You did everything you could to help. I would really appreciate a friend like you, giving me helpful friendly advice. I would just move on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did. I still have her as friend, but I unfollowed her (something new I learned) so I don’t see her wild, random posts. I check for updates about once a day.

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