I didn’t realize how rare it was to know the Greco-Roman gods.
They are the Anglicized forms of Latin names for the Roman (and in the case of Uranus and Pluto, Greek) gods.
Mercury – Mercurius (akin Greek Hermes) messenger god, and other things.
Venus – Venus (akin Green Aphrodite) goddess of love, beauty, and other things.
earth – earth is the word for the ground, dirt, soil, this place. Not really formally the proper name of our planet, which doesn’t really formally have one. Mother Earth in ancient Greek mythology is Gaia, which is also now used by people who think of our planet as one large living thing.
Mars – Mars (akin Greek Ares) god of war and other things.
Saturn – Saturnus (akin Greek Chronus) god of prosperity and other things.
Jupiter – Iupiter (akin Green Zeus) king & sky/thunder god, and other things.
Neptune – Neptunus (akin Green Poseidon) god of fresh water and the sea and other things.
Uranus – Ouranos (akin Roman Caelus) father sky, partner to Gaia (mother earth).
Pluto – Plouton (multiple Roman equivalents) ruler of the underworld.