General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How much does an ambulance cost where you live?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) March 22nd, 2017

Including air ambulance. Mine is $250 to $3000 or more for a helicopter. My disability insurance pays 100% on ground ambulance . What do you pay?

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29 Answers

BellaB's avatar

If you have an OHIP card in Ontario, you will pay $45. About $250 without the card. Same for ground as air ambulance. That causes a problem for out of province service as OHIP will only reimburse what it would pay.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Last time, I think it was over $900, just for the ride. That was about 13 years ago.
After a motorcycle accident.
Probably a 15 minute ride to the hospital.

dappled_leaves's avatar

In Quebec, the cost is $125 for residents, plus $1.75 per km travelled to the hospital. A person accompanying the patient rides for free. In some cases, there is assistance available, but I assume you can also submit the ambulance fee as a medical cost for a tax deduction if your income is low.

Non-residents are charged $400.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Last time I looked $200 for a ride to ER and a ride in “Life-star” was $600.

longgone's avatar

If you need it, no more than €10. The EMTs make the call.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have Kaiser Senior Advantage, so if I needed an ambulance, it is already covered.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Nothing. Our state government covers ambulance costs.

Darth_Algar's avatar

No idea, last time I was in an ambulance was almost 40 years ago.

johnpowell's avatar

Oh man. Not sure if everyone has heard this story.

But long story short. B-day party at my house for a friend. We went to the bar across the street for a bit once things died down at my house. So a straggler (Aaron, BFF at the time) that looked somewhat like me came along and the bartender told him where we had went. It was cold so on Aaron’s way out he grabbed a random coat so he could walk to where we where. He grabbed the wrong fucking coat.

So the people that forgot their coat came back looking for it. The bartender said a guy staying across the street grabbed it and described Aaron (again, Aaron looks like me). Unfortunately Aaron was at a bar 6 blocks away and I was on my porch having a smoke. So I get rushed and had know idea why.

There were about six people and I got off about half a swing. When I woke up there was a ambulance there and a few cop cars and my porch and my clothes were covered blood.

I was out covered in blood long enough for someone to call 911 and for the ambulance to show up. The EMT got me to wake up. I think they used ammonia inhalants to get me to wake up.

The fucked up thing is I was so violently beaten that my glasses were spread all over my lawn. I am a major bitch when I can’t see.

So to answer the actual question. The EMT was all “we should really take you to the hospital”... I was actually kinda joking when I asked how much that would cost me. I really needed to go to the hospital. He said what they did would be free since they didn’t have my name. But a trip to the ER would send their bill to my name. And he said I was looking at about 3.5K for their service and a ride one mile.

So fuck that..

Jessie gave me pills. THIS WAS A TREMENDOUS MISTAKE… I felt better once I got some vidicon in me. But I also was fucked on beer and pills are a bad idea and my blood was really thin and I went to bed.

Apparently I left my sister about 40 voicemail’s while wasted on pills and pabst and with a serious lack of blood. Some were shit like, “I got beat up, I think I am going to not make it, I am covered in blood”

So my sister must have had a shitty morning. Pretty confusing too. But my sis motored the two hours to figure out what the hell happened. I woke up covered in blood with her slapping me.

But she did take me to the hospital. My nose was free-floating and my eyes were swollen shut.

Aaron, ended up paying to buy me new glasses. And I got out of a chemistry final since I was pretty much unable to see.

But yes…. The ambulance was so expensive they suggested I don’t take it.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

^^That is just fucked @JP. Nobody should have to choose to pass on an ambulance they need. About 16 years ago, despite having universal healthcare, you had to pay to use the ambulance service. People having heart attacks would drive to the hospital rather than be hit with an enormous bill.

Our premier at the time introduced legislation that added about $100 per year to everyone’s electricity bill plus to commercial power bills. This levy paid for our ambulance service. If you need an ambulance, it’s free. The levy was dropped a few years ago and our state government now funds our ambulance service. I’m glad you survived your ordeal @JP.

Brian1946's avatar

In 2012, someone told me it was $1200 in the Los Angeles area.

I used to have part F medigap coverage, which cost about $2100/year. Because I’ve never needed an ambulance and I don’t foresee needing one more than once a year, I dropped the coverage.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Ambulance – 0
Air ambulance – 0
Air ambulance plus emergency trauma surgery plus extended stay in ITU plus rehab – 0

mhd14's avatar

In Mumbai, India
Mostly govt. Hospitals provide Ambulance Services which is free.
Private hospitals and others charge as per Kilometer which is in between from $1 – 5$/ km

Stinley's avatar

£0 at point of care. Plenty in taxes though.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Stinley you may be amused to discover the US spends more taxes per person on healthcare than any major devolved country. And what do they get for that? Nothing. So I wouldn’t worry about the tax you’re paying towards your healthcare.

cazzie's avatar

Dollar for kroner I don’t pay any more in taxes than friends in the US.

Stinley's avatar

@Lightlyseared That does tickle me. I don’t dislike paying taxes – I’d rather pay a little each month and get the services I need when I need them. It’s a bit like saving or budgeting. Why wouldn’t one think this is a good idea?

johnpowell's avatar

Because you work and how dare you pay for some shiftless bum to get something for free.

I don’t have kids. I’m not sure why I should help pay for schools.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Because we all benefit from a society where our fellow citizens are educated. Of course, that education must encourage life-long learning and its students to critically evaluate information and ideas.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (Nelson Mandela).

“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

Brian1946's avatar

Perhaps @johnpowell was giving some facetious answers to @Stinley‘s question, to give examples of some myopically penurious reasons for opposing what she supports.

johnpowell's avatar

Yeah… I was totally sarcastic. I am all for single payer and I consider the taxes I pay paying back for the education I received.

We are all in this together. I help you in your time of need and you return the favor. I think this dude named Jesus came up with the idea.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’m exceptionally glad to hear it @JP. I wouldn’t have expected less of you, so I’m thankful my original perception of you was not wrong.

johnpowell's avatar

Yeah.. I’m a hippie. Proud one at that.

And for you I just did this.

For the lazy

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Lol. As you can hear from the crowd, Australians have their own words to this song. No way, get fucked, fuck off! :D Not that I’m suggesting you do that.

Oh and Masterchef starts again very soon!

johnpowell's avatar

I love Upper Middle Bogan. It to me forever to track down what the bassoon thing was about. Once I figured it out it was glorious.

johnpowell's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit :: You should join Seek and I as we stream Masterchef AU and snark the fuck out of it.

Much love Matt.

LostInParadise's avatar

What is an air ambulance and when would it be needed?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise A helicopter. You need it when you need to be transported to a better hospital that specialises in whatever you need.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Correct. Like a burn unit transfer. Our bad burns are transferred to Augusta, GA’s burn unit.

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