Oh man. Not sure if everyone has heard this story.
But long story short. B-day party at my house for a friend. We went to the bar across the street for a bit once things died down at my house. So a straggler (Aaron, BFF at the time) that looked somewhat like me came along and the bartender told him where we had went. It was cold so on Aaron’s way out he grabbed a random coat so he could walk to where we where. He grabbed the wrong fucking coat.
So the people that forgot their coat came back looking for it. The bartender said a guy staying across the street grabbed it and described Aaron (again, Aaron looks like me). Unfortunately Aaron was at a bar 6 blocks away and I was on my porch having a smoke. So I get rushed and had know idea why.
There were about six people and I got off about half a swing. When I woke up there was a ambulance there and a few cop cars and my porch and my clothes were covered blood.
I was out covered in blood long enough for someone to call 911 and for the ambulance to show up. The EMT got me to wake up. I think they used ammonia inhalants to get me to wake up.
The fucked up thing is I was so violently beaten that my glasses were spread all over my lawn. I am a major bitch when I can’t see.
So to answer the actual question. The EMT was all “we should really take you to the hospital”... I was actually kinda joking when I asked how much that would cost me. I really needed to go to the hospital. He said what they did would be free since they didn’t have my name. But a trip to the ER would send their bill to my name. And he said I was looking at about 3.5K for their service and a ride one mile.
So fuck that..
Jessie gave me pills. THIS WAS A TREMENDOUS MISTAKE… I felt better once I got some vidicon in me. But I also was fucked on beer and pills are a bad idea and my blood was really thin and I went to bed.
Apparently I left my sister about 40 voicemail’s while wasted on pills and pabst and with a serious lack of blood. Some were shit like, “I got beat up, I think I am going to not make it, I am covered in blood”
So my sister must have had a shitty morning. Pretty confusing too. But my sis motored the two hours to figure out what the hell happened. I woke up covered in blood with her slapping me.
But she did take me to the hospital. My nose was free-floating and my eyes were swollen shut.
Aaron, ended up paying to buy me new glasses. And I got out of a chemistry final since I was pretty much unable to see.
But yes…. The ambulance was so expensive they suggested I don’t take it.