If you were Barack Obama tonight, would you be laughing or crying?
About the demise of the Obamacare assassination attempt.
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I don’t know that I’d be either but I would be happy.
Smirk and a “He thought it would be so easy to be KING of the USA.”
Smiling and happily practicing his golf swing, feeling like things are fine.
He still has a smoking hot wife. I think that he is laughing.
I’d be making sweet, sweet love to my fine, fine wife.
*smoking hot husband <—that was a joke
He probably doesn’t care. It’s not going down so why would it bug him.
A mix of schadenfreude from the defeat of Trump and the Republicans, and feelings of relief for all of the citizens who still have health care.
I’d be throwing a big party serving a cake shaped like Trumps fat head on a silver platter and I’d have a delivery made to Trump towers for Mr. Fat head President, a big box of sour grapes. lol
I’m not laughing though. I’m afraid now no one will pay attention to tweaking the system we have now, and the current system has a lot of problems. I’ll have to look for new health insurance soon and I dread it it.
^^^ I agree with you on that.
@JLeslie :: Please outline why Trumpcare would have prevented you from being in the same exact same situation.
Laugh or cry? Neither. I will be yelling at trump for his idiotic statements today after he failed bigly and as usual blaming others for it.
I don’t understand how you say Trump failed. Trump kept his promises. Obama did not.
Under Obamacare, my insurance doubled. It was still going up.
When I notified the Health Insurance Marketplace of my desperate situation, they were nice and professional enough. I soon got a letter saying I did not have the income to qualify for any Health Insurance Marketplace plan—but would not be penalized for it. Yes, people DID loose their insurance under Obamacare.
Fortunately a clinic where I go was able to get me on Medicare parts A, B, and D—and a State provider (Tenncare) for my secondary insurance. So, the safety net has always been there.
What concerns me is that most of you scoffers at Trump’s plan (which most people don’t know anything about) think that Obamacare helpes the poor. Actually, everyone I know who has been effected is paying a higher rate for less benefits and a higher deductible—and many have lost their doctors. Eventually, what happened to me will happen to the rest of you—and YOU probably make too much to get on Medicare.
Medicare is fine, but I was able to pay for my own insurance in 2015.
I don’t know if Obama is laughing but I will be—when most of you are burned whole by your rates and lack of usable coverage—those of you who wanted this.
There is no time to celebrate. He and every high level Democrat are gearing up for the coming battles against Obamacare Subsidies. Trump is extremely vengeful, he even preaches vengeance in his speeches to his business associates. On Thursday, a Federal Judge ruled against a major subsidy supporting the ACA This is the next tactic to destroy the ACA—de-fund it. It’s an old tactic and it is expected. It will be a long, hard fight to keep the ACA funded.
We can expect a plethora of suits against the ACA subsidies in the near future. The only way to keep the ACA safe is to get more Democrats in Congress in the next mid-term elections two years from now.
I can’t imagine Obama crying or laughing over this. He may be relieved that Trump’s attempts to destroy his affordable care act have failed but Trump will continue to sabotage it in every way he can.
@johnpowell Trumpcare was a piece of crap! Who is saying Trumpcare was better? Not me. The only thing that I liked for me personally was it sounded like they were going to expand availability to HSA accounts, but even that they never said the details I don’t think? Those accounts help people with money though, it still leaves people towards the bottom of the middle class at a disadvantage indirectly. Not to mention the republicans talk about that type of account like it’s a new thing. It’s been available to people with high deductible accounts through their employers for years now. Just not everyone. The people in tight budgets tended to not choose those plans, and many don’t even understand or know the HSA exists. So, it’s not like I’m a cheerleader for Trump’s plan in any way.
I’m so tired of the white and black thinking. That’s my fear. The Democrats are all talking about the 20 million who will be thrown off their insurance who now have insurance because of Obamacare. The Democrats are overfocused in that in my opinion as a talking point, and too many busy idolizing and worshipping Obama, that they are almost blind to the many problems still in the system.
In what way did Trump keep his promises?
The Republicans get the prize for defeating the Atlanta Falcons in the Choke Job category.
Laughing and having a great time
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