Do you feel Trump running the country as president is a positive or negative thing and why?
There is alot of talk ,,,some good,some bad….since we now have President Trump.Do you think it is a step in the right direction or a step in the wrong direction and why or is it a negative or positive thing and why?Your thoughts on this are…..
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27 Answers
I think he’s an idiot, a blowhard, and a liar. I think he is an illegitimate President, that only came to power because he’s in some sort of cahoots, or pile of shit with the Russians, who interfered in our election. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over 3 million. Trump should not be in the White House. He’s a fool, and bully. He does not care about the majority of Americans. He loves money.
What she said. ^ He is an appalling person and an embarrassment on so many levels it makes me ashamed to be an American.
@crazycool, Fluther is loaded with democrats.
You won’t find many Trump supporters here.
I believe the man will be a fine president, once the dust settles some.
Negative. He’s a total buffoon.
I think he’s the best choice America has made. He will change our country and already has, in very positive ways. I stand for him 100% because I do not want to see this country fail.
I’d say a negative, since he is without a doubt mentally ill. I am not just saying that, he really is. I fear for the American public.
We don’t have a war mongering Clinton in the White House. That’s a positive.
President Bannon and King Trump are Happy Happy Happy !
Presidential feelings will go away with Trump trashing the Constitution !
Because he doesn’t agree with RULES !
If you can find a list of everything the Republicans and Trump have done since the inauguration, that’d be pretty close to a list of every reason they are horrible and I wish they didn’t exist.
All the cabinet appointments. Trying to gut, defund or remove the EPA. Everything about “the wall”. Everything about weakening environmental protections: Standing Rock, Keystone XL, removing water protections from industrial dumping, open season on bears and wolves, etc etc etc. Everything anti-choice and anti-planned parenthood. The attempt to make health insurance suck even more than it already does. The budget proposal to increase military spending and defund most other things. Almost all foreign relations actions. The renewed attempts to let corporations censor, surveil, and screw up Internet access in any way they please. Closing down beneficial programs that cost very little.
The ethical issues, stupidity, incompetence, lying, conflicts of interest and mental health issues are also obvious signs of someone who never should be allowed into any public office, but are trivial by comparison to the nasty corporate agenda marching forward to ruin whatever it can.
He is in way over his head. If he thinks healthcare was hard, wait for him to start in on tax reform. See the snapback from Trump supporters when he tries to move on a border tax. And Congress won’t fund his wall, since he said we wouldn’t pay for it.
The very first answerer said that Trump only won because the Russians interfered with the elections. Then said that Hillary won the popular vote. Doesn’t anyone see the disconnect here? If Hillary won the popular vote then there was no interference.
Doesn’t it seem odd to anyone besides me that an angry Hillary Clinton’s closing remarks of her campaign was along the lines of “How DARE HE question the integrity of the American voting / election process!!!” Obama called Trump a “whiner”—the media had a field day with what they said Trump would do when he loses. Well, guess what? The Democrats have been doing exactly what they said Trump would do. How convenient to blame the Russians!
Did anyone care about the content of the information in Podestra’s damning emails?
There is one thing that Trump did that nobody else been able to. He has fired up the Democratic party. People are starting to organize at the local level similar to the way that that the Tea Party came into power. As an analogy to British history, Trump may be the King John of American history.
Trump is merely a deal maker and a shady one at that. He has no business being in the White House representing America to the world.
It’s a matter of perspective. I still contend that Trump’s election is far more disruptive and destructive for the Republican Party than it could ever be for Democrats. As the healthcare debacle clearly demonstrates, the crisis in government is about a fractious and disjointed GOP and Trump just exaggerates the matter and spotlights the situation. What we now have is a dysfunctional majority party with an absurdly dysfunctional sociopath at its head. With half of his cabinet under investigation by his own Department of Justice, while the President himself thrashes hopelessly in an entanglement of clearly illegal conflicts of interest, the governance of the country takes a back seat to the perpetual parade of unending scandals drum rolled by sensational, scurrilous and deliberate lies from the hopelessly bungling and inept commander in chief. As one by one the transparently impossible campaign promises collapse upon any contact with stubborn reality, the truth about Trump grows ever more undeniable. The only thing I find unbelievable in this breathtaking nightmare of revelations is the pace at which they accumulate. It should be inexcusable to allow so scandalous a mockery of the Presidency to persist another 3 months, let alone the full 4 years of his term, but the necessary solution sits heavily in the lap of the clearly dysfunctional majority party which has yet to understand that its own patina of credibility diminishes with every tick of the infernal Trump clock.
<——— So glad I don’t live there anymore.
The world is too small to hide from the effects. You may buy yourself some time, but the man is the equivalent of nuclear winter.
@stanleybmanly I’ve been watching the US Marines practice their little boy war games outside my window, puffing out their little chests in the general direction to the east. You don’t have to tell me how small the world is. Me and my son are caught between a pissing contest and a hard head.
The best I can say about him is that he’s an incompetent buffoon who doesn’t even possess enough grasp on reality to realize how in over his head he is.
There is yet to be a day where he is not a complete embarrassment.
Most people I know who voted for him have retracted support. Few thought that his antics would continue into the presidency yet here we are. I gave him a chance after the election but a couple of weeks in and I’m done. I don’t see him making it four years.
Players gunna play, play, play, play, play
Haters gunna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Shakers gunna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, shake it off…:D
It’s not too easy to “shake it off” when your world is crumbling about you.
…......or when 4 HUGE black hawk helicopters from a foreign country (the USA) are practising outside your home and it is shaking. I wish they’d go practice over their own patch of land and if they want to start a war, it ends up in their own country and not someone else’s making refugees out of even more millions of people.
Gotta kill off those extra 7 billion somehow…
I am going to go with negative, very negative.
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