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Should I care? Just more of my separation thoughts.
As you may know my relationship was not good.
I loved my wife, but we fell apart.
She cheated, started staying away from home, checked out of being a mother, started treating my son and I like crap because she felt guilty and didn’t know how to handle it.
She cheated some more then said she’s leaving me then the 2nd guy she cheated with ironically dumped her and went back to his wife and kids.
She started contacting me and crying and wanting her husband back, I didn’t know the truth about all the cheating and I just thought she was being an asshole basically when she left so I gave her another chance then she confessed to cheating with 2 men and I found evidence of a 3rd on her phone and I had a hard time forgiving her or loving her after that.
She started acting strange again (deceptive, distant) and said she’s done.
I think she was probably going back to her old ways.
I was crushed and confused and I didn’t know how to deal with everything.
After months of living apart and being cold to one another go by and two days ago she texted me and we have an argument about her working less and watching our son more because I watch him way more than she does and have very little time to work.
I said “It must be nice to have time and money.”
She said “I don’t want to fight with you.”
I said “If you don’t want to fight about this than just text me our son’s schedule from now on and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!
My son was there and said that she had tears running down her face when she read my text.
I’m confused because she had every chance to be with me and just cheated and dumped me, got back together and dumped me again and now months later she’s crying because I told her to leave me alone.
Does she want me back?
Is she just worried about having to work less and maybe take a cut in pay?
Does she miss me?
Does any of this matter anymore, should I even care?
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