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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you have any memories that aren't accompanied by extremely strong emotion?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 26th, 2017

Do you have memories of relatively mundane things, or are all of your memories created as a result of huge emotion, whether it is fear, joy, sadness, or whatever?

I’m asking these memory questions because I asked a couple of questions in which I shared a memory of something that happened 25 or 30 years ago. In the first I mentioned coming across a ridiculous list my ex compiled, of imaginary indiscretions by me, and the first person to answer suggested “psychotherapy to move past these old grudges.” A couple of other people agreed. I’m going “that’s ridiculous! It’s just a memory! It’s no big deal!” But they seemed to think it was a big deal and suggested that getting so “defensive” was another psychological issue I had!

In the second, involving my boyfriend and an incident in which the police were temporally involved, it was suggested that this memory was “haunting” me, and again, that I was “dwelling” on it. Again, it was just a memory with no particular consequence.

Then I got to thinking, maybe most people don’t have memories unless they experienced an extreme emotional reaction at the time, and that’s why they couldn’t accept that what I shared wasn’t really all that important to me.

I have tons of memories that are pretty mundane. I remember when I was about 4, being at the doctors, in the waiting room, and a doctor walked by and winked at me two times in quick succession, and simultaneously making a click, click sound with his tongue. I practiced that for days. It turned out to come in handy since, for whatever weird reason, I couldn’t tell you right from left very easily, and learning to wink my right eye helped with that a lot. (I still have to do it, BTW, but I can do it very quickly and just imagine winking. ;)

I remember going to the bank drive though with my mother and thinking it was so cool, them being behind a window and a wall, only being able to see them from the chest up, and being able to get things from the, and get things to them, anyway. I played bank teller a lot.

I remember tea parties with my little China tea cups, and using sugared water for the tea. It was nasty!

I remember swallowing a whole bunch of gum and throwing it up. Later, when I heard that gum never digests and just sits in your stomach for all eternity, I was able to refute that with certainty.

I remember dancing on my dad’s feet.

I remember practicing and practicing tying my shoe laces.

I remember eating pancakes. I loved pancakes! But I hated the feel of soggy pancakes after they’d been sitting in syrup so I started tipping my plate to keep the syrup at one end. I also loved bread and chicken gravy. I remember eat that at the living room coffee table, and we had a black, ceramic rhinoceros on the table.

I remember my mom making me tuna fish for lunch, and and putting a hard boiled egg in it. It was good.

I remember Mom reading books to me,and I remember many of the titles.

All of those were before I was 5, and that’s only a drop in the bucket of my memories, so I don’t think it’s strange that I can easily remember small, insignificant details from only 25 years ago. But maybe it is strange?

Of course, I have memories that were kind of traumatizing to me, but not many. One, in particular, involves a bathroom stall we had in the basement of the house in Seattle. It was painted a blue-green. I have always hated that color. I suspect that stall is tied up with something that happened to me, but I don’t remember what it was, and I was just left with a lingering hatred of the color blue-green. I mentioned that stall to my mother a few years before she died, and she looked at me in surprise. She thought for a moment, then said, “Yes. It was painted blue green! But you were only 3 or 4 at the time. I barely even remember it. It’s amazing that you remember it.”

Do you have any mundane memories of anything in your life? Or am I just odd? No, don’t answer that!

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22 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

Most of my memories are like this. It’s like inserts form a movie.

elbanditoroso's avatar

sure. Most of my memories (from age 5 up to now) are of everyday stuff. Very few of them are of anything that brings up strong emotions.

Maybe I was blessed with a very stable childhood and growing up. 95% my memories are mundane.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No. It’s all hell or heaven for me. I do remember being board.

flutherother's avatar

I remember peering out of the window of the house we left when I was barely four years old. I was simply looking at the house across the road which was lit by the light of the setting sun. Why do I remember this completely inconsequential event when so many of much more importance have been forgotten?

kritiper's avatar

Shit loads.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m glad to hear it guys!

@flutherother I don’t know. I remember at a hotel we were at there was a pool, and there was a very tall kind of deck thing that had a spiral staircase leading up to the deck. I think I’d seen something on the Johnny Carson show the night before and I was inspired to go to the top, then come down making all kinds of graceful hand gestures and pretty moves while singing. I probably did it 10 times. It was all make believe. With all the make believe I made, why do I remember that one so clearly? I must have been stupendously beautiful and talented in that one!

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is silly, I know, but I’ve been thinking of your memory a lot @flutherother! Did you have any feeling of awe or anything? Maybe something just clicked in your mind that hadn’t clicked before. Maybe you thought it was magic.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@flutherother, I have the same experience. I wonder why I can’t remember severely burning my hands, but I can remember playing with the chickens, stuff like that.
I remember a picture my mom sketched of me. She made me sit still, pointing my finger. When it was done, I saw she had added a little bird sitting on my finger. It was like magic. I would look at that picture, pointing my finger, and hoping the bird would really appear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember being in my room at bed time crying and crying because I didn’t want to go to bed. It was fake crying though! I wanted someone to come feel sorry for me. no one ever did and I decided it was a waste of time and I went to sleep. SMH. I was 4 or 5.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So, now that we’re having one of those rare moments when things aren’t going off the rails, why do you supposed the handful of people who thought I was some how traumatized by that memory of my ex, and my boyfriend, couldn’t accept that they didn’t really mean anything to me? Why didn’t they believe that they were nothing more than memories and I didn’t need psychotherapy to get over them?

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL!! I have all these useless memories and I can’t remember where I put my glasses or the Comet!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I remember peeing on the bathtub wall in pre-kindergarten with a friend and telling him not to cross the streams. A Ghost-Busters reference , to using the proton pack. We totally crossed the streams. I remember the punishment. I had to ware a diaper for the rest of the day. My mom pulled me out of their as soon as she found out.

Patty_Melt's avatar

<<< (gut laughing right now.)

imrainmaker's avatar

I do have memories from childhood of things which are not really too intense just normal ones. It doesn’t have to be that way I guess for us to memorise the things.

Zaku's avatar

Yeah, I have many memories of non-emotional things. I seem to consciously/accessibly remember a lot more than most people do.

Dutchess_III's avatar

One thing I remember from, maybe 1st grade, is going on a field trip to the firestation. A fireman slid down the pole. In my memory, though, it was about 5 fireman, just one after the other, actually over lapping, and they were going so fast they were, like blurry and see through. It’s hard to shake that! I think it was just one, though.

Seek's avatar

Sure. I remember teaching the neighbor girl how to do the dance moves to some boy band music video when I was 13. I remember riding in the dumbwaiter at my 2nd grade best friend’s grandmother’s house. I remember sauteeing shrimp for dinner last night.

Of course, I remember damn near everything. It’s why I’m so good at holding a grudge.

JLeslie's avatar

I have memories of the mundane, and memories of things that came along with strong emotions.

Once you said what happened with your boyfriend wasn’t haunting you I completely accepted it as true. It was just a bad interpretation I made from the original wording in your Q.

Memories with emotion are more likely to be easily recalled, because they come to the surface in multiple ways, including when the similar emotion is triggered.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Now I am wondering if anyone has emotions with no memories attached.
Can that happen?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@JLeslie Yeah, you didn’t keep harping on it, and other people didn’t join the band. I’m just curious why your initial reaching was to think think it would “haunt” me? Because it was a negative thing (but also a learning thing, for me)? I remember lots and lots of stuff from that relationship.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Patty_Melt I think you can. The reason I hate the color blue green is an example. I think something happened, but I don’t remember what. When ever someone says, “I hate this and such and I know that sounds weird. But I hate it and I don’t know why.” there is probably something back there that they don’t remember.

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