General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How do you in-text cite an official government document?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13865points) March 28th, 2017

I am doing a paper on Trump’s executive order and I am citing a quote from section (b) subsection (ii). In this section, he says, “under Article II of the Constitution and under section 212(f) of the INA, which provides in relevant part:...” and I am going to quote what he says after the “in relevant part:” Would I cite the executive order or would I cite the constitution and the INA? I looked at both of the referenced material and it looks like he paraphrased/combined information from both. An in-text citation is when an article says “According to (blank)...” or something along those lines. I don’t know how I would do that with this sort of source. He doesn’t copy anything word for word so would I just quote him? I keep googling and I can’t find anything for this situation.
Not sure if this counts as a homework question, I’m not being graded on how I cite sources. The teacher just wants most of them to be in the paper. (I’ve tried emailing her this question, and I got no answer. The teacher is out sick so I don’t know when I will get a response.)

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8 Answers

janbb's avatar

I would cite the Executive Order as you suggest, i.e., According to President Trump in Executive Order ”, ”....”

Zaku's avatar

I’d follow The University of Chicago’s manual of style. Here is a ‘quick’ reference on government citations.

janbb's avatar

@Zaku It could depend on what Style the teacher wants the citation in. The OWL site from Purdue University gives both MLA and APA.

Zaku's avatar

@janbb That’s true. I was just answering what I’d do, not what a student would do. If I were in a class like that I would check the syllabus and class materials expecting they would provide where to get that info if they’re grading on it, and if not, ask a TA or the professor where that info is.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

She did not specify anywhere what style to do it in. The link kind of helped, but I don’t know what I should be citing.

janbb's avatar

Cite the direct quote you are using from Trump. That is your source if I am reading you correctly.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Okay. Thank you. The “under Article II of the Constitution and under section 212(f) of the INA, which provides in relevant part” Really threw me off I guess

Stinley's avatar

I agree with @janbb that you should quote from the executive order and cite that.

If you do have questions about referencing, your college librarian should be able to help. (Or you can continue to ask the Fluther librarians. There are at least three of us!)

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