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MakeItSo1701's avatar

How do you in-text cite an official government document?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13893points) March 28th, 2017

I am doing a paper on Trump’s executive order and I am citing a quote from section (b) subsection (ii). In this section, he says, “under Article II of the Constitution and under section 212(f) of the INA, which provides in relevant part:...” and I am going to quote what he says after the “in relevant part:” Would I cite the executive order or would I cite the constitution and the INA? I looked at both of the referenced material and it looks like he paraphrased/combined information from both. An in-text citation is when an article says “According to (blank)...” or something along those lines. I don’t know how I would do that with this sort of source. He doesn’t copy anything word for word so would I just quote him? I keep googling and I can’t find anything for this situation.
Not sure if this counts as a homework question, I’m not being graded on how I cite sources. The teacher just wants most of them to be in the paper. (I’ve tried emailing her this question, and I got no answer. The teacher is out sick so I don’t know when I will get a response.)

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