General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Forget about the price. Would you want to be launched into space for 10-15 minutes and be weightless? What a rush!

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) March 29th, 2017

I’m probably too old to do this, and I don’t have a spare $150,000 to spend…

but being launched in Blue Origin link would be one heck of a lot of fun.

Would you do this trip?

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15 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Nope. I hear a lot of people throw up. No thanks.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would do it in a heartbeat! You can rent planes that will fly the parabolic path to make you weightless for a period of time. You can even take up a group to share costs.

Look at this music video by the group OK Go, arguably some of the most creative artists on the planet. Upside Down & Inside Out

Also watch the Behind the scenes, making of Upside Down & Inside Out. The plane they used was Russian.but there is now a similar service offered in the US.

Sign me up!!!

mhd14's avatar

Sure, why not.

cazzie's avatar

I’m sure I’d throw up, but I don’t care. I’d do it and I’d need to it to last longer, because I wouldn’t want half the time taken up by emptying my stomach. Get that out of the way and then get on to having some weightless fun.

Any long term space travel, I’ve been postponing until they invent inertia dampeners and artificial gravity. *gnis

gorillapaws's avatar

Hell yes! I’m not really a speed-junky or anything, but experiencing weightlessness would be so incredible—worth the risk for sure.

Coloma's avatar

No, I can attain the same results floating in the pool. haha
If I had an extra 150k I would travel all over the world not be launched into space for a few hours.

kritiper's avatar

Do we have to bring our own drugs??

Rarebear's avatar

I can’t even do roller coasters any more so sadly, no.

ucme's avatar

Cheaper, quicker, simpler version…insert vacuum cleaner tube into anus, switch on & fart

LuckyGuy's avatar

I was thinking about this and asked myself how much would I pay to be in that plane shown in the video above.
$1,000,000? Nope too much.
$1000? Absolutely!!!
$10,000? Mmmm Yes I would.
$ 20,000? Very borderline maybe no.
So there you have it. For me, the price needs to be somewhere between $10 and 20k. It would be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, but for that price it would have to last more than a few minutes. I would want at least a full hour to make up for the jet lag I’d suffer after.

Zaku's avatar

No. Sounds terrifying and unpleasant except for the view.

cazzie's avatar

I think the question said, ‘Forget about the price’ Only way I could even consider it.

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