General Question

Lightlyseared's avatar

What do think advertisers would try to sell you based on your internet search results?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35147points) March 29th, 2017 from iPhone

The US internet privacy bill is about to be (has been?) overturned so now your ISP will be able to sell everything it knows about you to the highest bidder. So what’s the strangest thing you’re about be bombarded with adverts for based on your recent Google (or whatever) searches.

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16 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I googled “catheters” once while looking up an answer for a question on fluther. For the next month I had catheter and urinary incontinence ads all over facebook and elsewhere.

If they sell links from fluther questions I have answered, I will have some very odd advertisements that will make me laugh.

filmfann's avatar

@zenvelo is correct. The law that has been overturned was going to go into effect at the end of the year. That’s why I am being swamped with ads for home security cameras, even though I already bought them.

flutherother's avatar

In my experience they try to sell me the one thing I am least likely to buy as I just bought it two or three weeks previously.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’d likely get adds related to outrigger canoes, heath food and tools.

Yesterday I received an add for a simple cure for all cancers the doctors don’t know about. HA

gorillapaws's avatar

How about your health insurance company denying your heart bypass because you were visiting Mc Donalds’ coupon website too often and violated their policy in fine print on page 542, which will be settled via binding arbitration and not able to be appealed through the courts?

It’s a libertarian, private sector, big brother orgasm.

Or how about Comcast (which owns NBCUniversal, including the MSNBC News) blackmailing elected officials based on their web traffic? That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

ragingloli's avatar

Anything you even show remote interest in.

Sneki95's avatar

They’d try to sell me a dictionary.

ucme's avatar

Hmmm…football, lingerie section of sears catalogue, err…sports bras?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Native American historical artifacts and Egyptian pyramids. And also planets, stars and black holes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yeah, I would get the native American artifacts thing too, and Save The Quokkas, endangered animals charities, home appliance sales, various collectables, crafting sales.

cazzie's avatar

I already get targeted ads. Google and or Facebook obviously shares with pinterest as well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got into a clinical discussion about breasts once and for the next month Playboy Bunnie crap was all over my news feed.

gorillapaws's avatar

@AmIMoreThanYouBargainedForYet No, I meant “orgasm” the metaphorical sense, of course.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Biographys of film stars. We’ll be watching a movie and almost every night something about one of the stars will intrigue me and I’ll do some research. That’s how I learned that the co-pilot in “Sully” is the same guy who played Erin Brockovitch’s boyfriend in that movie.

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