Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What would you consider a "meaningful conversation"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) March 30th, 2017

As asked.

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20 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

A conversation that actually goes somewhere.
Some conversations that I have with people don’t actually go anywhere, for example
“What’s up”
“Nothing lol”
and then that’s it. I try to create more of a conversation but it never works
So a meaningful conversation to me would be about something that requires deeper thinking and more thoughtful answers. Like politics, for example. It doesn’t have to be something profound like, “why do humans exist” just things that prompt more than just a few words.
In short, a meaningful conversation would have a meaningful topic.

johnpowell's avatar

If relevant info was exchanged or a problem was solved.

ragingloli's avatar

Any that I am part of.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SergeantQueen Can you give me an example of what you might say or ask to make it go somewhere? What you would consider a meaningful topic?

Do meaningful conversations tend to open the doors for debate?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Attorney: You had a long lost relative who just died.
Me: All of my relative are long lost. I like ‘em best that way.
Attorney: Apparently you have that in common with this relative. They made you sole beneficiary in their will.
Me: Neat. What is it, an old tractor tire and sixteen cents?
Attorney: No, it is fourteen million dollars. It was more, but I already took out the taxes and fees. Here is the cashier’s check.
And your key to the house in the Hamptons.
And your key to the house in Paris
Keys for a cabin in the Ozarks, condo in Vegas, and your Jag.
Oh, and 47 coupons for Arby’s. He liked Arby’s.
Me: Cool. Wanna join me for dinner?

snowberry's avatar

A conversation in which the other person doesn’t talk over me. I had started a really interesting conversation with somebody in the checkout line a few days ago. He was on one side and I was on the other, and it was interesting, until he interrupted me and never stopped except to take a breath.

I finally said, “I can’t compete with you,” and turned away. It made me sad.

zenvelo's avatar

A conversation where both sides express understanding of something, each listening to the other.

A conversation where one or both express feelings about a situation that they have dealt with or are dealing with.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But meaningful to one may not be meaningful to another. Two women could get into earnest conversation about shoes. They’d find it meaningful, I think. I wouldn’t!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

For me, a meaningful topic could be anything. Specifically, one where either me or the other (or both) gets something out of it. I had a conversation with someone who loved making model cars so much, he spoke so passionately about it, that I got interested too. That was meaningful in my opinion.
Some questions you could ask to make it keep moving could be asking them why they think the way they do, what made them interested in the topic, etc.

Sneki95's avatar

Every conversation.
No one talks with people with no meaning whatsoever.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

One in which everyone present will both speak and listen.

I really can’t tolerate anyone who talks at me instead of with me. I stop the situation immediately and get as far away as possible.

I wish I could send a message to long-talkers everywhere – if you hear only your own voice, you’re lecturing and not conversing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Isn’t it awful when they do that, @Love_my_doggie? And it’s all about themselves.

Brian1946's avatar

@snowberry @Love_my_doggie

Has this ever happened to you during a textual conversation?

Patty_Melt's avatar

<< Raises hand and waves wildly.

snowberry's avatar

@Brian1946 yes. Hubby used to do that all the time. I could speak, text or email two or three sentences and he’d come back with a 5 minute (or three-page diatribe). But he’s turned into a genuine sweetie now. It’s been about ten years since he’d do that.

Patty_Melt's avatar

So, like texting, everyone I know types faster than me, so in the chatroom, or on the phone, I get five messages before I can finish one.
And, on Fluther,(said like, “one time, at band camp…”) sometimes I want to answer a question, and move on, and the next thing I know, there is like, BOOK of words telling me how I am wrong, and then I can try to answer, but the words just keep coming, and the writer doesn’t seem to even perceive that I said something else.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Ones that inspire me, make me think, or at least entertain me. It has to have a benefit for me one way or another to consider it as meaningful.

snowberry's avatar

@Patty_Melt im not fast at typing either. I’m on an iPad and have to hunt and peck. It’s a pain, so my answers are usually pretty short.

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