Social Question

How well do you like your job (all aspects)?
How well do you like your job? Everything – your boss: is he or she kind to you as an employee? Is work distributed fairly? Are little favors distributed fairly?
How about your coworkers? Do you work with a lot of people or just a few, and if so, are they helpful? Backstabbers? Are they like friends? Do you try to avoid them? Do you work as a team or fairly independently?
How about the work you do? Do you get a sense of accomplishment? Is it boring? Is there too much work that you can’t finish it? Do you get down time at work where you can check the internet or chat with coworkers, or go outside for a smoke break or whatever you may do for a break? Do you work by yourself (for example, as the proprietor of a small store) so if you’re not there, nobody can fill in for you?
Do you have a long commute? Short commute? Parking? Is parking free?
Do you feel your pay is fair for the work/type of work/amount of work that you do?