General Question

kristianbrodie's avatar

What's the name for a "small working boat" beginning with 'L'?

Asked by kristianbrodie (153points) August 9th, 2008 from iPhone

I’m stuck on the crossword and I’m one clue away from completion. Unfortunately I have no nautical knowledge at all – can anyone help? Six letters, L_g_e_.

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7 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar

Are you sure all the intersecting clues are correct? Saturday crosswords are the hardest, much harder than Sunday IMO.

Six-letter L boats = launch, lander.

richardhenry's avatar

A lugger is a type of small sailing vessel setting lugsails on two or more masts and perhaps lug topsails.

Boom. Think that’s it then.

Magnus's avatar

L ittle working boat.

PupnTaco's avatar

Good job guys.

kristianbrodie's avatar

Wonderful! Great stuff flutherers! Solved the crossword, and I can get on with my saturday a happy man!

SeekerSeekiing's avatar

Let’s go or Les Go!

Lagniappe. A Louisiana Cajun word meaning “a little extra” or a small bonus or gift.

Lure me.

Lo-fin Around.

Lit’l Aquaholic.

Life Support

Libido…well, it’s cute!

LittleGuy or Gal…

Land Ho!



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