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Have you or anyone you know recently been experiencing "fuzzy" or "spacey" lightheadedness? Trouble concentrating?
For several months, and it seems to be getting worse, I have had trouble concentrating, transposing letters while typing, losing train of thought, and yet other times I have moments of strange clarity.
I’ve always been a little slow on the uptake, so clarity isn’t a ‘normal’ for me. My thoughts seem less focused, even trying to get my thoughts out for this question is difficult. Yet I can focus on a tv show, or read a book, or play a game on my Kindle and am focused. I do seem to be getting slower in the games though.
I’ve had this for a while now, and thought it was a medication I was taking. So I’ve been weening off it for the past couple months, last dose taken over a week ago. Depression is a factor. However, medication did not help.
Recently I’ve had a few other people mention the same issue, but so far as I know neither is on medication nor do they have the same issues I have.
I swear, I’m beginning to think it is something in the water, like a bad sci-fi movie! Like when they said Alzheimers was caused by aluminum cookware or they put something in the milk.
I stopped taking medicine in order to stop this feeling, but wonder if it isn’t only getting worse?
I see the doctor in another week, but in the meantime I thought I’d ask Fluther. Haven’t been here in quite a while.
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