Social Question

Kraigmo's avatar

Why do so many Americans sleep with the TV on in their bedroom?

Asked by Kraigmo (9521points) April 9th, 2017

The worst thing you could possibly do for yourself while sleeping… is to have the TV on. There’s noise, commercials, and brain-triggering blue light coming out of the TV.
Why not just listen to a quiet podcast instead? Why the TV?

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11 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Do so many sleep with the TV on?

snowberry's avatar

I don’t have a tv in my bedroom. It’s for sleeping.

MrGrimm888's avatar

White noise. We have paper thin walls in our apartments. I used to run the exhaust fans in my bathrooms 24/7 too. Otherwise, I would hear the neighbors talking…

jca's avatar

I have a TV in my bedroom, I live in the US and am from the US. I don’t sleep with the TV on. Sometimes I will fall asleep with it on, but not for long. Never, ever is the TV on all night.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not me. I can’t sleep if there’s that sort of bright light in the room.

stanleybmanly's avatar

For the companionship

BellaB's avatar

I find the idea of a television in the bedroom so odd. The bedroom is for sleeping. And sex. That’s it.

I admit I’m not much of a fan of t.v. at all, but tvs in bedrooms really weird me out. I even cover tv’s in hotel rooms now if I can’t afford a suite. I uncover them to check weather/news but then cover them back up.

marinelife's avatar

I do not know. I do not even have a TV in my bedroom. I definitely could not sleep while one was on.

rojo's avatar

Both my kids do, and their kids too.
My wife and I don’t even have one in the bedroom and neither child had one in their bedroom growing up. It was something they developed when they moved out. I am guessing the @stanleybmanly is probably right, at least in their case. After finding someone I guess by that time it had become habit and so it continues and is passed down to the children who saw mommy and daddy with a tv in the bedroom and wanted the same option.

kritiper's avatar

Depression can be it’s deepest and darkest at night. Keeping the TV on keeps your mind on other things.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

Many people are incapable of coherent thought, and they fill their empty minds with junk noise from radios, cassette-players and TVs. Some people say they need that noise all night. I rarely watch TV, and I could not sleep with it playing. I am a thinker, so TV disturbs me most of the time. I watch very few shows on it.

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