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chyna's avatar

Did you see press secretary Sean Spicer saying Hitler didn't use chemicals on his holocaust victims?

Asked by chyna (51733points) April 11th, 2017

Here is his speech
Does no one check these people before they speak?
Should he be replaced?

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28 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I am beyond appalled. It’s Passover for Pete’s sake.

AstroChuck's avatar

That’s what you get when you have an idiot spokesperson speaking for an idiot.

janbb's avatar

They are fucking idiots and the sooner they go down, the better. Get these clowns out of here.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m not sure if he is just an idiot or this administration is trying to set the work for denying the holocaust officially.

cinnamonk's avatar

It makes sense. They couldn’t even remember to mention Jews in their Holocaust Remembrance Day statement. (Or, more likely, deliberately neglected to mention them.)

ragingloli's avatar

Just another gem in the Drumpf Regime’s jewelry collection: ”Hitler wasn’t that bad!

MrGrimm888's avatar

I listened to it on the radio. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked by any of Trump or his supporters’ disturbing ignorance anymore. But it still shocks me that ANYONE supports him,and his administration.

I’m starting to get the impression that Trump’s presidency is paid for by SNL. They have it so easy now. They don’t even have to write political satire, just repeat what Trump, and his people say…

filmfann's avatar

He said Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons. Then, when given the chance to clarify his remarks, he said Hitler didn’t use them on his own people, and he realized Hitler brought jews into “Holocaust Centers”.
What a fucktard!

chyna's avatar

At least he didn’t say Holocaust day spa’s.

janbb's avatar

@chyna That’s the best! GA.

Rarebear's avatar

Well, he didn’t exactly say that. What he meant was that the Germans didn’t drop gas by airplanes. But it was a stupid, dumb, insensitive, asinine idiotic thing to say, but I do not think he is a Holocaust denier as people have claimed.

Spicer should be replaced by someone competent, but Trump has surrounded himself with incompetents except for a couple exceptions like Mattis. Spicer is no different.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I guess the gas chambers don’t count.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Rarebear beat me to it, not exactly what he said. Any spoken misstep is immediately overblown by the media.

Kardamom's avatar

What does Spicer think Hitler used on the Jews? Fairy dust?

cazzie's avatar

That guy needs some special shoes so he doesn’t keep putting his foot in his mouth. For someone who is supposed to communicate for a living, he’s really shit at it.

kritiper's avatar

This guy is too star struck, too excited by being if front of the cameras to be an effective White House spokesman.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The man has an impossible job. If you intend to make a living defending Trump, you have more than your work cut out for you. I can’t understand why his tongue isn’t tied in knots.

JLeslie's avatar

The way I see it, a bunch of people have been talking about how we (the average person) seem to react more to people being gassed to death than to bombs being dropped. Like we are accustomed to the bombs, or I suggested people are more fearful of gas, because it’s something that feels like you can’t fight back against. You can’t take out your gun and kill it, or run away and hope the bullet misses you. There was a Q on fluther about it.

Anyway, I don’t know if it’s the dems or the republicans, or both who have been talking about people being gassed to death, but obviously Spicer’s comment was trying to get in with that conversation, and he totally screwed it up by bringing Hitler into it, because obviously Hitler gassed people to death.

I do understand what Spicer was trying to get at, not that I give a shit about that as an explanation for our reaction to the events, and I am exhausted from the left wing picking on every little thing that is said, and I’m tired of it from the right wing also. In this case he really did say an idiot thing, which is historically incorrect, but in other cases it’s just overblown to often in our media today. All media, all sides.

Sneki95's avatar

Another reason why not to use argumentum ad Hitlerum.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“Well yeah, sure, Hitler used chemicals weapons, but he didn’t use them on his own people.”

Because those German born, German raised citizens of Germany who happened to be Jewish weren’t really Germans, right?

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar Yeah, total fucking idiot.

ucme's avatar

The reaction reminds me of the stoning scene in Life of Brian…
I mean, he’s a dick obviously, but no one condemn until I blow this whistle.

flutherother's avatar

For me Spicer lost all credibility when he defended Trump’s false claims about the crowd size at the inauguration. I think he should go, but the problem doesn’t end with Spicer, the entire administration seems detached from reality.

Yellowdog's avatar

Spicer had an excellent opportunity to compare Assad’s use of chemical bombs to Hitler and others who have been on “the wrong side of history… ” but made the totally idiotic statement that Assad was worse than Hitler.

The events of the Holocaust were far more calculated to extract every ounce of suffering, slave labor, degradation, and robbery of the Jews before killing them off—often in the gas chamber—or bullets or horrendous experiments with a medical research excuse— in fact, dropping a bomb in a civilian area, dreadful as the effects of seran gas are, is far more preferable than what happened in the “final solution” where families were separated and lives were slowly decimated, extracting everything they could and maximizing the pain, suffering, death, and utter desecration of the Jewish people and other whom the regime deemed unfit.

Assad’s use of chemical weapons and the effect of seran gas can be COMPARED to Hitler during the Holocaust in a respectful way by acknowledging the atrocity of the Nazis and other regimes “on the wrong side of history” but to imply this was worse than Hitler and/or to display such ignorance about the history of the holocaust (he seemed like he didn’t know hardly anything about it) and such stupid, bumbling inarticulacy was pathetic. His point should have emphasized that gas and chemical weapons were comparable to what was done in the past and that we should have moved beyond.

Brian_Ghilliotti's avatar

He inappropriately tried to distinguish that Hitler did not deploy chemical weapons in a military capacity, only in more environmentally controlled mass extermination facilities. A public spokesman must be more sophisticated in using comparisons, thus should be replaced. This is worse than a Bush Jr. gaffe.

Brian Ghilliotti

LostInParadise's avatar

Spicer’s job is to say appropriate things. That is pretty much what press secretaries are supposed to do. He is clearly incompetent and quite possibly anti-Semitic.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think he’s just crazy. You’d have to be crazy to take that job in the first place.

He’s not “eats his diaper” crazy.
But let’s give him a few months…

Soubresaut's avatar

At least Spicer finally found the words to say that he regretted making the comparison, that both events are horrible and it was inappropriate/unconstructive to compare them… However, the amount of bumbling and missteps and poor wording it took for him to get to that apology shows his incompetency for the job of press secretary—or at least, this example is a more egregious example in a series of examples showing his incompetency for the job. Like LostInParadise said, it’s his “job to say appropriate things.” I don’t envy him his position, but he accepted the position, so he better be up to par.

As for the things he said themselves… I don’t know whether they reveal deep-seated perspectives he carries with him, or whether they reveal the limited ways in which he thinks about his issues and points (devoid of basic context or impact or implication?)... any way I can think to spin it, it’s troubling. But lately, what’s new about that?

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