Do you have any habits that your friends or relatives think are gross?
Asked by
Kardamom (
April 14th, 2017
Except for the fact that I eat tofu, I can’t really think of anything that I do, personally, that grosses out my friends or family, but I was having dinner with a close friend that I’ve known since childhood, and we were chatting about all sorts of things and I remembered that her brother used to do a few things back in the day that grossed me out.
One of the things that he did was when he got a stuffed up nose, instead of excusing himself and going to the bathroom to blow his nose, he would stuff toilet paper into both of his nostrils and walk around with these gross, snot covered pieces of paper hanging out of his nose. He would also make these horrible snot-hawking sounds in the back of his throat.
Do any of you do anything that grosses out your family and friends?
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36 Answers
When I talk with someone, I absent mindedly scratch at the psoriasis on my elbows. They haven’t said anything, but my wife motions to me to stop.
Oddly, this same thing disgusted me when my Mom did it.
@Kardamom I think I know how he felt. Allergy medication doesn’t work on me. I’ve tried them all. During our last pollen storm (there was so much pollen it piled up outside) my nose was running like a faucet. In an effort to save my nose, I finally tried stuffing toilet paper up each nostril, but they were soaked in 10 minutes flat. I was so miserable.
And yes, it was disgusting!
I don’t know of anything except my willingness to eat I eat outdated food well past its expiration date.
@snowberry Have you tried a nasal flush like NeilMed’s sinus rinse in a squeeze bottle? It really cleans me out when I’m bothered by allergies.
From what i am told, i eat like a pig.
I eat whale meat and make soap with seal fat. No. I’m not kidding.
When I am thirsty, I better drink my own piss.
Not that I am aware of. haha
I have one friend that thinks cats in the house are gross, she has a snarfy big dog that wallows all over the floor and furniture but freaks out that cats walk in their litter box and then walk around your house and bed. Hey, the battle of dog vs. cat people. I’ll take pussy feet on my pillow over mongrel in my bed any day. haha
at least the cat is not going to casually shit on the carpet.
@ragingloli LOL…true. My cats are very fastidious about using their litter box.
I eat potting soil. and other stuff
If you happen to ingest any tree seeds, try not to swallow any sunlight. ;-)
I used to double dip chips, but an episode of Seinfeld taught me not to do that.
I decided to prioritize keeping my friends over double dipping.
It’s no biggie with my wife, but otherwise I ask for my own bowl.
What I find disgusting though is people spitting in public.
When I was a teenager I used to pick my nose and place the leavings under the sofa. Got caught by the movers and they told my older sister. I really thought that I had time to clean off the evidence. Next time I will skip school to clean away my evidence. I could use a spittoon instead to using the carpet as a spittoon.
I pee in Snapple bottles if someone is in the bathroom or I don’t feel putting on clothes before walking to the bathroom.
I don’t really see the problem. The bottles have caps and the next time I go out I toss them in the dumpster.
Drinking a carbonated beverage or eating a slice of raw cucumber is inevedibly going to generate a loud burb. It’s embarrassing. Even if done as discreetly as possible, heads will whip around.
Probably the biggest thing is my letting dogs lick me on the face. I really don’t mind it, so I don’t think anything of it until I get reactions from people, most often: “you don’t know where that tongue’s been!” or “dogs lick their butts, you know!”
I’m not great at keeping toothpaste foam in my mouth while I brush my teeth—it usually rims my lips and sometimes goes down my chin or toothbrush. It’s grossed my sister out for years but I can’t figure out how to brush my teeth “neatly”... Anyway, she sneezes into her hand instead of her elbow so we’re even.
I microwave water to heat it up for tea. No one finds this gross, but I’ve found that many people find it at least odd, if not somewhat perturbing. They don’t seem to realize that microwave-heating is faster and more energy efficient than either electric or stove-top kettles. Also, my Pyrex 2-cup measure is easier to wash when the times comes for washing. (I’ve had roommates with never-washed Nespresso machines they kept inviting me to use instead…)
For allergy-sufferers, you might try taking both Claritin and Zyrtec at the same time. They work on different parts of the allergen response and don’t interact with each other (so says my allergenist). I don’t take Zyrtec myself—I react badly to it—but my family swears by the one-two punch on especially potent days.
@johnpowell Peeing in a bottle also saves energy. A typical good sized pee contains about 35 BTUs that can be extracted into the air to heat your home if you let it stand on the counter until it cools down. That is worth roughly ½0 of a cent. Do that every day and at the end of the year you will have saved $0.18!
(Minus about $10,000 for the inevitable divorce attorney fees.)
@LuckyGuy Why don’t you just pee outside and save yourself $.18 a year? If I had a dick that’s what I’d do! Think of how much you’d save on toilet cleaners, not to mention labor.
One of the ladies in a craft group I was part of had the most charming burping habit., @Pied_Pfeffer . We roared with laughter every time. She was hilarious, and a tiny little thing, lucky if she was 5 foot tall, which made it funnier.
How do we know if some habit annoys other people or not?
I bet you would not say that if her favourite food was Surströmming.
@cazzie Thanks for sharing that. Should I make it to the age of 80, I’m going to let those burps rip, wear elastic-waisted pants and dye my hair some ludicrous colour.
@Dutchess_III I do pee outside when I need to go and am far enough away from the house.
In reality that wastes the 35 BTUs per pee.
We can save $0.18 per year by extracting the heat from the pee thus saving a small amount of heating oil or natural gas.
On the other hand if you live in a warm climate you should pee outdoors as much as possible.
@Soubresaut I am dog sitting for 7 dogs right now. All of them licked my face numerous times and I was glad for it. I also heat my tea water in the microwave if it’s just for one cup. It’s quicker.
@Kardamom—Aw! Seven dogs sounds like hectic fun! Haha. Glad to know I’m not alone in dog kisses or microwave usage :)
@Soubresaut, this morning I have 4 of them on my lap in the rocking easy chair. 3 are on the couch, and 1 is asleep on the big dog pillow.
Oh let me see. One is a beagle, one is a poodle, one is a Boston terrier, one is clearly a chihuahua, but the other 3 are mixes of chihuahua and something else. They’re all very sweet. 2 of them are senior dogs. 3 of them slept in the bed with me last night. They’re all napping right now : )
@Kardamom Cute, I figured they were small dogs when you mentioned you had 4 of them on your lap. That probably wouldn’t work if they were 80 lb. Labs. lol
Aww! (But I was thinking shepherds and hound dogs, @Kardamom)!
How do you know if you have a habit that annoys others?
@Dutchess_III I guess if the habit is bad enough, people will say something.
Oh. Well. Then. I guess I don’t.
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