What sort of things do you wish you would have done in your 20's?
Is there anything you wish you would have done in your 20’s? If you could go back and do it again, is there anything you would change? If not, what was your favorite part?
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23 Answers
When I got a deep hug from a friend I would have rocked her world instead of pushing her away. I would have not sold my textbooks for pizza money. I would have transferred to a big city university after my first year in a Lutheran college.
I am still in my twenties, but I believe that if you ask me this question 10 years from now, my answer will be “I wish I had not spent so much time sitting in front of my computer.”
I think I did pretty much everything I wanted to do. When I was twenty, I lost my two closest brothers within a month of each other and that set the tone—no holds barred, balls to the walls living. I realized that this one and only chance at life could be stolen away at any moment. I began living like it was my last ten minutes. There are a few things that I wish I hadn’t done, and others I wish I had done better or more thoroughly, but none of it keeps me awake at night.
I wish I had done a lot of traveling.
I just came to say what @2davidc8 said. Travel. I wish I had travelled so much more than I did. I wish I’d taken more chances and had more confidence in myself. I don’t regret anything in particular, but I do wonder what I could have achieved had I had more self-belief and confidence.
I wish I would have found a way to not lose my house.
Lesbian affairs. So not kidding.
I’m still there, but I did just find my first grey hair – so I guess I’m pretty much an old lady now. Maybe I should plan those trips to Oregon and Northern Sweden.
I wish I had traveled with my husband more while he was traveling for work. We missed the opportunity when his flight was free and the girl was paid for for the days he was working.
I wish I had asked my mom to help me more when I planned my wedding.
I wish I had been able to navigate the medical system better when I was sick. I’m not sure how I could have done it better though. Spend more money and more perseverance I guess.
Not waste time dating or staying with men who have obvious red flags. I didn’t date around a lot. One I was still with from high school into my 20’s, and one guy had obvious insecurity and violent tendencies. Another guy was screwing every girl he could.
I worked too hard. I came in on days off, and worked long hours, and was physically exhausted a lot.
Wished I kept playing music professionally.
Save money.
Of course for half of my 20s I barely had any money. For the other half, I bought and remodeled a house. So, maybe not.
Somehow hotel turned into girl in my post.
Man, I can’t even go there! Too much would change the way things are today, and there are somethings I’d rather die than give up today.
I wish I had looked in the mirror and appreciated that that was the best I was ever going to look and not be so damned insecure. I wish I had been more fierce.
I just love all the answers that have been provided. I’m still in my 20’s, and I just want to make the most of it. So far, I’m pretty happy with things, and I’m glad that I can see all of your perspectives. I want to travel a lot more as well. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do for a career, since I am undergoing a career change, but I know what I want in life and I’m not afraid to go for it!
I would have been tougher. I was a tough chick, hot, spoke my mind, but I didn’t really put myself out there hard for the things which could really have made my life great. I settled too often for what I thought was the best I could do, or get.
Also, I felt having more than the basics meant greed. I wish I had reached for more.
Also, wish I had known just how awesome I really was. If I had, I might still be today.
I wish I would have learned how to really cook instead of waiting until my thirties to get into it more seriously.
Not gotten emotionally involved with a couple of specific guys.
Ice skated a lot more.
Travel would have been fun, but I didn’t have the money, so it’s not like I specifically chose not to do that, it just wasn’t possible.
Been more serious about playing the guitar and taken private lessons instead of giving it up.
Met a few of the women that I consider my close friends today earlier, but then again, I guess I met them all at the right time. Maybe it would have been a very different relationship if we had met then.
I want to add I wish I had tried out more subjects in college. By the time your 20 your already in your major, but there is still time to explore interests. I didn’t like to read or study, and was a bit lazy, and just wanted to get through school, but I regret that a little. I had fun and had great friends, at school, and should have been willing to work a little more.
I’m in the middle of my 20s and I feel as if I’ve done a lot so far. At the same time, I’m very aware of how fleeting this time of my life is and how many look back on their 20s as the best part of their life. So in that regard I’m constantly concerned that I’m not doing enough and not taking advantage of youth while I have it. I think it’ll be impossible to avoid regret but I can at least try and minimize it. So sorry I can’t really answer your question, but reading these responses has been helpful to me too :)
@Dominic and @theoverthinker just enjoy life. Don’t become so caught up in the idea that you have to work hard and set yourself up for the future that you forget to have fun, take some chances and chase some dreams. And yes, you are the most beautiful you will be. Love that person in the mirror! Just eat healthy and don’t do any of the bad things to great excess.
Do bad things a little, though,
wink wink.
Learned Korean and Japanese
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