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SQUEEKY2's avatar

How often do you replace your shower curtain with a clean or new one?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) April 16th, 2017

Mrs Squeeky does it regularly, she has some better grade curtains that can be washed.
You wouldn’t believe the mold that can build on them if you don’t.

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19 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, of course I can believe the mold that grows on them! That’s why I wash them periodically. Even the cheap plastic ones can be washed. You use soap, baking soda, Lysol and throw a couple of towels in to scrub it. Viola. Clean.
I only replace them if I find a shower curtain I like better, so….three times in the last 15 years.

I have seen the COOLEST shower curtians that people make by putting in a cheap, plastic curtain on the inside, and a really nice actual drape, like a window drape, on the side facing out. My daughter has that.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I only change them when I move. I wash them periodically, obviously. Throwing them out would be incredibly wasteful. They don’t just vanish when you throw them out.

ragingloli's avatar

Once the mould grows past the ¾ mark.

Seek's avatar

I have two fabric ones I trade out as the spirit takes me. I change the plastic liners based on how quickly the cat shreds it into ribbons.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They have a lot of uses after their shower curtain days are done.

JLeslie's avatar

I have shower curtains that are over ten years old, but the bathrooms are only used by guests. The plastic liners I change when they start to get hard to clean. The plastic liners last years also. I used plastic liners when we lived in an apartment, I don’t remember if I threw them out, or if one of them is in my guest bathroom right now. My husband and I are good about drawing the curtain closed after we use the shower.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course, now everyone has to take a picture of their shower curtains!. This is one I picked up at a garage sale for $2.50 maybe 3 years ago. That one is a bonifide shower curtain, but it’s not plastic. It’s some sort of water proof vinyl. The plastic one, on the other side, which is tucked into the tub, is that same liner I’ve always used for decades. They don’t get as dirty as they did when the kids were little and not completely happy unless they were dirty and sweaty.
Ew. I need a new rod, a different one, beige or something.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Uhhhh…every few years.

cazzie's avatar

I don’t have one. I haven’t had one for years.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

I don’t use shower curtain. The typical bathrooms in my house are meant to have their floor wet after being used so shower curtain will serve no purpose.

jca's avatar

The plastic (vinyl, which is plastic @Dutchess_III) liner I will change about every two to three years. The curtain itself, I change when I am bored with the one that’s up. I have two going now, a winter one and a rest of the year one, and they’re been in circulation about two years total.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When I was living at home we changed the shower curtain every six months. Now I need a good reason to do so.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The decorative outer curtain gets washed a couple times a year. The plastic one gets replaced annually.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I use a fabric liner and that is all. I wash it about every two weeks, however, I have a hand shower so it gets rinsed off every time I shower. No soap scum.

Coloma's avatar

I have a fabric curtain too and a hand held shower massage shower head, so I can easily rinse off the curtain after showering. I also spray it with Lysol about once a week.
I wash it every few months and replace it when I get bored with the design and want a change not because it is moldy.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yeah, that’s why I change mine. I’ve never had a moldy one. I saw one once. I can’t imagine how they allowed it to be coated like that.
I just need a change of color or design.

ucme's avatar

We (unsurprisingly) have staff for that

Dutchess_III's avatar

Correction. My shower curtain that I use for show is nylon.

cazzie's avatar

My last house had a shower cabinet. My current house has those glass bricks shielding the splash. The place before, I lived there for 4 years and had two shower curtains. They were from IKEA and washable.

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