Have you ever seen something that you couldn't explain? (Details)
Like a UFO, yeti, ghost, or something potentially supernatural.
I am a very sceptical person. I believe that there is a scientific explanation for everything. Once, I saw something that I couldn’t explain. I’ll share later if anyone cares.
No judgement. Please share your experiences, or a second hand account.
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25 Answers
I just watched a film noir.
I couldn’t be able to explain what I just saw to save my life.
I have had precognitive dreams. Sometimes I get “drift” from other people’s dreams, so far as I know, only close family members. By that I mean that portions of their dream will drift into mine.
The precognition is sometimes vague, but sometimes quite specific. I can’t control it.
Sometimes I can feel when I am in a room where someone has died.
Twice, wide awake and sober I had visions. One was finally interpreted for me a couple of years later. The other nobody has been able to interpret for me yet.
I’ve had some other unusual experiences.
Maybe I will add more later.
Naysayers can kiss my ass.
I have felt many times that I have experienced current situation before / may have seen it in a dream or something. Not able to explain how or why I feel so.
@imrainmaker Deja vu. I figure it’s caused by a brief disturbance in the portion of your brain which tells if something is live or a memory.
That mass of nerve cells, soaked in fluid and wrapped in a case needs to understand what its sensors are telling it. It also can recall many images, videos. To function correctly it needs to know if if the images we see are taking place now or are they in the past. If that bit gets garbled for a second you will think something in the present is a memory. It will feel just as real as something that actually did happen in the past. Fortunately our brains recover quickly – within one second.
I can pretty much explain everything to myself. I love science and engineering. :-)
^ I have similar experiences too.
Most of my dreams are unexplainable. They are always beyond logic. What’s even harder to explain is that I never question anything I see when dreaming. I just accept everything as it is like it’s the rule of the Earth. I only start to see the absurdity when I wake up.
Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I see some circles of light in the darkness. It’s like seeing light with closed eyes. So far, I found only one person with the same experience. I’ve no idea why does that happen, but I figure it’s when you sit in a bright light and then end up in dark, so your eyes keep a bit of light.
I dream a lot too like @Mimishu1995 it’s like complete story unfolding of which I’m playing a part. I see places which I have never visited before but can remember glimpses of them later for some time.
@Sneki95 I think that the aura of light that seems to continue when the lights are turned off is the product of the rods, which are responsible for low light/black and white vision, adjusting to darkness.
Thanks @LuckyGuy for explanation. Yes I have heard about the concept but wasn’t remembering the name. How do you explain unknown places in the dream?
I remember the first time I had Deja vu. I was little, living in Florida. I was going down a neighbor’s slide and that hit. It was so strange! It’s really kind of cool when it happens.
I was playing competitive co-ed volley ball once, as an adult, when it hit. It wasn’t just for a few seconds. It went on for several minutes, and during that time, from the moment the ball was served I knew where it was going to come back, even if it was going to be 5 hits frm then, and was at that spot long before it got there. It was wild and wonderful. I think that may be what being in a “zone” is.
I haven’t. I’m open to it, but I haven’t. I’ve had dreams so bizarre and surreal they defy all explanation, but in my waking hours I haven’t yet come across anything truly unexplained or supernatural that I know of. If I have, I wasn’t aware of it.
We lived on a dirt cul de sac, sort of out in the country. One dark evening I was walking home, barefooted, and came around a particularly dark and kind of scary curve (at one point you can’t see any houses, only woods) at the top of the cul de sac. I saw our porch light on at the end of the cul de sac, facing me, and it felt welcoming. I was glad they had changed it because it had been out for several days.
I went in and thanked my folks for changing it. They looked at each other and neither of them had changed it.
I swore that it was on, and went to prove it. It was not. It was still burned out. I know that it was on. But it couldn’t have been.
I won’t forget that!
I believe a mod once gave me a GA here…I know, I had to have a lie down ;-}
Yeah once it was late at night in a mountain pass, and this thing the size of a bear standing beside the road turned and ran down the bank and into the bush( no big deal, must have been a bear,right?) except this thing ran down the bank on two legs!
To this day I have no idea what it was, and if it hadn’t turned to run down the bank I would have never seen it.
@imrainmaker PM’d me about my experience. I tried to answer several times, but I lost connection like 3 times typing it,and it was erased each time. So, I’ll try here.
I originally typed a long story, but I’m sick of retyping it, so here’s the short of it.
I saw what appeared to be a shinny, silver, cylindrical object, flying on a clear day. Bright blue sky, 1PM. No wings, no sound, and no smoke,or jet trail…
I researched every drone,and aircraft design I could find online, and only found similar pictures on u-tube. Of cigar/cylinder shaped UFOs. Some are exactly what I saw. I have since tried to convinced myself, that it was just a plane with maybe some tricks of the eye, or light. But I was sober, it was daytime, and there were no clouds…
So. I don’t know… But it stuck with me since I saw it about 2 years ago. I don’t think I saw aliens, but I saw something that I couldn’t explain…
These days all sorts of things could explain it.
Homemade drones, experimental aircraft, it could even be some lightweight debris which caught a significant updraft.
I’m not saying it wasn’t aliens, just offering what other possibilities there might be.
Do you live near a university? There are constant experiments with propulsion, weather, alternate energy transportation, varied physical dynamics and how they can be affected by air currents, etc.
@MrGrimm888 There is “Googles Tethered Loon Project for wireless communication in remote areas.
FirstNet – a nationwide public safety wirelss system.
There are all kinds of experiments going all the time. Public corporations, private individuals, government entities, military need to experiment to advance technology.
The FAA would likely have records of it.
Thanks yall. I looked up weather balloon designs too. Thought it might have been some weird zeppelin caught in the wind,way up.
No luck…
It was literally like a plane fuselage or, a shiny, or reflective (no lights) jet, but with no windows,wings,tail flaps, or discernable features. The Sun’s reflection on it is what caught my eye. It was like a long cylinder, or cigar shape. It wasn’t going super fast. It went from East to West ,covering the observable skyline in about 5–7 seconds. The closest airport was North. The “object” was much lower than the cruising or typical landing altitude of a large passenger jet.I feel like I should have heard such a large object’s propulsion.
I stare at the sky a lot. When fishing, or roofing/painting (third job.) I couldn’t name every aircraft I see,but I know what’s kind if normal. We have a lot of the big fat C-17s coming through. Lots of traffic in general up there really. That’s another reason it seemed odd.
I don’t know…. It frustrates me, that I can’t really find a realistic idea of what it was…
Ack, the link doesn’t work, and I ran out of time trying to fix it.
Too many lIIl that I can’t tell if they are lower case L or capital I.
There is a youtube listing which shows a cool solar powered aircraft. If light absorbtion made the wings difficult to see, all that would be left to see would be a silver cigar shape. Also, there would be no trail.
^I’m pretty convinced that it was just an odd set of different circumstances. But it’s been over 2 years,and nothing matches but the u-tube UFOs, which are ,obviously, from questionable sources…
@Dutchess_III . Maybe. But it seemed to be more solid than a blimp, and it was moving faster than I think a blimp could go.
Part of the reason I can’t accept it as a UFO is how inconspicuous the thing was. It was like a flying silver bar… Not the best way to camouflage yourself. Not a good camouflage for a military craft either. I’m stumped.
My girlfriend and I witnessed something odd in the sky as we were sitting in a line of cars waiting on a train. It was in Wichita. It was round and had lights, different color lights running around the edge. It was just sitting there. Suddenly it took off SO fast. It kind of turned sideways and just booked. My girlfriend jumped out and ran up to the guy in the car in front of us, asked if he had seen it. She said he seemed really uncomfortable and kind of angrily said “Yeah I saw it. Maybe it was the government testing something,” and rolled his window up. McConnel AFB is based just outside of Wichita.
This was after Close Encounters BTW. So maybe it was just a mass hallucination.
Well. There’s a lot a strange stuff the military is probably working on. Most of the R and D projects that do see active duty are classified for decades.
Who knows what they’re up to…
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