General Question

How to prevent estranged parents/family from constantly stalking and knocking on my door?
I have written about my situation on here in the past. To make a long story short, I went NC with my parents as they were highly abusive and I have remained estranged from them for almost an entire year. I’ve ignored e-mails they’ve sent and stayed strong when they tried sending my sister as a mediator.
However, at the time I originally had moved out, my husband had provided our current address as at the time, we tried to do the “right thing”. After a year of trying to get them to understand the damage they’ve done to me and ‘fixing’ the relationship, I realized that there was no point because they could never admit their wrongs and just blamed me so I decided to move forward with complete NC.
My situation now is that they’ve all of a sudden, out of nowhere, decided to show up pounding on my door. Mind you, they REFUSED to visit me when I was on speaking terms with them. They also never attempted any visits when they first received my NC letter. The first time they showed was this past Friday. I wasn’t even home and happened to see them standing in front of my door and even watched my mom trying to wiggle at our door knob… Now, last night they showed up yet again; this time I was home. My husband and I immediately muted our TV (It wasn’t that loud to begin with but windows were open) and we ignored every pound and knock.
They literally camped in my complex’s parking lot for over an hour, moving their car into different spots, i’m guessing, to remain un-suspicious. My husband watched them looking into people’s cars because we assumed they were looking for our old car my husband used to have as they don’t know we have since purchased a new car and they don’t know that our assigned parking slots don’t match our actual apartment number.
My mom came up by herself a second time knocking, again, at least 8 times on our door. We ignored every knock and remained quiet as mice. Our security complex has varying hours and while I wish they could also camp and keep a look out for them; no one can predict when they’re going to show up.
This means that now I’m at a point while I know a restraining order is an option…It takes time to get one. Does anyone here have any advice on what I can do in the mean time to keep them from harassing/stalking me like this?! I can’t continue to live in paranoia like this.

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