General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

If you pet dies in an operation are you still billed for the effort?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25062points) April 17th, 2017

I’m just wondering. I don’t have a pet. Would you pay? Can you buy pet health insurance? What are the typical costs for vet care?

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12 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

The vet has costs, win or lose. Yeah, you pay.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, and it part of the permission / risks cotract you sign before the operation. Same with a human by the way.

chyna's avatar

Yes, but mine gave me a discount.

kritiper's avatar

You betcha! Unfortunately…

snowberry's avatar

It’s just like an operation with a human. They’ll still bill ya, or who ever they can get to pay.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

There is such a thing as pet health insurance. The company I worked for offered it. I can’t tell you what it covered because I didn’t use it.

I suspect that being charged for the operation on a pet is much like a human; someone is ultimately going to pick up the tab. Any vet’s office will spell out the potential hazards of the operation and have the owner sign some sort of agreement on the front end.

gondwanalon's avatar

There are no freebies.

I spent well over $1000 at the vet hospital over a couple months trying to keep my elderly cat alive. On top of that I paid another $80 to have the cat euthanized.

NerdyKeith's avatar

Yes I’m afraid so. You should speak to a vet about health insurance though.

syz's avatar

Of course. The receptionist still answered your call, scheduled your visit, created a medical record and checked you in. The technician still drew blood and ran preanesthetic bloodwork, placed a catheter, induced anesthesia, clipped and cleaned the surgical area, monitored the pet during anesthesia, cleaned the surgery suite and surgical instruments, ran the autoclave to sterilize the instruments. The doctor still did a physical exam, documented findings, placed orders for medications, performed the surgery, communicated with the owner, and probably documented the case for morbidity/mortality rounds – oh, and paid college loans. The rent and electrical and equipment leases and supply providers all still got paid. The staff got paid. And at no point did anyone ever promise you that there are guarantees in medicine and that variations and unexpected events do not happen.

MrGrimm888's avatar

My best friend’s uncle lost his wife to cancer. They accumulated a $150,000 bill fighting it. Now, his wife is dead, and he is in debt over his head. Life sucks….

cazzie's avatar

I’d love a pet but I can’t afford one here. Vet bills are astronomical. No pet. No car.

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