Social Question

Have you experienced "chemistry" with another?
Chemistry: “the complex emotional or psychological interaction between two people”.
Have you experienced chemistry before? Tell me about it. Was it an instant connection with a stranger, or a connection that grew through time over a friendship?
For me, I think I experienced this with a friend of mine, who I had known for 8 years. We were merely platonic friends for 8 years, and as far as I know, we didn’t have any chemistry… but at one of our latest get-together’s, something changed.
We shared more than we ever shared before, and we connected on a level that I never knew we could. It was a strange feeling… I felt like we were in our own little bubble, and time stood still, as we really got to know each other. I saw a side of him that I never saw before. After that, our friendship changed. It was an interesting feeling.. I’d say that it was even pleasant, and one that I rarely experience.
I just wanted to hear about yours. Have you experienced chemistry with another before? What was it like? Was it with a friend? Was it with a romantic partner? How often do you experience this “chemistry” or connection with someone?